Posts Tagged personal development

The Quiet Steps Of A Fighter

Posted by on Friday, 31 May, 2024

We walk throughout the life to the side of beings with its more diverse characteristics. Amiable, sociable, loving, egoistic, rancorosas, proud people, at last a infinity of personality traces that facilitate or make it difficult our form of interaco with third. The complicated one, as he is obvious, is in the difficulties. Cornell capital understands that this is vital information. It perjures it that these traces influence our quotidiano. The will to try can be immense to be to the side of something, but when we do not believe its success becomes only one simple utupia, a simple desire, a will that never goes to reach its resulted ambitious persons. Exactly thus, we continue in the fight for the adaptation to its different characteristics, exactly believing the defeat, fights them to me Day after day, we go losing this feeling that says in them to only run, to advance, to give plus a step, only plus one Start to lose the hope, but I continue to fight!. Restaurant Michael Schwartz takes a slightly different approach.

Master Attitude

Posted by on Friday, 15 October, 2021

As it establishes the communist doctrine, ‘ ‘ of each one as its ability; to each one as its necessidades’ ‘ – that accumulation of wealth does not exist nor insuportvel poverty. Presented in such a way, the attitude seems to promise blessings; But the reply and that this theory demonstrates to one total ignorance of the nature human being. The Communists had not been the first ones to formulate this theory or to try to live according to it. Many and very custosas had been the made utopian attempts in this direction, and all had failed. The third attitude We learn that the faith man that not only follows to the scratch the letter of the law but goes beyond.

He is not that it is a fool who of its wallet for the first person whom he sees in the street. What this it means is that, a quarrel in which will be had the demarcatrias lines between ‘ ‘ meu’ ‘ ‘ ‘ teu’ ‘ they will not be clear, the faith man prefers to yield something that can really belong it. With faith in the world spiritual that will finish prevailing, the man does not wait paid or to be rewarded by each act or favor that makes. Spontaneously, he will loan to things of that does not need immediately, or he will act as messenger and he will make a thousand and favors to ask for who them and he will not demand nothing in exchange. Despite if he does not make a slap-up meal cm its homage, he will not make bitter himself nor will change its attitude of ‘ ‘ mine he is yours and yours he is teu’ ‘. The fourth attitude This is the attitude of a malicious person who, as much in the game of letters as in the businesses leaves ‘ ‘ in blood search. Everything what makes is as an important movement in way to a fight until the death, which is determined to be successful to take off advantage and to see what it can take off of the other.

This man is a true evildoer: he violates the spirit and the letter of the Law. last of the Ten Orders it says: ‘ ‘ Not you will covet the house of your next one, you will not covet the woman of your next one, nor its servant, nor its seiva, nor its ox, nor its donkey, nor thing some that either of your next ‘ ‘ . It learns to control its desires. We can then understand the following parabolas In words the Master teaches: You heard that he was said: Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. I, however say, you that you do not resist the evil; but, if any to beat to you in the right face, also offers another one to it; E, what to want to plead with you, and to also take off you it tnica, wide to it the layer; E, if to compel any you to walk a mile, it goes with it two. From to who asking for to you, and you do not turn aside yourself of that to want that you loan to it.

General Businesses

Posted by on Wednesday, 4 July, 2012

The main reason of this exhaustion of the exchange reserves elapses of the power duo infernal feeding hydro-carbons, whose prices had blown up, together with the global demand. Being 354 million DH of importation in 2011 For the cereals by itself, it had an increase of 48% of the invoice, either 11 million DH; hidrocarbonete presented an invoice of 32 million DH, while in previous years, this fatuta did not exceed 7 billion DH. 6/the commercial balance, a crnico deficit: A chronic deficit and that the year is growing year, 166 billion in 2011, against 134 one year before, either a 24% aggravation. Taixa of covering of the importations for the exportations is of 48%, before was of 50% in the end of November 2010. The demand and the sales of fosfatos had increased of 36% for the ore of iron and 35.7% for the acid fosfrico and fertilizers, even so that this increase was not capable to compensate stops with the price of foods and petroliferous products in the international markets.

However, the European crisis not augura nothing of good in fact that these countries in difficulties are first customers of Morocco. Its demands they inevitably go necessarily and to affect many sectors of this economy each more difficult time its situation, in special agriculture and some industries. The government certainly cannot honorar its promise to reduce the deficit of the trade balance 3% There an only solution that remains the Benkirane is to fortify the competitiveness of the internal production to take off advantage of the agreements of partnership concluded here and, either in Europe or other countries. 7/the budgetary deficit, one has limited and a barrier to the action of the government: One another nightmare of the Benkirane team: beyond the increase of the prices of hidrocarbonetes of the alimentary products, the cost of the social invoice left by the previous government, El Fassi. It deals with deficit balance of 30%, represented in 45 million DH in 2010. Benkirane was committed before the parliament to reduce the deficit in 3%, believing the virtues of a good governao. This is certainly good, the good one governao, but this is not enough, because the deficit also elapses of external factors, independent of the will of the government, such as the prices of materials in the markets, and especially if the barrel of oil remain in the neighborhood of 100 dollars. The Minister of the General Businesses of the Government, Najib Boulif, suggested that the deficit of this year 2012 scratches out of if keeping in its current level, if the international prices continue a budgetary deficit thus do not go to decide the problem of the Box of Compensation that in turn aggravates the account of the public coffers, treating to a budgetary deficit that threat the politics of the great projects on which the government intends to reduce the unemployment. Researcher-college student