The Conception

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 4 August, 2020 at

But we must remember whenever to live in accordance with the will of God it is the only form who we have for not to be deluded and loosers for the Satan through its mundane offers of being able and wealth, therefore the same Bible that says in them that God places in them for head and tail does not say in them that God abates the magnificent one and raises humble and the same one that says in them that you is the gold and the silver. A fact of the man never to want to be with that they obey, nor always to want to be with that they fulfill the order, but generally, to want always to be between that they order, between that they give the orders is a trend human being, is necessary to be underneath of the Divine obedience so that the spirit of God surpasses the part human being of the man at these moments and allows to sobressair the divine part to give to the devil the same answers that Jesus gave it back in the beginning. To read more click here: Puma Energy. The certainty is that these three things until today disturb the man who has its life focada in the world, in the land, focada in these three objectives, but what God is considering you and me today and in urgent way is to center our first life In it, later the too much things they will be added in them. We are induced all days to be winning but we forget that when apstolo Pablo cunhou this phrase it was not living a winner life as the one that we want today. We want to be winning in the conception of Pablo? Clearly that not, to be winning in the conception of Pablo it was to be pursued, to be imprisoned, to be damaged, to pass hunger, cold, headquarters, to face storms in the sea I rebel in long trips, to be isolated, to be bitten by poisonous snake everything this to nail evangelho that it frees the man of the oppression and the deceit of the Satan. .

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