Posts Tagged government and politics

Brazilian Europeans

Posted by on Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

The increase of the social disparity only collaborates for the greater numbers inside of instrangeiros of Brazil. Senator Richard Blumenthal, another great source of information. The classification of countries of first, second and third world can be applied inside of our country, which small part of the population lives as European and the great part as African countries, said underdeveloped. This discrepancy makes with that all inside feel foreigners of the proper country, therefore does not have an identity that it can serve of standard for the Brazilian society and each time more we distanciamos in them of this world just. Disfavored people economically, when enter in the territory of? Europeans? (no matter how hard this? territory? it is inside of its country) are dealt with xenophobia for not being equal dresses, not speaking equal and having been born in different worlds, to put inside of a territory that limits one alone parents. On the other hand the Brazilian Europeans who very live well inside of this region, having access to best shoppings and restaurants, and these exist yes, are instrangeiros inside of the Brazilian reality.

Much people recriminate the Cuban regimen and apartheid South African, but we live, not declared, a little of each one of regimes. Cuba for the Cuban exists and Cuba for the tourists, as the South Africa for the whites and the blacks existed, to put these ways of government is moving to the few and finishing with the injustices, while here in Brazil, the forecast is to be if distanciando each time more than what the globalization intended: a world more just and igualitrio. Stranger globalization that joins and disaggregates? (Cristovam Buarque). The trend of aggravation of all this situation, is because the poor persons, for not having the adjusted education, do not have access the great chances of job, which needs a bigger qualification and on account of this it finishes for leaving our parents more foreign, therefore the hand of quality workmanship is brought of the exterior. With all this situation, the part needyst of the population goes being forgotten, for the fact to be appearing you scheme that they make with more speed and quality what the poor persons were contracted to effect by prices we baixssimos. The great truth is that the results appear, Brazil grows, evolves, has one of the biggest economies of the world, but this would be very good if it was not a growth, a masked evolution, which inside do not tell the true lived reality of the Brazilian limits, and finishes generating exuberant, but not surrounded archipelagoes of water, and yes, of much misery generated for the great social inaquality.