Archive for April, 2010


Posted by on Thursday, 8 April, 2010

For several years the market of the hairstyle trends is divided into several camps. On the one hand, the short hair cut, just announced the chin-length bob like Victoria Beckham, now for over one years very much. He stressed narrower faces and the eyes very well, is in a hot summer, probably the most pleasant and hair shows in every situation of style and taste. With this trend it is always correct. On the other hand, the demand for extensions will not be returning. Women often want at least shoulder-length hair, if they opt for hair extensions. Long, thick hair is one of many symbols of the new trends of femininity. Whether with or without a pony, straight or curly, flowing hair for men is always an attractive focal point. Longer hair in the summer just to emphasize the bare skin of shoulder or backless tops and dresses. Especially nice are slightly falling curls this season, because they emphasize a summery freshness and also always show a pretty, youthful touch of the wearer. SmoothHair style, however, is always a guarantee. Flat gefhnte hairstyles always emphasize an elegant chic and also considered as an adequate equivalent of an updo. Also with regard to the choice of colors Trendfrisuren 2007 are no limits. Whether natural colors, such as ash blonde, chestnut-red or brown or hazel eye-catcher, such as pink, white-blond or plum-black. Everything is possible and everything is in, because the trend towards individuality – away from the universal look. The hairstyle trends this year are so diverse and thus offer great opportunities for all requests, to be realized. And who is not so brave attempts at artificial hair extensions and hair dye, they are not quite so definitive.

Customer Loyalty System

Posted by on Tuesday, 6 April, 2010

Customer loyalty schemes are designed to ensure the satisfaction of the customer. In addition, regular customers will be attracted from walk-ins. There are various systems which attempt to tie trade and service customers. The customer will be rewarded, for example after the purchase premiums. This may take the form of gifts or a bonus to happen, for example, the use of the lounge or the like. Another customer loyalty system is to provide the customer before the purchase has discounts or subsidies. This may be, for example extra baggage allowance on Air Airlines. The third customer loyalty scheme is to offer the customer the best service at all times. The customer will be stimulated by this customer-relationship management to repeatedly enter into business relationships with the respective manufacturer. A common second-hand resources are customers or bonus cards. Customers benefit from additional benefits and the entrepreneur receives the data of the person in order to be able to do market research. How is the buying behavior ofCardholder analyzed and it can be selectively applied, which has a higher chance of success, therefore, indiscriminate advertising. The most common customer systems are discount coupons, frequent flyer programs and coupons. In Germany in 2005 were approximately 100 million store cards in use, which proves that even the client knows its benefits from the discounts and bonuses to use and this action also implements.

Maria Moscoso in the World Week of living authors (FRANCE)

Posted by on Sunday, 4 April, 2010

Global Week of Living Authors of Theater, Marseille (France) From 20 to 27 March, held in Marseille (France), the Fourth Edition of the Week of Living Authors, organized by the Association “Les Auteurs de l’Ombre” chaired by Fabrice Raina, in collaboration with Centro Cultural and Social “La Castellane” and with the support as sponsors of various entities and French organizations.The center takes its name from the populous neighborhood in which it is located on the outskirts of Marseille. Those were days of meetings, interviews, readings and theatrical performances. Perhaps the most striking thing about broadcasting is that these meetings are broadcast live over the Internet, both image and sound, so that coverage can be considered worldwide. The planned program was developed with the participation, among others, the author Gerald Gruhn, which were read their works “Auto-Psy (de petits crimes innocents)” and “Le Plaisir de la marche. Also came from Paris, Philippe Touzet, vice president of the EAT (Ecrivains associ s du th tre), and read four of his short works: “If n’existe pas l’enfer, je viens de l’inventor” ” Miette de pain et tache de vin “,” Juste un petit tour “and” No l chez les no l. From Brussels (Belgium) came Adolphe Nysenhoc author, a specialist in Chales Chaplin.Also read plays Sabine Mallet (Paris – France), St phane Tit ca (Tours – France) and Caroline Weiss (Paris – France) Some topics that were discussed, symposia moderated by Fabrice Raina-were “Representation of authors living in the tissue of the Second City theater in France” Marseilles , “What is theater for the inhabitants of cities and popular areas “and” Why a man decides one day write plays. ” They offered “The Tales of insertion” for the company Th tre et Soci t , of Marseilles, “The managers of colors” by the Company Croqueti of Ch teaurenard (France), “Here we are,” the Company Teatrofia of Tenerife (Spain) and “Music Hall”, by the Company Troupeau dans le cane. A DAY DEVOTED TO THEATER IN SPANISH LANGUAGE The 26th was devoted to Spanish-language theater.Brief were read two works by Spanish: La Cuchara, Salvador Enriquez, Farhad Lak and read by the author himself, handling all dimensions Juan Reyes, Teatrofia Company and across the street, Farhad Lak, who wrote in Marseille for the occasion, and played Juan Reyes, Antonio Conejo and Juan Luis Moreno, the three Teatrofia Company. In direct connections via the Internet (audio and videoconferencing), for which we have the effective assistance as a translator Chist a Damien, we heard the views of Veronica Artagaveytia, from Uruguay, Pedro Montalb n, from Valencia (Spain), Juan Martins, from Maracay (Venezuela), Jorge Ivan Blandon, from Colombia, and Mario Moscoso, from Argentina.