Corporate Challenges

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 19 July, 2016 at

General considerations in this company is facing major challenges arising from competition, as well as relevant aspects such as technological development, new economic openings, alliances, new consumer demand, government intervention, as well as new ranges, impact of markets modern, in which highlights emerging markets remain a dynamic proactive. Given this reality it is necessary that management is prepared to face it, know how to manage change, make way for the necessary strategies that lead to results that benefit their participation in the development stage where it competes. Note with regard to the impact of changes in organizational behavior, consider that one of the characteristics of modern man is that has a degree of autonomy as had never occurred in history. This new circumstance, acting as a consumer brand, employee, director or supplier and is vital to bear this in mind when analyzing the market and the behavior of organizations business. We must therefore rethink the organizational forms and how to compete and differentiate in the market, inherited from the past.

We have to redefine the traditional concept that was feared a passive consumer. Of course, should be considered in addition, the incidence of other actors in the economic scenario in which they operate, as the state's role, competition, economy, technology. Therefore it is not surprising provided by Esteban Palacio, the Administration presented an exciting discipline tools, proposals, namely knowledge can afford it, more a product of the chaotic scene turbulence variables that originate in the Venezuelan case, for state intervention with an uncertain political, few consistent programs have had a significant impact on organizational behavior of firms.

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