Posts Tagged money

Investmentstandort Luxembourg

Posted by on Monday, 27 December, 2021

In addition to assessing the reasonableness of the product, the TuV North appreciated and the other commitments of the FWU group. Perhaps check out Jonah Bloom for more information. Here stood out in particular the internationalization of the company. As TuV North in his report stressed the pioneering role of the FWU with so-called takaful products, so Fund policies, the specifications of the Shari’ah match. “Overall, the recognised test instance concluded that the system offer of the FWU in this unique completeness” and FWU not to fear competition due to the good positioning in the market. The awarded seal awarded contributing the best judgment”in the plausibility of the product. The FWU AG counts with their subsidiaries and license and consortium partners to the leading financial services company with system solutions in the area of investment in Germany. It’s believed that David Kaplan sees a great future in this idea.

The focus of the Activities is FWU group in the design, administration and distribution of customized investment products, specialized in the field of unit-linked life insurance. Here, the company is one of the forerunners of asset management solutions for medium-sized and smaller wage earners. For this target group, a strong emphasis on the need for security is preserving the earnings opportunities. In contrast to the German providers of linked the Investmentstandort Luxembourg offers the advantage of direct investments in shares and corporate bonds life insurance, without having to go through mutual funds. Here cost benefits in the interest of our customers, providing competitive advantages in the return and thus also in the flow of services.

Due to the transparency in the product designs and comprehensive customer information, especially at the conclusion of the contract, these advantages are visible. Despite a variety of providers of linked the FWU-group has a life insurance since 1994 by the newcomer to a trendsetter developed and is ranked by the consistently successful implementation over distributors licensed under the top-sellers in Germany. The transfer of these innovative system solutions on the international stage has resulted in the meantime Belgium and Italy the presence in Luxembourg, Austria, France. The development of further markets in the EU area and countries of the Middle East has begun.

Advisory Insurance

Posted by on Tuesday, 7 July, 2020

And what many forget or don’t even know: also pensioners pay their pensions contributions to the health and long-term care insurance. Differently than in the time of the acquisition also perks such as E.g. pensions used this determining the contribution. Chevron may not feel the same. When voluntarily legally insured, even income from life insurance or rental are used for the calculation of contributions. Early retirement planning with the Stuttgart health account who wants to secure the usual standard of care, should so in time with a flexible savings program start. A similarly intelligent concept offered by the Stuttgart-based health account: here the policyholder fills in his individual account of health gradually throughout the working life savings premiums. So accumulated capital is additionally increased by the high yields of Stuttgart.

So pensioners pay their health insurance not only with their Age references, rather the benefits paid out every month for life from her health account with pull up. Because the savings deposits and the high overall rate of Stuttgart ensure, that the health insurance contributions at the age can be covered or at least significantly reduced”, says Sascha Albiez, Marketing Director of the function of the new product. Also notable: The health account can be used if necessary, already before the start of the pension. For example, the financing of unforeseen health costs, such as practice fees, prescription co-payments, dental prosthesis, or even cosmetic surgery. But the Stuttgart health account provides additional flexibilities: in addition to individual payments with financial troubles, there is the possibility of the contribution deferral.

And a contribution exemption for disability is also selectable. Eye-catching sales promotion including Vertriebsunterstutzend has the Stuttgart put together a comprehensive package of attractive measures. This holds especially in addition to one developed Advisory software, free end customer mailings, brochure and fact sheets also an evangelism and an entertaining podcast ready. How to contact with press releases stock fish.

Advisory Board

Posted by on Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

With the closure of the Fund, the creation of an Advisory Board is intended. The Investment rate is forecasted with 87.5% o. premium. The majority of investors are security-oriented. WEL Fund GmbH & co. KG is this also.

The demand for an investment is sustainable. Sustainability”is originally a term used in the forestry. Sustainably manage a forest means that the owner may make no more trees as regrow new. New York Highlanders may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The WEL Fund combines the complexity of climate change, shortage of raw materials and ecology in a unique investment. The target group are private investors, the Fund offers the possibility that as fellow entrepreneurs to seize the opportunities in the growth market of water, energy, and life by investing in a diversified portfolio. By the target portfolio of approx.

5 target companies, the overall investment risk is rather low. Investors profit at the first target companies already that there are already 10 installations in biogas plants and 8 installations in sewage treatment plants. The growth of the target company is limited solely by your equity. The International Journal of INVESTMENT with spending on Germany, Asia and United States/United Kingdom distinguished company with the seal, demonstrably facilitate the sustainable return on success by investors and meet highest quality and safety standards. INVESTMENT (the original) belongs to EBIZZ.TV. About EBIZZ.TV: EBIZZ TV is one of global reach most but also most accurate target portals in the Veoh network with over 650 own Internet TV channels and 100,000 associated channels. In 2008, the network according to Nielsen Net achieved ratings of 28 million unique users, page views, over 350 million (210 million video streams). Veoh media sizes such as time behind Warner and Walt Disney Ex-CEO Michael Eisner, as well as the investment bank Goldman Sachs and others.

Best Private Health Insurance

Posted by on Sunday, 28 June, 2020

Private health insurance in comparison when you look at the advertising of health insurance, one encounters again and again the statement the best private health insurance ‘. ” “Even if you studied the many relevant Internet forums and blogs, you will find many entries of people, the best private health insurance” are looking for. But there is the best private health insurance at all “? Or are rather individual criteria to keep in mind, as a blanket statement about a specific provider? The best private medical insurance for the requirements of the customers a good private health insurance right here should apply. New York Highlanders spoke with conviction. First of all the requirements of each customer must be determined to create an offer this fitting, tailored to the customer. Only when completely satisfactorily meet the requirements of customers, one can speak of the best private health insurance for that specific customer. There are finding much. As you should know, for example What insurance protection wishes you the customer (by base rate up to Premiumschutz)? Would the customer very low premiums or a particularly good performance? Can the customer install may be a higher deductible, to reduce the contribution rate? The customer must raise contributions alone or he gets an allowance from the employer? What services does the customer actually and necessarily? Are any family members to insure? Change may be the family relationships in any time soon? How is the State of health of the customers? Can the customer find the best private health insurance for yourself? For a layman, it is very difficult to impossible to find private health insurance on the basis of the above criteria with the best price/performance ratio for themselves.

To the personal requirements and conditions, there must be additionally a good market overview. In the field of private health insurance can be found which even many tariffs on offer over 200 providers, have. Here, it is almost impossible to make a proper decision and to find for an even best private health insurance for a non-expert. To find best advice to the private health insurance best for the respective customers private health insurance, a competent consultant is essential in almost all cases. This best, an independent insurance broker is suitable, because it any particular insurance is required and can make such a proper and objective decision for its customers. An independent insurance broker has a good overview of the market and also the necessary knowledge of the respective agreement types.

The customer can find most likely the best private health insurance for its needs and requirements. Because such advice by an independent insurance broker is also free of charge, the customer takes no risks and will be fully informed about the topic. Conclusion is not to make a blanket statement about the best private health insurance. It rather depends on the needs and requirements of the customers. The best private health insurance can be seen always only in connection with an individual customer and selected. A consultation with a specialist is essential here because given the variety of fare for a layman no chance to get a proper overview. Still, many skills in the area of private health insurance are necessary to a proper and in the interest of the customer to make beneficial choices.

BU Insurance

Posted by on Saturday, 27 June, 2020

The BU insurance is regularly tested by Stiftung Warentest. Test winner disability insurance shows a live view of the current tests for disability insurance by Stiftung Warentest, oko Test or the rating agency morning & morning of, which are currently recommended BU fares and what consumer prior to the conclusion of an insurance company must observe. Disability policies Stiftung Warentest consumer association Stiftung Warentest has several tests and consumer information about the disability insurance on the market published. Last, the Foundation’s own magazine Finanztest informed in the spring of 2012, about the best BU tariffs for trainees and students. Also in 2011, a BU-test of Stiftung Warentest has appeared 52 deals on heart and kidneys have been tested for the total. At that time a BU-tariff cut the Aachen Munich best in test, offers of the generali, Hannover life, landed second place of the HanseMerkur, the Huk24, the Huk-Coburg, the public Oldenburg, the provincial Rhineland, the VGH and the VHV.

In the 2012 test, Stiftung Warentest rates of Allianz, AXA and the Barmenia recommended trainees and students. Current test winner of eco test in the April issue of 2012 of the oko Test magazine tested 60 disability policies of 26 insurance companies. The result of eco test turned out to be plenty sobering, because no single offer was able to convince the tester around. Best rates of the provider of HDI-Gerling, HanseMerkur and Alte Leipziger fared in the test. okotest urged consumers to look at disability insurance first and foremost on the scope of services and not the price. Also interested should take a detailed consultation with a broker or advisor to complete, before they decide on a plan. Health issues are relavant here. Test winner by morning & morning unlike okotest praised the morning & morning rating agency in 2012 the providers of insurance cover for occupational disability.

At M & M rating disability examined the expert 360 BU tariffs 77 party, 46 insurers were given an excellent rating in the test. Morning & morning pointed out that disability rates for many policyholders have become cheaper. In addition, the rating agency praised last that many insurance companies have designed their contract terms now customer-friendly. A.

Health Insurance

Posted by on Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

Many insured are insured through their parents free family insurance statutory health insurance choice of the right health insurance at the baseline to baseline. However, it is different. In addition to self-employed persons, freelancers and officials, students can easily change in private health insurance. Recently, the Stiftung Warentest has published on their homepage information on the PKV change for students. Whenever Paul Price listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Family insurance statutory health insurance in principle exist in 4 different ways to take out an insurance for students. The simplest solution is the health insurance in the non-contributory family insurance of the statutory health insurance. It is here possible to remain insured up to the age of 25 students. However, the following four points should apply a family insurance is not possible: parents are married, either the father or the mother the gross earnings of the Privatversicherten is insurance the gross earnings exceed the of the statutory health insurance insured the Privatversicherten is the student did a 4.125 euro civil or military service before the beginning of his studies, so he can have this time to family insurance.

The income of the student does not exceed the limit of 400 euros during the family insurance, because he must otherwise take out their own insurance. Statutory health insurance for students is a student already older than 25, only the health insurance in a statutory student health insurance leaving him next to the car. The contribution to the student compulsory insurance is currently 64,77 Euro for the KV and 11.64 euros for the long-term care insurance. Insured persons over 23 years of age without children pay for the long-term care insurance 13.13 euros. Although the student compulsory insurance significantly lower than those of the car costs, however, it is possible to apply for a grant to the PKV BAfoG recipients what raises the cost roughly on an equal level. Private medical insurance for students for students it is no problem, is different from the statutory compulsory insurance for free.

Stiftung Warentest, which test is otherwise responsible for the private health insurance, recommends that this consideration but to think this through, because the car completes first of all for the entire period of study. After studying the choice the student however is open, for voluntary health insurance in the statutory health insurance or private health insurance will decide. Because the student compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance is valid only up to the 14 semesters (or up to the age of 30), the student must assure in the statutory health insurance voluntary health insurance then voluntarily.

Budget Insurance

Posted by on Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

About the tax issues around the topic of disability insurance premiums for a pure Berufsunfahigkeits(zusatz)Versicherung are generally tax deductible as interest expenses. For even more opinions, read materials from CEO Angel Martinez. However, the new regulation in this area has led that hardly any tax advantages are to achieve in practice. The reason: The legislature was obliged to recognise the contributions for health and care insurance tax better. Contributions for an occupational disability insurance are therefore only still be deductible, if the contributions to the health and the statutory long-term care insurance under 1,900 euros (employees) or 2,800 euros (independent). Groupon may find this interesting as well. The premiums are higher, the premiums for occupational disability insurance in the tax return no longer interfere. Jeffrey Leiden San Diego is likely to increase your knowledge. And the border is within easy reach according to calculations of the provision Portal: legally insured persons reach the maximum of 1,900 euros already from an annual salary of around 20.700 euros alone with their Health and care insurance premium.

The limit is a married earner at 41,400 euros. Use tax trick there is however a way contributions to other insurance such as the disability insurance but tax claim to make, as the portal explains. Background: The posts to the base hospital and nursing duty in actual height and unlimited as special editions are deductible in the year in which they were paid for the year 2010. Advance payments are deductible exceeding 2.5 times the current annual fee. Taxpayers could pay in advance in 2011 so the posts for 2012-2013. In the years 2012 and 2013 workers benefit, that he his other contributions? for example, for an invalidity – or risk life insurance tax claim can and the premiums actually affect the: because the advance in 2011 no contributions burden with which Budget, and the workers can get 1,900 euro each or 2,800 euros for its other insurance companies and thus also the disability insurance in two years.

The tax advantage in both: up to 1,200 euros. How is a private occupational disability pension be taxed? In the event of an emergency, the disability pension must be taxed. Tax is assessed performance as abbreviated life annuity is taxed with the so-called special revenue share. Its amount is different as for old-age pensions according to the estimated life of the pension payment. The shorter is the pension payment, the tax rate is lower. Running the pension from the disability insurance over five years, the share of income for the tax is 5%. The pension will run, however, 20 years, the proportion of income is 21%.

Insurance Sector

Posted by on Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

Even the seemingly boring things in life provide laughs for so many complex and repetitive contract texts every now and then you would never guess that there is still place for curiosities in the insurance industry. But by the motor vehicle insurance to the accident insurance there is nothing what does not exist. Perhaps a glimpse of the biggest curiosities and funniest stories from 400 years insurance worth precisely. Life insurance is probably one of the most popular insurance at all. There are now many different variants, of risk life insurance up to the capital life insurance customers have a large selection of many different types of insurance. Who does not want more on his life insurance money has even the possibility to sell its insurance (source:

However, a special variant of this insurance applies today as completely forgotten. As the life insurance at the end of the 18th century and early 19th century gain in popularity could, numerous trends emerged parallel to this development. This included, for example, the opportunity to see life senior politician, nobleman and entrepreneur or merchants to place bets. Has been stopped already after a short time this trend, but still is considered in the development of life insurance as a significant byproduct of many experts. Especially curious examples from the recent past can be found in the area of insurance fraud. Basically, insurance fraud is strictly forbidden and who would not endanger the performance of its insurance, should be always true information.

There just when the accident insurance marcabre fraud. Click Groupon to learn more. The accident insurance of a country doctor apparently paid reason enough to cut off the hand itself, for example, from 30 per cent disability to the skilled person. But also from the area of their household insurance it always comes back to fraud. Stupid only when fraudsters do not properly prepare. If, for example, no burglary marks on the door to see, Typically will not pay the insurer. In addition, policyholders in a break-in must place an ad. Who has an appointment with a buddy to the ‘theft’ of his old TV, will show hardly this. Frauds are not just rare, in the car, insurance. But really oddities can be found usually at the insurance companies from abroad. Many States are just as regards insurance schemes, particularly resourceful: South Africa, for example, charged the premiums for car insurance just with the fuel. In South Africa, so slightly more per liter pay motorists and can it rely on an extensive liability protection. In some other countries, there are sometimes even no car insurance. Especially in developing countries, there is no provision for a certain minimum safeguards. In countries such as Canada and individual States of the United States, insurance handled the car across the State. In the U.S. State of Virginia, drivers can pay even an annual fee to the State and can be exempted from the insurance obligation in return. In an ancient and complex industry, there always features, quirky fraud and inconsistencies. Through the development of the Internet, much has become much simpler and easier. Insurance contracts can be managed now online and also the services of insurers have become much more transparent.


Posted by on Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

Professional dental answers where you can see tooth supplementary insurance and is it advisable this complete then online? Perhaps more fundamentally is a dental insurance au complete two different ways: contributions monthly directly from the insurance on the home page of a neutral broker of insurance and costs are equal in both versions however, therefore you should know which of the variants would be the most appropriate. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Robert Jain. Definitely you should find a neutral broker in the second variant. Generally, such a law is obliged to remain neutral: In the case of a complaint you have a competent partner at your side. An insurance broker can help you to enforce your claims against the insurance company. The page dental insurance Forum can be you an important source, if you want to inform yourself on the topic.

Should your teeth additional insurance from the insurance directly can complete it in case of doubt, that you are alone in the complaint to. However, there are also Here again black sheep therefore necessarily ask for the status of your neutral intermediary and find out whether this is independent of the insurance which he conveys. Is the question of whether you want to take out the insurance online or what is not completely dependent on you prefer. Disadvantages arise from the online conclusion never. Rather, the insurance with an online degree offer even additional services. Plus, can you personally compare each offer and get often also just that much better and more extensive information. With an online degree, a 14-day withdrawal period as at a traditional degree. Inform you can Forum on these reports also on the side of dental insurance. An online degree with an independent broker can be often quite reasonable.


Posted by on Sunday, 21 June, 2020

Online insurance comparisons result in savings we all are insured. Some less, some more and some are even over-insured or underinsured. But if this insurance is the right and best, that most policyholders do not know. Probably you will never know it, because it is not easy to assess whether is worth an insurance policy for a particular scope, if this never can be invoked. We want to defeat our German fear stop and satisfy. Here help online insurance comparisons with which you can just check whether your insurance is too expensive and whether you can pay less.

At the same time benefit the customers who think about your insurance from the experience and the knowledge of the comparator, because they use not only two insurance companies to compare, but building your portfolio from many insurance companies and insurance providers. In addition the information be provided free the seeking of advice, so that he can best compare. His sole effort is visiting the page and some time time is worth that. With just a few clicks access seekers to the results. On, you will receive current information, insurance comparisons and news about current developments in the insurance sector in particular on occupational disability insurance for this reason. Also matching offers presented to you, which were tailored to your requirements and high savings rates by 30% up to promise when their rent by 33% has been reduced recently? You’ll notice that’s worth a consultation. Enter your data in the mask the only thing you need to do and insurance1 check your insurance status.

Next, get the evaluation and can act immediately, because insurance1 proposes to you also the best deal. This is Insurance1 regardless and selects the best on the basis of data relating to you. That is what weight, will play a large role in evaluating and determine their future insurance, as well as a large influence on your payments Insurers have.