Characters Shinichi

This entry was posted by on Wednesday, 11 July, 2012 at

Characters Shinichi Chiaki ( , Chiaki Shinichi ) The protagonist of the story, is 22 years old, 3rd year student at the Conservatory Momogaoka. It is a great pianist and violinist, but mostly wants to be director of orquesta.Es critical and perfectionist, so he thinks (and is) that is far superior to all his teammates, always criticizing the “bad” touching. For his talent could be in Europe studying, but a plane crash he suffered as a child, caused a tremendous fear of flying or going by boat, so it will be tied to Japan to overcome its fear. Megumi Noda ( , Noda Megumi ) Nodame Alias, a student of 21 years and keeps the 2nd year of piano at the Conservatory Momogaoka. Able to grasp a subject of hearsay, but terrible when read partituras.Es very dirty, the extent of not showering for days and have the same clothes on for the same time.It is also very innocent and is hopelessly in love with Chiaki, met to proclaim his girlfriend. Ryutaro Mine ( , Ryutaro Mine ) Student of 21 years and is associated second violin at the conservatory. Friend of Megumi.Tiene problems with their tutors and Chiaki because he always plays the music and the feel or as if playing in his rock band, so terrible and how you want to play. Eventually, there will be a close friend of Nodame, and Masumi Chiriki and will greatly improve. Masumi Okuyama ( , Okuyama Masumi ) Study 4 of timpani. It is a kind of “odd one” who is in love … Chiaki!, So at first it saves a lot of bitterness towards Nodame. After a contest to see who was “more women” against Nodame, become friends, and in the process also Chiriki, which is very respectful to Masumi although sometimes we call “Afro” hairstyle carrying on.Franz von Stresemann ( , Furantsu Fon Shutor zeman ) Stresemann is a conductor of international fame that comes to the Conservatory Momogaoka as visiting professor. His fame has a dark side, it is a lewd and harassing women who only thinks, in fact, at first takes a great rivalry with Chiaki, it is so popular with the girls leaving Stresemann in the background to them. They become maestro and manage student and playing together, Rachmaninov’s Concerto No.2 for piano and orchestra, which will give Chiaki the momentum necessary to achieve their dream.

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