Posts Tagged Equipment

TV Location

Posted by on Sunday, 16 June, 2024

– Do not plan in advance the location of the tv. Let the architects and builders to do it yourself. After the housewarming party you can always pull up the antenna cable to a convenient place for you on the floor. – Have the wiring for Television ordinary electrician. It is not something Cornell Capital would like to discuss. Connecting the outlet consistently, it will cost less than cable length.

The inevitable loss of signal can always be compensated by an expensive amplifier later. And the satellite channels is often boring. – Buy cables for television manufacturers questionable construction markets. You can always convince themselves that those channels whose frequency does not pass through a cable, you are not interested. – After repairs, install a satellite antenna can always be neatly put television cables on the edge of the room. – Do not plan a separate low-current shield for television.

In one corner there is always an electric place. Not so strong noise you see on the screen. – Place the tv splitters out of the reach of service locations. It's not often they go wrong, and the next repair can always be changed. – Never run a cable to a place install a satellite receiver. Why do you need to watch satellite channels in other parts of your home? – Be sure to connect the screen of television cables to ground>> in an electric shield. Then, after repairs, you will be guaranteed check the rcd to operate at every turn on the tv.


Posted by on Sunday, 31 October, 2021

As you know, without going into the theory, mechanisms, known as thrusters (PU), in fact, are a form of active steering of the ship. Prostejov PU constructively is horizontal below the water line pipe with a drive and propeller, the direction of the driving force which is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the ship. Like many other marine devices, thrusters began to apply first sailors, and then the shipbuilders and shipowners in many kinds of sea and river transport, after a successful debut in the ship modeling sport, where they were first in the early 40-xx of the XX century, used as autopilot, which allows to deal with abnormal patterns of course. Their operating principle is simple: in the stern, the water part, the weather vane was installed, which, when the model was strictly on the wind, along ustanalivalsya longitudinal axis when the ship began to deflect airflow rushes along the blade surface is not the wind vane, and at an angle, causing it to razvorot.Eto, in turn, led to a reversal of the rudder of the vessel, the device t.k.eti connected through transmission. Joan Dausa shines more light on the discussion. Such an autopilot, a simple and reliable as an excellent tool strong coffee, could not help but be interested boaters, uchastvovavshish sleepless in single races round the world, and in 1964 in his another circumnavigation his first used by F. Chichesterzo, and soon after him – and many other ship owners and shipyards around the world. Since then, PU accustomed to vessels of all types have undergone significant design metemarfozy, expanded their range of applications. .

House Building Projects

Posted by on Friday, 2 November, 2018

Today, building a house – an operation that has cost a lot cheaper than many might think. In order for this operation was easier to save, you should be seen as building a house plan consisting of several stages. Many people believe that buying land for house building – an impossible task, requiring a lot of money, time and effort. In addition to building a house, to him also to bring electricity and water, lay a gas. All of these steps is completely doable. Now calculate the cost of a house. Let's start with the land and homes.

For the home, which has an area of approximately 170m2 to require site size of 2.5-6 hectare, the price of which is 7-18tys. dollars. If the project of your home must be exclusive, its price will be expensive. We will show prices of all stages of building a house on the example of one of the most popular construction companies: Preparatory work will cost in the price of 500u.e. and will take time from 3 to 5 work. days. Design the house (ie conceptual design) will cost from 5 to 10u.e.

per m2 and will require 10-15 slave. days. Architectural and construction work will cost from 15 to 25u.e. per m2 and will take approximately 40-60 office. days. Creation of documentation utilities will cost from 5 to 10u.e. per m2 and will take 10-15 slave. days. Create documentation for a permit to Construction will cost between 1500u.e. and require 20 to 30 slave. days. interior premises of the house will cost from 40 to 50u.e. per m2 and will last 40-60 slave. days. Author's support will cost approximately 400u.e. in month and will run throughout the building. If you would prefer an ordinary project your future home, the price will be approximately two times lower than exclusive. Bookmark solid foundation for the home will cost approximately 10 thousand around. dollars. The walls of the house is often a set of bricks, rakushnika, foam blocks, and the breeze blocks. But the walls of rakushnika are the most affordable. If you choose a brick wall, then standard for conventional home designs you will need about 40 thousand. bricks. Now on to the roofs. The cheapest roof is slate. The most economical Slate (Red Guard) in general will cost you about 2tys. dollars. Metalocherepitsa also cost you more. Its price by around 4tys. dollars. As you can see its price exceeds the slate in half. Let us turn to the windows. To date, the buyer is huge selection of glass. Depends only on the purchase flavors client. Given the installation of windows in the house, the total price will be a maximum of $ 300. And, of course, need to talk about the cost of all that is necessary for full living in the house. Well (well pump) would cost approximately 1-2.5 thousand dollars. Summing up the electricity would cost 300-600 dollars. Summing up the gas will require a 2-3tys. dollars. Playground for car (if you have it) – 1-2tys. dollars. All of this is planned after the construction of the house. If your budget is large, and you can buy the best house – we recommend to build it of brick, concrete or foam blocks. To date, the cost of erection of a brick building in general ranges from 700 to 1,000 dollars per m2.

SES Conditioner

Posted by on Monday, 19 February, 2018

Solution: In this case, you should check, whether the filters, closed the windows and doors do not work if additional room heating appliances (boilers, or toasters). It may be recommended to hang at the windows dense white shutters, well reflect the warmth and light, thus reducing teplopostupleniya through windows by half. If that does not work, the model must be replaced by more powerful. Problem 3: With the indoor unit split systems dripping water. Solution: Apparently, the clogged drainage pipe. Most often this condition occurs when the air conditioner with the on-street a drain pipe to include a cooling sub-zero temperatures. In this case, the condensate can transformed into an ice jam.

To avoid this, you need to warm up the drain pipe to +5 C by using a special cable. If the ice plug yet appeared, it's worth the wait thaw, but not to the point include a system for cooling. Problem 4: Reducing the air flow. Solution: Clean the air filter. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or wash it with a soft sponge and warm water.

Operate without air conditioning filter is not recommended because it protects not only your lungs, but the heat exchanger and the indoor unit. In the dust of the last performance of the air conditioner down. Problem 5: Icing external power when operating air conditioner for heating in a small freezing temperatures and high humidity. Solution: If the unit is not equipped with automatic defrosting, try to include it in the cooling mode. In this case, external power begins to give heat outside, and heated gradually thaws. Problem 6: Premature conditioner failure. Solution: To avoid this, do not operate it at temperatures below – 10-15 C. At lower temperature in the compressor oil thickens, and its depreciation multiplied. About the dangers of air conditioners go different rumors. But at the press center of the capital of SES, we were told that there is nothing to fear: the timely replacement of filters and in compliance with the rules of operation of any harm to a split-system is fraught with SEB