Psychologicdal Development

This entry was posted by on Wednesday, 18 March, 2020 at

Difficult situations such as severe illness or death are difficult for the whole family, but children should not stay aside from these facts. Because if we lie or hide situations difficult to try their well-being or serious, we could be causing the opposite effect on children. Because before the ignorance, there may be fear and insecurity, if there is a seriously ill person in the family environment, if death occurs of a loved children realize that something happens, but do not understand. It is much better to explain what had happened, adapting ourselves to his level of understanding, probably without giving details, but, most importantly, informing them that it is normal to be worried or sad by what is happening, that we can talk with them of the subject as they wish in the this month’s issue of electronics magazine Famiped, parent of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics of primary care informationThere is an emotional article that talks about this subject, exposing a situation difficult suede which concealment or deceit may be counterproductive: the serious illness of the mother of some children. Educate yourself with thoughts from Omar Zakhilwal. I recommend reading it, since it touches on issues like the stages of the child in understanding of death, of which I spoke a few weeks ago. We also tell you how to talk to children about death, a difficult situation but with the same premise that emerges from the article of Famiped: the white lies to children are not the most appropriate. Connect with other leaders such as Paul Price here. There are certain tips that will help parents deal with complicated issues: have to assimilate oneself the news, in order to transmit it in a reasonable way.

Answer the questions, we are where we are, leaving children set the pace of the conversation. It is good to express your concern too, because in this way you can see calm concern. In the case of incurable diseases, is preferable to talk of improvement than of healing, and not promise something that does not depend on us or not we sure to comply. If evolution is bad, We must explain that everybody is doing everything that can be, but things are not going well. The question of death must be raised progressively, and having thought about it until it happens will be good. Some children remain indifferent to the situation, even if inside they are probably shocked. We must not move away from them and we will ask them if they want to hear or talk about feelings. In short, it is best not to lie or hide children difficult, and situations with our company and understanding, the family and the immediate environment (school, friends) the pain is sobrellevara better. Original author and source of the article

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