Posts Tagged training

Pascal Arrays

Posted by on Monday, 24 June, 2024

When searching for maximum and minimum in the cycle is compared elements with an element that claims to be the maximum (minimum). But that's no problem if, for example, sought a minimum, that before sravnimat elements with a variable which will link kept minimal, that it give? May be zero, not as an array can only be a positive number, then the minimum term will be equal to zero, which can not even included in this array. That is needed is a number that will more or all elements of the array, or it will be one element of the array. Add to your understanding with Mike Gianoni. I'm finding minimum sets this variable to the first element array, ie, min: = a 1, and the cycle starts from the second element, ie the value of the minimum should not be compared with the first element, since it is he is in a variable minimum. Mike Gianoni has plenty of information regarding this issue. Advantages of this appropriation, it is 1) the cycle is reduced by 1.

2) the problem is reduced to a single operation assignment, that is very often seen that as a minimum before the cycle is assigned maxint, ie the maximum number of integers, but here's why, I would agree if all the elements in the array were equal to this number, then yeah okay, but in either case, once at the beginning of the cycle, will go a comparison with the first element of the array, and if he is not equal to a variable minimum, you will need to assign a value the first, and if you still need to assign the codes, and so on, that is, in my opinion is not very convenient to do so. Similarly, when searching a minimum, that is assigned to a variable as the maximum element of the first element array. And like a trifle, but still, you will not have to wrestle with how to assign the same element as miksimalnogo or as a minimum, simply use the first element of delet But what if you want to find the maximum among the negative, or minimal among positive. That is, we can not say with certainty that the first element fits these constraints. I'm doing in this case a cycle in which I find the first appropriate criteria for the item and its assigns responsible for the minimum (maximum) element, and then have him compare the remaining elements of either a one-dimensional array. Remember, even though the computer and do not iron need to overload it unnecessary computations.

New Year

Posted by on Monday, 10 March, 2014

Dream – the notion of transcendental and indefinite refers more to the imaginative faculty, which remains more sensitive than the intellectual component. But the goal – it is quite certain object, which has a strictly defined set of properties. What is the difference? Let’s take an example. ‘That would be cool to buy a prestigious car ‘ or ‘I have to 06.02.1910. buy a bmw 530i 2009 year of production in dark blue with light beige leather interior and original alloy wheels for ten rays. ” See? If the goal is defined clearly, then your conscious and subconscious is easier to perceive. That’s why they say ‘Focus on the goal’, not ‘focus on the dream’, right? To dream after all Let’s not focus will develop the idea further and look at the scheme.

In our New Year‘s Eve with your mind weakens, as our Subliminal activates our memories from childhood, who say that New Year’s Eve certainly miracles happen! Next, we will contact you to think about what the think of. And became strong subconscious gives us a dream! This is the first unit in a scheme with which to handle the statistical majority. Problems in implementing the next step, there is already an overwhelming majority of those who have coped with the first unit in the scheme. Most of the people in childhood leaves ‘Ability to dream’, so as not learned to move from dream to goal. Yes, that simple. Of course, quite a few adults can say ‘Oh, here to buy a bigger apartment, and then the children grew up and they need separate rooms.