International expansion Crown

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International expansion Crown A 6 In May 1997, with the arrival of Dr. Carlos Fernandez Gonzalez DG, has given continuity to the policies of expansion based on the reinvestment of profits, financially sound and non-indebtedness and the strategy of global market share with beer identified with Mexico, which are only manufactured in the country. The engineer Fernandez has placed special emphasis on total quality policies, training of workers and employees as well as the care of the environment, in a more formal approach of the company. After an intense work of fostering and promoting international standards for implementing Quality Assurance in the factories of the Group, the pioneers to receive the ISO 9000 Certificate was Inamex Barley and Malt and Beer and Malta, who succeeded him in 1997. Most companies were certified the next year.Tropics Brewing Company was the first brewery in North America to receive the ISO 14000 for its environmental stewardship. All these policies and decisions have crystallized the success of brands worldwide model, explaining the growth that has taken the Group during the 80s and 90s, despite the crisis, the recurrent devaluation of the peso and the financial turmoil the country has experienced in the past two decades. First, the good numbers are not just numbers, but business is people. The Company employs over 40 thousand workers, each with their particular expectations of better opportunities, dreams and hopes for the future, their concerns and desire to deploy their knowledge and skills. Thus, the positions they occupy in the organization are not only places of work and source of daily sustenance, but a means of personal fulfillment. Therefore, Grupo Modelo has insisted that its greatest resource is its people.Since 1997, Grupo Modelo is the eighth planet brewer consortium, and the brand Corona Extra, “The selling Mexican beer in the world for 15 years, currently occupies fourth place among beers attending the world market and the first among the 450 imported by the United States. In 2002, he held the 9th Special Model. position in the preferences of the Americans, Corona Light the 11th. Pacific, 15VA. and the 23va Negra Modelo. Although the brewery made its first sales to the U.S. in the 30s, export was not something significant for Model, until four decades later when he created the Export Department. On 21 March 1932, the Volstead Prohibition repealed in the United States, only in the first month after the 12-year ban, a million liters of beer across Mexico’s northern border from the breweries of Monterrey, Baja California and Chihuahua.During the Second World War, when other brewers took advantage of a newly opened Mexican American, favored by the war, Don Pablo Diez chose to dedicate efforts to strengthen its national sales network, which was an excellent decision, because the results were seen in the 50s, when model became the leader of the Mexican industry. The international expansion of the product model, began in the southern and southwestern United States where Mexican beer enjoyed great sympathy. Along with the postcards, handicrafts and souvenirs to American tourists bring home when returning from your vacation in Mexico, were the flavors of Modelo beers, whether enjoyed in the fabulous beaches of Acapulco or Puerto Vallarta, or savored between the sound of romantic guitars in taverns, bars and restaurants in Oaxaca, Taxco or San Miguel de Allende.Despite the good reputation of Mexican beer among Americans who had traveled south of the Rio Grande, peer into its own territory was not easy. The Corona brand was registered in 1957 by a beer company in Puerto Rico, and only after lengthy negotiations that included numerous visits to the courts of the United States and Puerto Rico, Model purchased, in 1979, the right to use the trademarkto Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. With the right brand, Grupo Modelo created the conditions for opening the U.S. market, because market research revealed that American consumers wanted a beer identified with Mexico, the sun and sand of its beaches, which evoke the relaxed vacation time spent in our country.With his organization branched throughout the national territory, aggressive in sales, administration and cautious in her more pragmatic than theoretical in their heads of department, Cervecer a Modelo was the protagonist of business realignment and the technology race in the 60 transformed the structure the Mexican beer industry.

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