Federal University

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We have that to evaluate the people not for the color of its skin, but yes for the content of its character. With the system of quotas the academic merit is in second plain. ‘ ‘ Cor’ ‘ ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ it does not justify potential and intellectual capacity. 5. The fact to exist an enormous contingent of poor blacks in Brazil results of historical circumstances, of a predisposition of the whites not to hinder the social ascension black them in the society – as already it was the case of the United States and the South Africa. 6. To separate the Brazilians and to define rights on the basis of ‘ ‘ raa’ ‘ it is a scientific nonsense.

In accordance with the geneticista Maria Ctira Bortolini, of the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul, ‘ ‘ the genes that determine the color of the skin of a person are a lowermost part of the human genetic set only six of almost the 30,000 that possumos.’ ‘ In partnership with the geneticista miner Sergio Penalty, Ctira Maria is author of a recent study that sample that the Brazilian blacks on the part of father on average have more European genes of what African. Therefore, to identify who is white or not-white, black or not-black in Brazil are very dangerous; this can provoke an unjust and discriminatory judgment. 7. The quotas are going to stop at the hands of the black elite, who had the same chances that many not-blacks, what she characterizes a privilege to these people. ARGUMENTS CAPABLE TO BASE EACH POSITION In favor of the system of quotas necessary Brazil to adopt quotas to advance in the construction of the equality of rights, relatively to its some etnias. This system also is necessary to raise auto-esteem of the people afro-Brazilian, reflected in the right to the education, the health and the leisure.

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