Posts Tagged Politics


Posted by on Saturday, 29 June, 2024

The spiritual party “The purple” establishes a new District Association Upper Bavaria Freising, the 06th of April 2010 the Bavarian members of the party “the purple – for spiritual politics” have founded on March 27, 2010 in connection with its National Assembly in Freising Bavaria the District Association. “The purple one”, as the newly elected District Chairman of Mathes Oakes, “are on the way, increasingly to root itself in the population.” In addition to members in further networking is especially important to take up increased interest of people on a spiritual politics the new District Association. Our ideas for this world are limited not just to the physical, but involve the spiritual life; This a new quality in the political parties Germany results”, said the District Chairman Claudia Klepper. In addition to the two co-chairs, provided at the party “The purple” by a woman and a man, were further Bernhard Niermann as Treasurer and Markus Hornik as Secretary elected to the Board of the District Association Upper Bavaria. “” About the party the violet for spiritual politics “the party the purple – for spiritual politics” was founded in the year 2001 in Dortmund and is represented throughout Germany. There are currently thirteen national associations, more are under construction. Joined the party m in 2002 in the Bundestag election in 2008 in state elections in Hesse and Bavaria and in 2009 at the European Parliament election and election is. You committed actively for the inclusion of spirituality in our political work, make holistic solutions for the basic needs of all citizens, for example by direct democracy and a basic income..

The History Of The 00s-year

Posted by on Thursday, 13 June, 2024

Or: Why anyone something distinctive to this decade wants to invade, although the answer is so simple. And anyway: why must the answer give you a yuppie bride? We see, hear and read so often. Each decade had its own flair, some private, that was a decade just for this. With the accompanying music and appropriate fashion. Elvis and the mini skirt in the 60s, the moon landing in the 1970’s, Michael Jackson and Madonna in the ‘ 80s, neon skirts in the 90s. It is not only that. Every decade was marked by a certain attitude.

As well as by a fear, which resulted in the rebellion of youth. Every decade was marked by the rebellion of youth against the old and stuffy. The youth showed very clearly the old what displeased them. Viet Nam war, nuclear threat, dying forests, AIDS. Every decade their own fear. But what probably describes the 00s-years? Many lined up this question already.

And the answer turned out to be far more more than sobering. On the input of the one appears as a first contribution from Wikipedia 00s years”in Google. Then? Long silence. Many question marks. No concrete answer. Makes you wonder yet: why? It can be not so hard what characterizes this decade, to calling! At wonders Bjorn Grau was what? So in the sense of an uplifting cultural myth?” (Link) The attentive reader will here ask what was now really, at this point. As soon think of anything one. No genre. No fashion style. No characteristic demo. Gianoni spoke with conviction. Nothing. Why do? Has there been nothing groundbreaking really? Nobody wants to see it? And why just not already sign up the teens of the 00s years Word? Are they lost, considerate or not interested? I tell you the answer: you are on Facebook. You see in the Wikipedia the term Internet”after, so among other things, you can read, that the Internet is one of the biggest changes of the information system according to many experts since the invention of the printing press.