Federal Advice

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What he explains the feminine characteristic of the profession, exactly existing today about 8% of nurses men in Brazil, according to Federal Advice of Nursing (2008, in Of Lorenzo, 2008). Abro (2008, in Of Lorenzo, 2008) affirms that to be nurse it is to know to take care of. Therefore, to be a good professional she is necessary to like to take care of of people. This is the main requirement for the success in the profession, as much for men, how much for women. The patient must be privileged with a comprehensive and therapeutical performance that develops a narrow relationship between patient and nurse. Extending empaticamente an ability to perceive the feelings of the patient and to use the relationship as corrective interpersonal experience (Ribeiro, 2005 in Bertone, Ribeiro and Guimares, 2007).

Furegato (1999) affirms that all the contact that the nursing has with the patient would have to be therapeutical, this implies in helping the patient at the moment where it needs professional cares of the nurse and its team. Stefanelli (1993, in 2005 in Bertone, Ribeiro and Guimares, 2007), affirms, is important that the nurse has conscience of everything what she is happening, so that sees it to the patient as a person who it can trust. The therapeutical communication is defended by Armelin (2000), Lucena and Ges (1999) and Tigulini and Melo (2002) affirming that this is the main one characteristic for the human relationship, and so that the nurse occurs in this way must be acquired knowledge of its paper in this process who demands beyond procedures technician, to hear the patient and to give adequate attention to it. The dialogue must be constant between patient nurse and, cultivating confidence and respect. The health service is looked when the person has Real necessity, and this environment is total different of its domestic environment or of that it is accustomed, therefore, many are the changes and of brusque form, for example, new rules will have to be respected and new attitudes will be adopted.

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