The Centre

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If take into account the duration of each of the phases will be able to realize that adding cycles that are occurring simultaneously in both limbs at some point both feet are in contact with the ground. It is called to this new period double stance phase. Within the multiple aspects that relate to the gear we are going to deal with those who can help us to understand a subsequent kinematic analysis as well as understanding certain pathological patterns. The following parameters of walking gait parameters can be modified from person to person by factors such as the size, age, pathologies or locomotive disorders among others. Length of step: the dis5tancia between the veneto of a foot and the subsequent event is another foot. For example, when both feet are in contact with the ground, the right step length is the distance between the heel of the left foot and the heel of the right foot. Stride or length of cycle: is the distance between the initial contact from one foot to the next initial contact of the same foot.

Speed: Is the average speed of the body along the progression level measured over one or more strides. It is measured in centimeters per second. Cadence: Is the number of steps in a unit of time (generally the minute). The Centre of gravity during the March a minimum expenditure of energy is achieved when the body moves in a straight line without that center of gravity to deviate. In this sense, the greater the displacement of the Centre of gravity, the greater energy expenditure, for which much of the dynamics of progress is subject to this concept, which allows you to repeat the cycle of running for long periods without excessive effort. Displacement of Center of gravity during the March are two: vertical scrolling: with a range of motion around 5 cm.

horizontal scroll: a range approximately 5 cm of motion also. Determinants of the March in progress, there are a series of decisive moments that allow to perform movements in a physiological manner and that, after undergoing certain changes, generate patterns pathological. Some of these determinants are: pelvic rotation: during operation, the pelvis performs relevant movements in at least two directions. On the one hand, lower limb that is being conducted, not only makes it at the expense of hip flexion, but also for the advancement of hemipelvis homolateral, which helps the advancement of the lower limb. Similarly, the lower limb which is back, not only presents an extension of the hip, but also subsequent movement of the same hemipelvis. The sum of both movements is what is known as pelvic rotation. Pelvic tilt: the side in swing phase hemipelvis, suffers a fall or decline with respect to the contralateral hemipelvis. This decline must be in certain patterns, because if fueseexagerada could be pathological. Knee during stance phase flexion: kept in a 10 to 20 degrees flexion and allows minimisation of the displacement of the Centre of gravity in respect vertical. Width of the base of support: has the quality that, smaller dimension, smaller displacement of Center of gravity in a sideways direction (lower energy expenditure) and less stability. Similarly, the greater the width of the base of support, the greater the displacement of the Centre of gravity (greater energy expenditure) and therefore greater stability. Reciprocal rotation of waist girdle: the coordination of waist girdle and pelvic girdle during operation occurs through an alternating rotation. This allows to keep potential energy that facilitates the next step. Source: Original author and source of the article

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