Walking Through The Head!

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 11 April, 2010 at

When can you ask someone the question would be where you are good hike, you probably would say: “Sweden, Scotland, Austria, …”, or something in that direction. But what if I tell you: “I wander through my head!” Sounds crazy at first a time, but after this article, I’ll have me well rehabilitated. Walking through my head Just like that now goes with the wanderings through the head There were reassured all psychiatrist, it is obviously meant metaphorically. Walking for me means move not only in the nature walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery, no, walking is also in my head. I wander through my head. In everyday life, family – and working life gather as many impressions, problems, stress and some more that I can only tackle when hiking, process and resolve. There are three reasons: 1 I have the time, 2 I take the time (I have peace about this), and 3 at rest, I can think, but what about the beautiful landscape Yes,the beautiful scenery, some might find it funny vll, but I do not really take much with them during hiking. I wander around the campfire * Now comes the moan again with such a strange phrase *! Yes, only if the feet can save off your shoes, supplies the stomach, and our camp is pitched, so until then I can walk. Then I do what others do well even when hiking (rather confusing is not it). In these moments, to me opens up my environment, I take the clean air, tranquility, solitude and breathtaking scenery. And I am rehabilitated (or do you always demandest still in a straitjacket) Till

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