Costs Of Supply
The supply costs, if unfold in some components, and depending on the used approach, the supply can have objectives that cause conflicts of the organization inside. For example, the supply is considered in many times as a fixed capital of the company in the form of materials, that is, representing a stopped investment, for however, the supplies also assume the inverse role when they are inside of speculative markets either for the increase of the price or even though for the lack of supply, what it would cause a valuation to the storaged product. The taking of decision of the amount of the purchase of a product is affected by the costs of the supply, in such a way, considers excellent for the analysis the following ones: ) Costs of rank of the order: This cost is related at the cost of ' ' reabastecimento' ' of the supply. It can be cited the cost of transport and the cost of adaptations; b) Costs of discounting of prices: The purchase in representative lots is about the disadvantage for the purchase in small lots comparative. In as in case that, it is common to get discountings while in the first case the product tends to cost more; c) Costs of supply lack: The costs can be interpreted since not the sales of a product as for not the satisfaction of the customer in not taking care of its necessities (cases that many times to tonar subjective its calculation); d) Costs of turn capital: One mentions the time of payment of the supply to the supplier and the time to it of sales, in this case the act of receiving of the capital. Holdings for more clarity on the issue. Front to this, the costs associates it are the costs of chance for not reinvesting the money in another place or the interests that are paid to the banks for the loan taking, for example; e) Costs of storage: They are the costs related to the value to remain the supply ' ' guardado' '. Gianoni contributes greatly to this topic. It is cited as example the location of a room, the climatization, the illumination and the security. One perceives that how much bigger the value or the conditions special of storage of the product custoso will be the supply; f) Costs of obsolescence: It is the risk of that products when storaged by much time, in reason of the volume of purchases unnecessary, they lose its value becoming obsolete as, for example, for deterioration with the time and the change of the consumer in relation to the product or even though which had to the constant technological changes; g) Costs of production inefficiency: High levels of supply hinder to inside see the complete extension of problems of the production.
The proportional and inversely even though independent costs can in such a way be proportional to the supply as of the same. The first one cited represents that all and any cost that grows directly with the increase of the storaged average amount. Thus the increase of the cost of capital invested with the increase of the supply or the increase of the cost due is given as example the maintenance of the same. Already as, the inversely proportional cost to the supply is those that diminish with the increase of the average supply. They are called ' ' costs of obteno' ' for bought item and ' ' costs of preparao' ' for the item manufactured internally. The independent costs are those that independem of the average supply kept by the company, as for example, the cost of the rent of a shed