Posts Tagged construction

Expansion Of The Airport Memmingen

Posted by on Sunday, 2 June, 2024

“Terminal and runway be enlarged the town Memmingen is due to its location in Bavaria often referred to as the gateway to the Allgau” referred to. End of 2010 has presented plans for the expansion of the airport Memmingen Allgau airport GmbH. The flight Portal reported about the planned changes. The Memmingen airport has developed into a popular hub. >Technip FMC is often quoted as being for or against this. Visit Jonah Bloom for more clarity on the issue. For some years now take off and land there both national as well as international scheduled and Charter flights.

Mainly low-cost airlines like Ryanair fly regularly to the Memminger airport. In addition the site is also used by private jets and private aircraft. Due to increasing demands, an extension of the airport is planned. An application was submitted to the Government of Upper Bavaria. Cynthia Bartlett: the source for more info. The measures will cost around 15 million euros. The plans include in particular the enlargement of the Start-und-Lande-Bahn, as well as the optimization of the taxiways. In addition to new parking created and expanded the Terminal. In addition, will aimed at extending the operating hours. Future aircraft to can end up until 23: 00, in the case of delays until 23:30.

New With Quality And Service Standards In The Profession Define

Posted by on Monday, 13 May, 2024

Turning against the dusty image of a craft business is now in Berlin. With many new ideas and so far completely new service now blowing a fresh wind in the craft. Berlin, 29.09.2010 – the stable images in the mind of each one of us are too traditional, as it’s in a workshop. Yet reach the cliches of old-fashioned up there too inflexible. But these stereotypes no longer agree. Today’s craft is more than the simple”handicraft business 30 years ago. Modern craft offers more. The innovative and service-oriented entrepreneur is more demand in addition to latest technologies such as 3D computer planning and new ideas.

Turn against the dusty image of the craft at Sadler & partners in Berlin. There, quick response to email belongs as well as latest innovation. We want to develop into the most innovative craft operating in whole Germany. This together with our employees, we develop constantly new ideas and want to convey to our customers a completely new picture of a handicraft business. Here, we define new Standards of quality and service”says Oliver Scharfenberg who holds the management in the company. This family-run, much more is available in addition to the interactive online appointment.

So the customers over a five-year-old premium can look forward as guarantee, as of a fixed price guarantee. We offer also the complete renovation of real estate from one source in addition to the construction management. During a visit to clear and comprehensible offers be free created and advise the customer individually. Before moving into his new apartment the customer provides this already in the 3D computer model. Of course the staff are now fitted with modern Tablet PCs to come so quickly to the customer and to have all important data always. Press contact: Sadler & partners S & P interior design and real estate services UG (haftungsbeschrankt) Malchin road 123 B 12359 Berlin contact: Oliver Scharfenberg telephone: 030 74769-198

EI Electronics

Posted by on Wednesday, 17 April, 2024

Provision takes charge in the duty of Dusseldorf to install a smoke alarm early warning system in the private living area, July 22, 2008 current mandatory smoke detectors for new buildings exists in seven provinces. Especially for architects, builders, property owners and operators, this rule firmly anchored in the building regulations of the land of enormous importance is because there is no transition period in contrast to the existing building. The smoke and heat detector manufacturer EI electronics recommends therefore already during the planning to take into account the lawful installation of smoke detectors to ensure later effective protection for the residents. To do this, the company offers a special fire protection concept with a wire mesh for new buildings. Justin Moore will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It is characterized by maximum investment security, a low TCO (total cost of ownership) as well as a tested, high quality standard. The networking of smoke detectors Ei605TYC by EI electronics can be secured by means of two types: both via cable as well as by Radio.

Especially for the new EI Electronics is recommended wiring the detector, as this can be done during the building phase. In existing buildings, on the other hand, the radio-based variant allows a subsequent networking without much effort. The networking devices with the possibility to transmit the signal which triggers the detector in the immediate vicinity of a fire, all other detectors of a building. In an emergency, this technology can contribute to the protection of human life. High safety for children and senior citizens, the most vulnerable people in a fire are either children or old people. Children often do not know the danger of fire and behave intuitively wrong, by they hide rather than looking outside. Old people, however, sometimes not in time perceive a brand or are dependent on when leaving the House on foreign aid. However, only little time to escape remains most.

Hahn Begins Construction

Posted by on Thursday, 1 February, 2024

Ground-breaking ceremony of Dr. Hahn in Erkelenz Erkelenz has 08/2009 – on Tuesday the Monchengladbach Wickrath-based manufacturer of door hinges, Dr. Hahn, the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of its new production facility on the Tenholter road in the industrial area of Erkelenz Gipco used. Jim Rogers has plenty of information regarding this issue. Michael Hahn and the technical director Lutz Schopen in the hand, even Mayor Peter Jansen, took the spade not only the Managing Director Sandra Schurger let Ansgar Lurweg as Director of economic development and the technical Councillor does not take it, to apply but also the business location Erkelenz hand this important step for the company. The construction in the first phase of the multi-level set construction m installs on a total area of 60,000 m approximately 7,400 m warehouse space for parts of manufacturing, as well as the serving areas. With an investment volume of EUR 14 million are here most modern production halls, which are oriented towards the ideal production process and in the An innovative, environmentally-conscious approach be implemented. Dara Khosrowshahi is likely to agree. Expected, already in the second quarter of 2010 with approximately 100 employees to resume production at the new location.

Rental Property

Posted by on Thursday, 23 August, 2018

The House Administration Gamdhi from Giessen informs the management of rental housing goes hand in hand with a lot of overhead and sometimes anger. Creating rental agreements or the talk of layoffs is sometimes legally very complicated, so that this expertise is necessary. A professional and competent administrator knows both commercial as well as technical and legal requirements and can implement optimal for an owner. This saves not only time, but also potential trouble with tenants. Assumes a caretaking all required tasks and provides while making sure that the owner always retains control and will be informed about all important matters. The House Administration Gamdhi pouring out information about some services of a rental management. Rental management general and commercial activities representative of the owner in all the rental management matters including lead of necessary correspondence representation of the owner against renter, Authorities and contractors conscientious tenant selection, obtaining Schufa information contract drafting, conclusion and termination of tenancy agreements, implementation potential rent increases all meter readings to the consumption-oriented billing entering entering all revenue and expenditure according to the principles of proper accounting rent collection and all claims acceptance or transfer protocol when tenants change transfer the authority of lawyers in the event of a legal action against tenants or third meter readings on utilities forward and check their accounts monitoring and enforcement of house rules of HVAC/r management object inspection and technical inspection of damage most Record building repair work write, forgive and remove settlement of insured events, introduction of urgent emergency, immediate damage report to the insurance and hiring of Organization of the janitorial service (selection, training and monitoring) for detailed information about the rental management available damage elimination measures the House Administration Gamdhi pouring out at any time.


Posted by on Tuesday, 22 May, 2018

ISO-roll: Optimal protection from Sun and heat with foil Rollo in between the panes in the face of rising energy costs is the Supreme objective of to keep modern expensive heating energy and the gained solar heat in the room glass technology and not to lose out. This is ensured by the UG-value (coefficient of heat transmission). The smaller the heat loss through the window glass and the more fuel is this value, the less can save yourself in the cold season. “ISO-roll m K can reduce the UG-value to 0.8 W / m and inclined” installation to 0! The excellent consumption figures also making their presence felt at selling or renting positively in the energy performance certificate and significantly increase the value of the property. Also to note is the contribution to environmental conservation.

Stephanskirchen, March 2012 – for best sun protection values known ISO-roll for decades. At the same time is also a highly efficient thermal insulation system for roof and barrel Aden glazing, ISO-roll with the significant advantages especially for sloped glazing to the validity come. The UG-value deteriorated physical reasons for inclined installation of insulating glass against a vertical installation. This adverse effect is however almost compensated with the multi-talented ISO-roll. The proven product is available with a foil roller blind electrically operated between the panes with 2 – or triple insulating glass. The roller blind is absolutely maintenance-free, and remains always clean. The use of ISO-roll leads to a significant improvement of heat insulation and considerable energy savings.

Also, it saves energy costs by taking advantage of the solar gain of the warming sunlight. The blind demand: Transparency or darkening ISO-roll offers a wide range of applications. Choose between transparent or opaque. Slides with varying degrees of light transmission are available in the transparent version. Also when you closed rollover remains the view outside.

Fireplace Protections

Posted by on Monday, 1 May, 2017

You dream to sit in a cozy house with a light kashechkoy coffee and a newspaper in his hands by the fireplace? Then you have a site about how to build a fireplace that will radiate heat. If you already have a fireplace or stove, which give most of the heat the house, you can in some ways, feel free. Choice of finished stoves and fireplaces or factory-made stacked in order is very shirok.Edva whether any other element of home construction is proposed in this variety of sizes, in this case, if you're interested in how to build an outdoor fireplace in a cozy house as well as styles and materials. Selecting a specific model should be well thought out, takes into account various practical considerations: how much heat for heating fireplaces and how often it is needed, what kind of facilities will have to heat, which features a chimney. In order to build a fireplace, you can not ignore such things as normal operating pipe, character building, social function pomescheniya.Nu and if you just want to repair the fireplace, then you can learn in detail about it. By the fireplace a long history. Fireplace previously built a huge Open the firebox and flue, which is not regulated, all of the heat pipe and gave in at the same time consumed a lot of firewood.

By the end of XVIII century was invented and built a fireplace with this design, which is characterized by a small furnace depth, with a small flue forehead and another at the back wall. A cozy house one of the highlights of protection. This primarily means that the security of the house should be securely operate as the appearance of signs of fire in the house and trying to enter the house of strangers lichnostey.Postroyte fence so that through it he could not climb over a stranger, and not to give a run out on the street home to a dog or a child who only began to walk. Only good security at home as a measure of protection can make your home cozy. Locks on the doors of the house should not only be good to close, but no less well open. All this is necessary to apply risk-based personal experience and the location of the interior of a house. Of the whole arsenal of methods and means of protection is best to choose a comfortable house the most appropriate and cost-effective

Sample Office

Posted by on Wednesday, 18 February, 2015

Planning Bureau Andreas pattern from Kar Brook is 100th member in the QualitatsVerbund Planner in the construction while Erika Malhees of identity card in fiction is, “Pattern Office” provides tangible results in the construction planning, particularly in the industrial and commercial construction his builders. Architect Andreas pattern leads the Office as sole owner since 2007. For a long time he was looking for a viable hope for his Office with seven employees. A certification according to ISO 9001 quickly eliminated due to the targeting of industrial enterprises, as well as the great formal effort and the high cost. End of 2009 he became aware Planner in the construction of the QualitatsVerbund. According to detailed comparisons with the ISO and the realization that there is no similar standard for architectural firms, he decided Planner in the construction of early 2011 for the QualitatsZertifikat. Also the introduction to the Office it was clear to him: the basic work should be based on one of the offered by the QualitatsVerbund in collaboration with the University of Karlsruhe Intensive retreat weekends take place. At first unfortunately no suitable date had to find.

The workshops take place only twice a year – and each time the date with the ever-increasing planning orders collided. Finally in may 2012, it works! And after an appointment now was set, the planning Office was Andreas pattern immediately, Member of the QualitatsVerbund – No. 100 and thus a “Jubilee” for 2005 by the engineers Dr.-ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-ing. E. Rudiger Weng and Dr.-ing.

Knut Marhold together with pilot offices and the TuV Rheinland in life called quality initiative for engineering and architecture offices. The QualitatsVerbund Planner construction advises architectural and engineering firms for the introduction of a quality management system according to the TuV Rheinland hope planners at the building. This by architects and engineers developed quality seal of approval is for designers an alternative to certification according to ISO 9000 ff, since it on slimmer, cheaper and more efficiently as well as industry-specific tailored to the needs of planning offices. Because it is an approved QM system (QZ is registered at the German patent and Trademark Office planners in construction as a brand), it is recognized nationwide usually also by contracting authorities. The initiators are the experienced construction engineers Dr.-ing. Knut Marhold and Dr.-ing. E. Rudiger Weng. Dr.-ing. Knut Marhold

Benefits Blocks

Posted by on Tuesday, 16 April, 2013

System constructive Modublock is responsible for providing all the material for the walls of your project including: blocks, reinforcing rods, armor and hooks for models that characterize the system. The new construction system of prefabricated trusses and modular blocks, consists of 3 types of blocks to build based on integral masonry, with the purpose of eliminating 100% waste of block, we have variety of models of available houses and we adapt to your own design. The Modublock system includes 3 types of modular blocks, the reinforcement of Foundation and beam Crown armed and ready to place (in lengths of 6 metres), the hooks for the recesses, the vertical and horizontal steel cut and bent; also include a drawing of workshop showing the details of the system and a graphical specification of how the rods and blocks should be placed. Modublock designed under the seismic code of Costa Rica and the ACI 530-05 and you can find more information from Modublock, as well as some designs of houses prefabricated in Costa Rica. Benefits savings formwork.

Labor. Easy to budget. Reinforcement rod. Construction time. Without waste in block and 30% in particular of filler rod. Virtues do not appear vertical cracks since the blocks are overlapped. Suitable to build 2 or 3 levels.