Zodiac Signs

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 12 October, 2021 at

Changing the bodies of animals that are born and die, having lived his life, the soul is finally embodied in the human body. Born people. In the human body to soul, changing born and die a physical body, to pass a series of lessons. The main lessons of karmic problems (ideas) – twelve. This idea of Aries Tedtsa, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. It’s 12 lessons of karma, karma 12 major tasks for training Soul. Official site: Covid Vaccine San Francisco. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac – the 12 major karmic tasks for training of the human soul on earth.

As we know from the hypothesis of karmic rebirth, the soul changes the millions of bodies during his life on earth. The physical body is constantly born, live and die. The soul at this time constantly learning to withdraw from the physical body (our familiar physical world) and stop the almost endless chain of births and deaths of bodies, in which she lives. Born in human body ‘under the sign of the zodiac’ (with the sun in a particular zodiac), the soul must learn all the positive ideas of this sign (negative ideas Mark will be in the soul, your own). That is, the soul must take in your experience infinite life and the idea of karmic task of zodiac signs, his positive attributes and qualities.

The soul of man, born under the predominant influence of a sign, is born under his influence, many times. During one human life is impossible to learn the properties and qualities of even one sign of Zodiac. If during the life of the physical body The soul of man does not assimilate the idea of karmic zodiac signs, which affects the physical body (House of Soul), it is embodied in a physical body under the influence of the zodiac signs again and again. Incarnation will continue for as long as all the positive properties, and the idea of karmic zodiac sign will not be assimilated Soul and will not enter into its properties and karmic experience. Being born under the same sign of the zodiac, the soul can live hundreds of times, changing the physical body. Man can return to the top of Zodiac Signs (by date of birth, the Sun at the beginning of the sign) from the middle or end of the mark if the soul is not fulfilled the karmic idea of this zodiac sign and not learned its truth. If the soul is, by changing the body, born under the same characters (with the Sun in the same zodiac) learn all properties of this mark and will fulfill his karmic mission, the soul is transferred to the next Zodiac sign. Ie it is born in a physical body under the next sign of the Zodiac.

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