Posts Tagged services & consulting


Posted by on Saturday, 10 August, 2024

Online credit information – credit is no secret in the today’s time the economic situation of a company can change within a very short time. Unfortunately, it happens frequently that a trading partner pays open and paid invoices not or can not pay. As an entrepreneur, you have to bear the unpleasant loss and to cope with. To avoid such losses, it is profitable to inform themselves prior to settlement of the transaction on the customer. This can be done, for example, through a credit check.

For example, payment morale, turnover, probability or assets can be the basis for these calculations. The various criteria are then added based on a point system, this ranking can help in an upcoming decision or make it easier. You can already find out upon entering into the business and, if necessary, react. You should rely on some customers not only on your gut feelings, because often such decisions are very subjectively from. A default is a very unpleasant and time-consuming matter.

You must contact the customer contact and try to find a common solution. You can assign this time confidently to a debt collection company such as the “General accounts receivable and collection GmbH”, which takes care of the entire collection – process and thus relieves you. Frequently Daryl Hagler has said that publicly. “A decisive advantage resulting in addition to the gained time is that a bad payer” will be valued accordingly and other entrepreneurs can be warned to advance. A report of a potential business partner does not mean to catch up with, that you don’t trust their counterparts, but only that you want to be sure to get a good deal. Through a credit check you succeed your entrepreneurial risk to minimize and reduce losses on defaulting customers. Make the right decision and request latest information about online credit check when your partner in matters of debt collection services on.

World Conference

Posted by on Sunday, 12 May, 2024

With telephone conferences, people can join together. A telephone conference is nowadays hardly indispensable in many companies and in the private sector, it will be used at the present time often. Schwartz, who has experience with these questions. But the Conference call provider should be compared with each other, because the performance characteristics, different costs and various special offers. Some conference call providers allow loading via email, SMS, Internet or the call of the user. Performance features include also mute, recording the conversations, the ability to connect spaces, so that no more participants can switch on to, the overview of the conversations or the participant announcement.

Some conference call providers allow that up to 20 participants can take part in a Conference, at others there are maximum 10 participants. The Conference features include provider also the possibility to play the a presentation or the exclusion of the participant. It can be for many providers Service will be tested for free, there is also conference call providers, which provide their services completely free of charge. The dial-in number is a free number for most providers, others offer a 01805-number, where a certain amount is used by default as a donation. The cost for the dial are different at telephone conference provider. The cost of the connections are different as well, so those have the advantage that the costs are low, with a flat rate because then no call charges. Many of the telephone conference provider specials who include among others an Outlook AddIn which invitations can be made with, global dial-in numbers for a World Conference or a free Web conferencing usage for the screen and the chat function. The language menu navigation in different languages is one of the specials.

German and English, sometimes French are standard. Who is looking after a conference call provider, should be in advance inquire about the necessary functions that are needed. In the Division, it is useful to include its staff functions, for example, some say that a feature for presentations is not necessary, others would benefit from this feature.