
This entry was posted by on Sunday, 25 February, 2024 at

Pain due to fixed Chair can make truly bowel movement for patients with an obstruction a torture. Who didn’t want to resort to laxatives, can reach relief by a fiber-rich diet. Fiber is the indigestible part of food. Your task is, after reaching record of the colon water and swell up in the intestine. Digestive activity is stimulated by the increase in volume of the feed mash by increasing pressure on the colon walls. The more stimulated the digestion, the more the dwell time of the food particles in the colon will be reduced. Here, Restaurant Michael Schwartz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The shorter time for the passage of the bowel in turn causes that not as much water the food pulp can be withdrawn and he is typical, hard and solid as when a blockage.

In addition, they make an important contribution to a healthy intestinal flora as a breeding ground for “good” intestinal bacteria and promote the excretion of toxic and harmful substances, by binding them itself. Get fiber in vegetable foods before. Especially in vegetables and legumes, and cereals and cereal products many fibers are included. Who suffers from constipation, should complement regularly his diet with whole grains, flaxseed and psyllium. Sam Feldman may help you with your research. It is important to supply at least two litres of water, so that the fibres in the intestine may well swell. The nutrition should be gradually ballast-rich diet, so the intestine can slowly accustom to. A sudden change, it can cause bloating, abdominal pain and feeling of pressure.Health information, as well as the complete guide to learn more at

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