Posts Tagged society and culture


Posted by on Friday, 31 May, 2024

We find perforateed plates, basically in everything to our redor, either in house, the faades, in the gates, windows and doors, linings, gratings of protection, in our kitchen in the screens for oven of microwaves. The siderurgical products are gifts in the daily Brazilian in the most distinct areas, when we leave to some place and we enter in a public transport, we find the expanded gratings of floor, plates, perforateed plates and plates stressed in the platforms, in the stairs, drawn and railing. tric. Senator from Maine is often quoted as being for or against this. It is alone to enter in any civil construction that we come across with these products in protections antiblinding acoustics, elements, linings, eletrocalhas, pisos of security, pisos of elevator, support of mortar and amongst other places, even though in a bank agency we find, either in decoration of balconies, thick partition walls, estandes, components of furniture. The sectors agricultural and sucroalcooleira use plates perforateed in filtering equipment, election, improvement and classification of quality of grains, surrounds, pisos of maquinrio security, plates for centrifugal machines, rotating, drying and washing filters of sugar cane, steps, passarelas of maquinrio. He has a great variety of perforation in plates, the production in accordance with varies the necessity of the customer, if it has a special project is possible to adjust the perforation to the necessity of the customer..

Goldman Sachs

Posted by on Friday, 17 December, 2021

“Founded in 1869, Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Headquartered in New York, we maintain offices in all major financial centers around the world.”

In this direction, the definition of social assistance brings around itself the attendance of people who for the most diverse reasons had been placed to the edge of the society. The paper of the assistance is to complement to other services and benefits of the society, as it is in the case the health. The social assistance answers for the access to the necessities basic human beings, also searchs to give has supported the valuation of the concepts of the citizenship, the social rights and the public politics that it are corresponding. Amongst these the necessities are to the education in health. As it clarifies in them: The educative actions in health can enable individuals and groups in the construction of new knowledge, leading to conscientious practical one of preventive behaviors or promotion of the health. Roubini Global Economics often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

These actions extend the possibilities of control of the illnesses, whitewashing and taking of decisions that favor a life healthful. (WITT, SILVEIRA & DAYS, 223, 2009). This argument standes out that the individual to reach its welfare, can autogerenciar the information gotten through an education for the health, therefore they are through it that the human being knows concepts that favor the life healthful, beyond the accesses the public nets. From there the importance of the politics in movement, acting basically in the peripheries, leading necessary information to the citizen with pertinent subjects in its daily one, of preventive form and becoming expert of the accesses and thus to guarantee to the citizens the healthful life and the respect as human being. For Sposati (2003), the social assistance allows the characterized individual as excluded, to have access to the attendance of its social necessities, making with that the inclusion process if establishes. 2.2 – The access of the families taken care of for the LBV to the system of Public health in Manaus In accordance with the Organic law of Social Assistance LOAS, Law 8742/93, makes use of the participation of the public power and the civil society in financing the organizations of social assistance.

Emotional Disorders

Posted by on Wednesday, 28 November, 2018

However, it is not this that we are witnessing. Each time more we see a society devastated for the illnesses of modernity, somatizando cancers, diverse cardiopathies, fbicos obesidade, psychoses and upheavals and of anxiety, as the anorexy, the bulimia and the Compulsory Obsessive Upheaval? TOC. How it is possible that this society, although all modernity, social how much in such a way technological, thought and idealized to offer comfort and to provide happiness for the people, produces as much pain, sadness and destruction? Why the access to all these goods of consumption so desired only increase, most of the time, the existencial emptiness of the people? We would desire that the answers to all these questions were simple as they seem to be obvious, if were not the innumerable contradictions of a time of perplexidades where proper history in the sample. When standing out these deep and significant changes, each time more lived deeply by the modern society, in a logic of mundializao and globalization in all the sectors, considering them as being sociocultural phenomena of the contemporaneidade, in view of that the Sport and the Leisure, also are incorporated this group of consumption good, we identify the possibility to study them and discutiz them, specifically in the field of the Corporal Culture. For these factors we consider of excellent importance to argue the called activity Parkour, as being one of these phenomena and its direct influence in the behavior of adolescents and young practises that it. Practical the corporal ones are phenomena that if they show, with priority, to the corporal level and that they consist as cultural manifestations of playful character, such as the games, the dances, the gymnasticses, the sports, the martial arts and acrobatics, practical among others social. These manifestations are composed for corporal techniques, as already it identified and it categorized anthropologist Marcel Mauss (2003), in the ticket of century XIX for century XX. .

Federal University

Posted by on Tuesday, 2 October, 2012

We have that to evaluate the people not for the color of its skin, but yes for the content of its character. With the system of quotas the academic merit is in second plain. ‘ ‘ Cor’ ‘ ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ it does not justify potential and intellectual capacity. 5. The fact to exist an enormous contingent of poor blacks in Brazil results of historical circumstances, of a predisposition of the whites not to hinder the social ascension black them in the society – as already it was the case of the United States and the South Africa. 6. To separate the Brazilians and to define rights on the basis of ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ it is a scientific nonsense.

In accordance with the geneticista Maria Ctira Bortolini, of the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul, ‘ ‘ the genes that determine the color of the skin of a person are a lowermost part of the human genetic set only six of almost the 30,000 that possumos.’ ‘ In partnership with the geneticista miner Sergio Penalty, Ctira Maria is author of a recent study that sample that the Brazilian blacks on the part of father on average have more European genes of what African. Therefore, to identify who is white or not-white, black or not-black in Brazil are very dangerous; this can provoke an unjust and discriminatory judgment. 7. The quotas are going to stop at the hands of the black elite, who had the same chances that many not-blacks, what she characterizes a privilege to these people. ARGUMENTS CAPABLE TO BASE EACH POSITION In favor of the system of quotas necessary Brazil to adopt quotas to advance in the construction of the equality of rights, relatively to its some etnias. This system also is necessary to raise auto-esteem of the people afro-Brazilian, reflected in the right to the education, the health and the leisure.