Posts Tagged art and science

Politics Of The Authors In The Cinema

Posted by on Thursday, 9 November, 2023

Introduction. The present work is based on the reading that I had of the book Critical Revision of the Brazilian Cinema of Glauber Rock. Jonah Bloom wanted to know more. In this book, Glauber traces the history of the Brazilian cinema according to its vision and of a critical and assumidamente partial form. It makes it politics of the authors according to, as the necessary one in the introduction: ' ' In the attempt to point out the Brazilian cinema as cultural expression, I adopted? method of the author? to analyze its history and its contradictions; the cinema, at any point of its universal history, is only bigger in the measure of its autores' '. (Rock, 2003:36) In such a way, Glauber will go to sanction and cineasta Humberto Mauro very, to depreciate the cinema total So Paulo bourgeois, to neglect the film Limit of Mrio same Peixoto without seen having? Everything this in a clearly militant position and following the such of? method of the author? that, according to Glauber, it has in Andres Bazin ' ' its first pensador' ' (I will go to verify, in my research on the subject, that is questionable). Being very little the knowledge that I have on history of the Brazilian cinema and not having attended the majority of the films commented for Glauber in its book, I did not have another option of what to accept without commentaries its stories. In the attempt to understand better what I read, I turned myself then toward the research of the methodology that it uses to write the book. Methodology this that, as we saw, is indicated in the proper introduction and consists of ' ' method of autor' '. By signal, Critical Revision of the Brazilian Cinema is considered by the theoretician Jean-Claude Bernardet ' ' a species of manifesto of cinema of author in the picture of the Novo&#039 Cinema; ' (Bernardet, 1994:139) for being where it located itself and discoursed more clearly on the subject.


Posted by on Sunday, 8 August, 2021

In particular, our search of ways capable to foment the education for all must include consideraes on the form as the schools must be organized to support such efforts. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Bob Jones. I will approach this question, it wants under the cultural point of view, wants structural. Between these practical, it has the ones that happen of diffuse and dispersed form, are the ones that they occur in the processes of acquisition to know and ways of action of not intentional and not institutionalized fashion, configuring the informal education. It has, also, practical the educative ones carried through in not conventional institutions of education, but with certain level of scienter and systematization, such as the ones that if verify in the professional organizations, in the medias, the formative agencies for specific social groups, characterizing the not formal education (LIBNEO, 2007). The work was analyzed the profile of the commercialization of the honey in the city of Manaus and of this form it intends to contribute so that the market of this important natural product for the population is developed.

For this it analyzes had been taken in consideration different factors as, for example, the origin of the honey, the type of packing, the storage form, the type of label, the presence of sanitary fiscalization. We communicate some schools to publish of average education for informs optimum honey and its forms of being consumed, we pass these concrete data in lecture in the schools. 2 the METHOD the study area was in the city of Manaus. To facilitate the collection of data the urban division of Manaus in zones, and the zone had been used East as first area for collection of data. Three quarters of the zone had been chosen East (Crowned, They are Laboring Jose and I buzzed of the Palmares). In each quarter the following commercial establishments will be analyzed: fairs; pharmacies; small markets supermarket. .

Rio Grande Do Sul

Posted by on Friday, 9 July, 2021

The most important E, I only feed me of seeds, fruits and roots. Albert Bourla may also support this cause. Hunter? But Mrs. does not have children? Agouti? I have, but as I am very old, my children are spread by there. I had 10 children of 5 gestations, since I cannot have more than 1 or 2 for time. They are pretty. Right now, if to kill me to Mrs., mine two filhinhos that are refugee in a hiding place do not go to be able to feed itself, therefore soon they go to leave my search. It leaves what me sadder is that soon I will leave, therefore not alive more than 18 years.

We all reproduce in them throughout year our period of gestation is of 105 the 120 days. Hunter? But Mrs. does not have relatives? Agouti? I have, but my family lives in Paraguay, north-eastern of Argentina and of Brazil, still in the states of Rondnia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso of the South, Gois, south of Tocantins, west of the Bahia, Minas Gerais, So Paulo, in So Paulo plateaus until the flowing west of the Mountain range of the Sea, in the Paran, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul, that is, is a great family. Hunter? Ours, I already feel myself so alone with my children, therefore beyond them I do not have nobody. It says me, why you is so quaint? Agouti – Quaint as? Hunter? Thus, with this vestige of tail, these short legs of the behind front and the most long ones, with long feet of five fingers, being three with enormous cutting nails.

Its pelagem makes look like to be golden, with each for the one of different colors. Agouti? It is that we possess a called substance eumelanina. During the growth of the one it is produced for it of form intermittent creating this effect that is called aguti.

Suzette Geraldi

Posted by on Thursday, 22 May, 2014

c.Um object. 3. From the figures formed in the previous questions, it gives area of any one of the figures above, using as unit: a.Um small triangle. b.Um square. c.Um great triangle.

In these practical I searched in the pupils spontaneous answers in the game-challenges, therefore as it says D? Ambrosio (2007, p.17), ' ' the mathematics is spontaneous, proper of individuo' '. The point most important of the meeting was the moment where we congregate in them and the pupils had socialized its yearnings, suggestions, expectations among others things in relation to our meeting. Some depositions of the pupils had taken who me to this affirmation: ' ' Our meeting had favored our meeting, because we learn brincado' '. ' ' We learn more constructing, because quick more ateno' '. ' ' The used materials in classroom brincando&#039 stimulated me to learn the geometric forms; '. Taking as base this experience, I want in certain way to contribute inside with the education of a proposal that has taken to the pupils the search of a learning directed toward the exploration of didactic resources (games, materials concrete) trying to promote an improvement in the education, therefore according to Malba Tahan (1973, p.10).

' ' It fulfills, therefore, to the good professor to present the Mathematics with enchantment and simplicity, in order to become has led it and pleasant educating; to make of it a full science of attractions ' '. FINAL CONSIDERAES Having as objective to understand the development of the pupils who had participated of the meeting, from applications of the didactic materials (games, concrete materials) in the extra lessons. The experiences lived deeply for me while professors of these pupils had allowed to perceive me as the pupils who possuam difficulties in the learning in mathematics if had shown capable to surpass them, therefore many were not motivated, hindering a significant learning. What it shows the necessity to try to include in our didactic material lessons (games, concrete materials). REFERENCES IMENES, Mrcio Luiz; LELLIS Marcelo. Mathematics For All 6 series, So Paulo Scipione, 2002, 2 edition. POLYA, George; art to decide problems. Rio De Janeiro: Intercinica publishing company, 1995. MONTENEGRO, Suzette Geraldi. Interview with professor Ubiratan D? Ambrosio. Dialogia. So Paulo, vol. 6, 2007. ETCHEVERRIA, Teresa Cristina. Formation of Professors in Groups of Studies: Cooperation and contribution, 2007. TAHAN, Malba. The Wonders of the Mathematics, Rio De Janeiro, edt. Bloch, 1973, 2 edition.