Gross, Naive, Primitive

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 8 December, 2009 at

Egypt and the middle east are full of are booming. Especially in times full of upheavals and innovations Gross, Naive, Primitive Contrary to what that might suggest a quick read of the title of this project, “Brutus, Naive, Primitive …”, is not a collection of insults thrown urbi antiquities for sale et orbi, but three nicknames used by some theorists to consciousness of European modernity seeking highly favorable characteristics define an art that did not adhere to the conventional canons of bourgeois taste.An art whose attributes of simplicity, expressiveness openly and spiritual purity, redeem the depletion of the contents and artistic expression peculiar to the “high culture”. Since Eug ne Delacroix and the Romantic movement, seeking sources of inspiration in East and Africa, but harder still in the figure below of Paul Gauguin, European art seeks to upgrade the formal and thematic content of other cultural productions until then considered “primitive”, ie at an earlier stage of aesthetic development. The rough art emerges as an outlet in a society that tolerates poor who do not comply with the Egyptian antiquities representation of a time and space by the clock subdued industrial rationality and the multiplication of capital.Art Brut is the term coined by the painter antiquities auction Jean Dubuffet to describe the gestures executed by unbalanced thoughtless, children or self-taught painters. The recovery of this art positively gross, ie, free from the hindrance of the cool speculation and moral imposture society led him to create the famous Museum of Art Brut in Lausanne and make a call “open” now happily collect, past half a century, in our sky: “Most of the time the authors antiquities dealers are people who do not make a career, dedicated to his work at times, running those little jobs for use and personal charm, not counting for the same destination with a great, driven only need to externalize the holidays with his mind instead. Art modest! antiquities And they often ignore even called art.

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