Welcome to the Service of Cardiology and Doppler Echocardiography Laboratory and Hospital Ecoestres Llano

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Service of Cardiology and Doppler Echocardiography Laboratory Ecoestres. The massive growth of health information and medical technology on the Internet day by day is taking place in decision making in professional practice of medicine. The standards for promotion and dissemination of information required in providing quality health information and health technologies, with the best available evidence. The initiative for the creation of this began as an expression of yearning in the year 1992 by becoming gradually a reality, upon a great effort reincentiva the continued growth of the same. I weight loss think the main driver is the need for a continuous learning process of teaching can insurance be considered the best sponsor’s best efforts to maintain a continuing medical education (CME) The EMC is currently based on a didactic teaching model hospital critical and reflective learning. One of its pillars is the knowledge management technology that provides us with tools and update methods in different department topics of cardiovascular medicine. Thus the great challenge for medical information technology is represented nutrition by the fair and effective exploitation of the capabilities clinic of information technology and communication to dental ensure appropriate conditions for applying the knowledge and evidence-based medical learning. Internet, is now a real tool that serves as input via the cardiologist to advances in medical science, allowing the sharing of experiences, academic, scientific, educational and care. But it is also common knowledge that there is a clear and very wide variation in the quality of the information on cardiovascular medicine, which is why natural this site look permanently respond to the highest levels required by the standards of quality and ethics in the discipline of cardiovascular . The medical information technology will continue to develop rapidly. Therefore, the medical main purpose of this site is to center provide health information in the cardiovascular area health professionals and the community, using the technology of consumer health benefits information, the branch of medical information technology that analyzes the consumer needs for information. Get an affordable health insurance package from is an innovative health insurance service company Surely, this will allow use in a responsible and efficient methodology for information processing and community communications and information technology.

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