PR Work With Football Fans CRM

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 1 September, 2011 at

Today, in almost all sectors of business came the concept of "Customer focus", "Customer loyalty" and crm. But as things stand in the football business? Oriented clubs on whether their clients? Are they aware of their fans all? After all, it is a customer fan club. That fan is the money the club, wanting to get away with certain services, video games, and goods as souvenirs and paraphernalia. crm market system in Russia is growing every year. Company knowingly spend on projects implementing similar systems of tens of thousands of rubles to the millions of dollars trying to attract new customers and retain old ones, knowing that if they do not attract client now, if they will not keep an existing customer is worth much more expensive than the first, then they will lose part of their profits. So how crm systems can increase the profits of football clubs? How are they able to increase the loyalty of the fans? Why are the tools available to work with the public not able to significantly increase profits? To answer these questions, it is sufficient to identify disadvantages of the current pr tools and find out whether a crm system can implement the necessary advantages. At the beginning of the season clubs like to hold "traditional meeting with the fans, which are spoken about plans for the season, are new players and discuss the interaction with support groups. Minus the present situation is that at these meetings there is the Group, only a fraction of fans abreast of the current situation and knows the latest news.

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