Istanbul System

This entry was posted by on Friday, 14 February, 2020 at

A few months ago was implemented a transportation system new in the Guadalajara Macrobus, this transport internationally known as Brt city, began in the Brazilian from Curitiba city, it is currently used in cities such as Istanbul, Bogota, Guatemala among others, from different countries, is a system designed in Latin America works in our cultural reality. The first lines of this transport in his Brazilian hometown, were a necessity to the increasing deterioration of mobility resulting in loss of excessive time in transport, physical deterioration of the city by a messy, aggressive and inefficient system as well as a growing demand without cover. System achievement improve times of tours, sort routes, lowering the rate of accidents on roads at a reasonable price. For our countries in Latin America, we have reduced budgets or is already earmarked for other needs, that our political systems do not have a continuity of work projects, as well as the personal resources that are intended to transported; Another important aspect is that where works a Brt future changes as implementation of the subway can be developed, or return to traditional transport due to lack of inflow. These features may serve for our economic reality by their much lower price than an urban train system, its construction time shorter than other projects to be carried out in two or three government administrations by modifying the original plan, also the lack of resources of the population to pay for a costly service, as well as the continuous urban changes in our roadsis a decent method for reasonable price and that benefits the greater part of the population is the most that we are moving in transport public.The Brt system proposed in addition to the line of this articulated truck, alternate methods of transportation as cycle routes, pedestrian walkways, metro, transport private etc. That you perfect the method of mobility of a population. The proper functioning of this method requires previous studies to ensure that the most of this investment, serving between residential places and work, commercial and cultural interest sites, to give the best service to the population. Prior to implementation of the brt, market studies, feasibility and urban, must ensure the good performance of the Guadalajara macrobus, avoiding accidents, misuse of resources and politicization of the work.

The line that we have today in the driveway of this transport has shown that studies for the location of stations, safety missed for pedestrians and integration to the urbanistically area. The Brt system is a system which could help in conjunction with other methods of mobility, transport of Guadalajara, but the reality of the current line shows a disorder in the planning. The other lines proposed for the city could solve efficiently as deserve the users, we have decades in backlog of public transport worthy, if the investment therefore it for all is best take advantage of it.

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