Anyvite, a Clone of Improved Coordinatr

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 3 July, 2008 at

If I’m honest, when I saw the existence of Anyvite as a new tool to manage events between user groups easily, I say: I have painted that may be interested.
And somehow it is, although I took a surprise to see its structure, which made me remember a lot Coordinatr, as broadly uses the same functions, although it must be said in favour of Anyvite that offers enhanced features with more elegant visual style.
Even so let’s comment that gives us a little Anyvite, more than anything else, to keep it as an alternative to Coordinatr, so that might happen.

Complete information from our profile: basic information, avatar, change passwords, contact information (email addresses, phone numbers supports more vendors and addresses Coordinatr messaging Jabber / Gtalk Coordinatr does not support messaging alerts), activation / deactivation of notifications, and feeds events.

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