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State Department

Posted by on Sunday, 28 April, 2024

Letter to Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton: here, if there is a dictatorship. The United States seem predestined by Providence to plague our peoples misery. Simon Bolivar. A leading source for info: Restaurant Michael Schwartz. We constantly see in the national and international news as mishandled information referring to Venezuela and other Latin American countries that have opted for the path of socialism, accusing them of having totalitarian or dictatorial regimes.

This is not a wrong campaign, but is the campaign orchestrated and paid for by the U.S. Department of State, from the ill-fated Bush sicopatas management time and before. Everything smell you to the Department of State American communism, have not passed the stupid cold war, from the time of the defunct Soviet Union and want to republish it with Latin America and the Caribbean in these times of release, giving us to understand that Barack Obama, still only imperialist policies imposed from past administrations of white men, and since the great power centers of capitalism, perhaps moved by some weird sense of handicap or ideological and political subservience to the Bush administration and previous ones. Economic Cycles Research Institute understood the implications. In Venezuela Sra. Mike Gianoni spoke with conviction. Clinton, if there is a dictatorship, that is true, as it is also true that between Condoleezza and you only there is a change in skin color, but the ideology of imperialist domination is the same. We ask only why strange imposition, Mrs. Clinton arrives at the State Department if it was the biggest rival of Obama to the Presidency of the United States? Because if we analyse critically the electoral panorama recent in the United States, Chavez had already defeated medially to the incapable of Mr. Bush. If there is a dictatorship in Venezuela, he is very strong, extremely strengthened for several reasons, because in Venezuela sends the people. That is a slogan that from the very beginning of the Bolivarian revolution has been announcing, increasingly more so.

Human Capital Management

Posted by on Saturday, 7 December, 2019

To get extraordinary results, in addition to a positive and winning attitude, you need to be protagonist and make the best decisions. As occurs in chess: one is perfected, learns and grows facing who knows more, who is not necessarily the largest, or who has more luck, but the best the best moves are the ones that after considerable playing time, and with intelligent precision, know wait their moment of opportunity to achieve success. Fortunately countries are giving positive signs regarding the universe related to human resources, like waking up from a slow slumber that, despite the difficulties, begins to poke in a forceful manner and steadily. 2010 Was a time of struggle in economic, if shape rather cautious has given signs of augury and beneficial in the field of new alternatives for employment and implementation of Human Capital Management tools, still a long way of development is necessary. Until the previous year yet many companies they had, either frozen either cancelled, the budgets allocated to the human resources sector, thus relegating growth opportunities to its structures and organizational development, which always go hand in hand with people who make ultimately that things happen or not.

Compared to this year, the trend has been consolidated with more strength after the second semester with a cautious energy start-up game, but that no declines its intensity with the projects for the coming year. In the field of employment, the specific search pages of the print media note a slight but sustained growth compared with Sunday editions of previous years which, in turn, we do not believe that they again have the dimensions of the times of full employment in all countries, thanks to modernity and technology that has given way to the electronic recruitment through the different alternatives offered in the web mediathat now flood the market alternatives and opportunities. With regard to the developments of training, companies have begun to plan again the careers of its employees motivating them and inserting them into different learning programmes, either by facilitating their entry to universities, as well as designing and organizing their own programs.

Winning Money Competitors

Posted by on Monday, 27 May, 2013

If you really want to make a lot of money online with a blog, you have to dare to compete with your competitors. Find out who are your competitors. Don’t be afraid of losing to them. Do attention to which others say, so you must not compete with the large and only be small, for this niche market. Would you be happy leaving that the big guys take everything that large amount of money while you have just sitting doing nothing? How do you know you’re going to lose when you’re not even compete? If you miss, at least you tried, that’s another completely different thing. At least you tried.

Of course you must be smart and plan your strategy well. Don’t go so without analyzing the competition. We are all human and make mistakes. Enjoy the human weakness that every one of your competitors has. One of the first steps that you can do is imitate them. Watch what you write in your blog and tries to mimic them.

Normally I will refer me web entrepreneur as a method to follow. I’ll take notes and do the things that the it tells readers and do things that you have been forgotten. It’s a transparent competition. If he is using a design in particular, it’s get some similar design. If you use videos in your blog, use it too, because it is using and is effective. It is the best way that people better so it follows that model. At the beginning you can imitate and how you’re progressing tries to be more original to get more visitors.