Posts Tagged career

Earn More

Posted by on Saturday, 4 May, 2024

Today I want to talk about how to increase the monthly income of their own online business. People come into the world of e-commerce, because they understand that it is almost the only opportunity for the average person like me and you, to create a stable and relatively high income online. I do not have some outstanding expertise in programming, and I have no innate talent to write articles or books, but despite all this, I was able to create a stable and profitable online business. Me in this business has led Olga Alexandrova (not in the sense that I am personally familiar with it, and that one day when I'm tired of finding decent work in the network, I came across book "How to make money online lazy"). The name of the book I was in no way inspired or even interesting. A week later I again stumbled upon this book and decided after all to read. It really was a breakthrough.

Man, who had not earned even a dollar on the internet, bang, earning six bucks. Simply delight knew no bounds. People who are just planning to start making money online, of course, I recommend starting with this book – "How to make money online lazy." This is the basics, the foundation, this is your foundation for further career growth in e-business. Most of those who bought me this book, now earns from $ 40 to $ 150 a month, and possibly more. Not only earn those whom it comes in the name of the book.


Posted by on Thursday, 22 August, 2019

Change of activity after 40 years can be challenging. Take a look at my life from the outside: you go to work because it is trodden, familiar rut where you're going for many years, poor financial source, which provides the same miserable existence? Here everything is clear, advance pay, Monday-Friday, dull nagging boss, but it's all mine, familiar and safe. And indeed to change something after 40 – scary! A There's suspense! May not have to change anything? Ask yourself, if you do things you love, get to work whether moral, physical, material satisfaction? If there is an incentive. Having lived half my life, raise children received a great life experience you now know exactly what you can do anything you want, and most importantly you can afford it. Do you have this right. You do not have to until retirement to continue their usual way because it is necessary to someone, not you.

Before making a radical decision to change course work should be a sober assessment of their chances and to analyze their aspirations. The most amazing thing is that if you look, you've just another person than they were 20 or 30 years. Sootvetsnvenno and goals and ambitions you have changed. A related site: Jonah Shacknai mentions similar findings. Understand yourself. Analyze and write down your skills and abilities. Imagine where they could be applied. Imagine the sensations as should look like your ideal job. What you'll need to feel like doing things you love.

And just imagine the endless dreary days ahead that awaits you if you decide not to act. It is better to regret how did than about what did not! As for me, I'm going to their second career to build the network. Not because it is easy, as described by some self-styled guru, not because the sea is a freebie. No. I believe that the future for Internet technologies, it is confirmed pace of Internet development and new areas of activity that appear in the network, or gradually migrate from the reals I-net. Besides that, there are many on the Internet sources of income, it is still sufficiently democratic. Nobody here does not bother that you are over forty, you have no degree or Moscow registration. It's easy to find any information to get any help, find like-minded people and create a internetimperiyu. Yes, you can indulge self-esteem and implement all the ambitious dreams. Besides the routine and monotonous processes on the Internet is easy to automate, and make time for communication, recreation and development. But you decide for yourself, or not to have!

New Job

Posted by on Monday, 19 December, 2016

In general – the study of criteria for evaluating proposals, which are important to you in deciding on the 80% reduces the cost of time and effort to find new jobs, as well as increased satisfaction with the new job. Such approach will allow you to properly evaluate the proposal that employers who fail to succumb to 'interesting' work and balanced decisions. But most important – is to work with them to prepare for interviews and internally externally. The new work – this is an opportunity to change lives for the better. Look at the change in your career as the beginning of a new path. Of course, start a new page of life scary and many of us are afraid of uncertainty. But, at the so this is an opportunity to create a better career, to create a new image and a specialist colleagues, to build new relations in the team. Now you have the time to find a job with better pay, or the best schedule, or closer to home.

This is the case, which they say: 'Would not it be a blessing in disguise'. Picture of the candidate – a summary. A new page of life requires a new table of contents. Something that represents you in your lack of it – it brief. The main task summary is to draw attention to the candidate, to form an employer (or his representative) wish to meet with the candidate. Therefore, the new phase of your professional and career growth you must submit a new resume.

The Interview

Posted by on Sunday, 30 October, 2011

Job Fair allows us to establish close contact between people with mutually overlapping goals. This method is especially effective for young professionals who do not have much experience writing a resume. However, job fairs are held less frequently and require time-consuming. For experienced highly qualified professionals, this method not very effective, because the vast number of employers in such an event has a goal to close the lower and middle positions. Search by number of recruitment agencies, companies prefer to look for employees through human resources agency. In this case, information about the vacancy can be obtained from other sources. If you put your resume in the bank recruitment company, your candidate can offer a variety of companies, which increases your chances of success.

Job search by a professional agency has a great advantage: recruiting company, who appreciate our reputation in the market, working only with trusted and reliable companies. Thus, your resume will not get to uncertain employers. In addition, agency staff will organize various trainings for applicants, preparing it for the interview and the requirements of employers informiruyuya. However, the search work through a specialized agency has several disadvantages. First of all, this process is considerably stretched in time. Secondly, the applicant is not personally involved in the search and can not affect it. Third, at present the market is not so much a real professional recruiting firms, so finding a suitable agency – quite a challenge. Rating performance statistics show that surveys on Currently the most effective methods of job search are placing resume on specialized sites, as well as the use of social networks.