Mercantilism as a set of economic ideas

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Laura-Knight-Jadczyk13/11/06Comentario: This is the sixth in the series of articles written in 2006 to commemorate the 43 anniversary of the assassination of JFK.Actualmente Americans lives are shorter than the Bosnians, the ‘democracy’ is barely better than the Czech Republic have more people in prison than any other country in the world, and a child born in Slovakia is more likely to survive than America.Dadas in these statistics, the perceived supremacy at the top of the global city seems not to be deserved. Almost all European economists between 1500 and 1750 are now considered as commercial. However, these authors did not see themselves as participants in a single economic ideology, but the term was coined by Victor Riquetti, Marques de Mirabeau in 1763, and was popularized by Adam Smith in 1776. In fact, Adam Smith was the first person to formally organize many of the contributions of the business in his book The Wealth of Nations. The word comes from the Latin word mercari, which has the same meaning to the Castilian trade in the sense of conducting a business, and that comes from the root meaning mercancia MERX. It was originally only used by critics to this theory, such as Mirabeau and Smith, but was soon adopted by historians.
Mercantilism in if you can not be considered as a unified theory of economics. In fact there were no mercantilist writers to submit a general outline of what would be an ideal economy, as Adam Smith would simply forward for classical economics. In its place, the mercantilist writer tended to focus their attention on a specific area of the economy. would be after mercantilista period when the scholars who came later to integrate the various ideas on what I would call mercantilismo like Eli F. Heckscher who sees in the writings of the time as both a political power system, a system of regulation of economic activity, a protectionist system and a monetary system with the theory of the trade balance. However, some theorists reject completely the idea of a mercantilist theory, arguing that it gives “a false unity to disparate events.” The history of economic thought Mark Blaug notes that mercantilism was described over time as “unpleasant baggage,” “diversion of historiography,” and “giant balloon theory.”
To a certain extent, mercantilist doctrine itself made it impossible that there was a general economic theory. Saw the market-oriented economic system as a zero sum game, where the gain of the parties involved the loss of another, or along the famous Jean Bodin “there is nothing that anyone does not win another unsuccessful” (The Six books of the Republic). Therefore, any system of policies that benefit one group by definition would also do harm to another or others, and there was the possibility that the economy was used to maximize the common wealth or common good. It appears that of mercantilist writings were made to justify retrospectively a series of practices, rather than to assess its impact and determine how best to carry out .
Mercantilism is therefore a doctrine or economic policy that appears in an interventionist and describes an economic credo that prevailed at the time of birth of capitalism, before the Industrial Revolution .
Early mercantilist theories developed in early sixteenth century were marked by bullion (the English bullion gold bullion). In this regard, Adam Smith wrote:
The dual role of money as an instrument of trade and a measure of values, has meant that occur naturally in this popular idea that money is wealth, or wealth is the abundance of gold and silver ‘ . Is to make the same argument with respect to a country. A rich country is where the money is plentiful, and the easiest to enrich theirs is amassing gold and silver ‘ . Due to the growing success of these ideas, the different nations of Europe have been engaged, but without much success, to seek and accumulate gold and silver in every possible way. Spain and Portugal, as owning the mines that provide most of these metals to Europe, have banned its export threatening severe reprisals, or have undergone enormous fees. The same prohibition has been part of policy of most nations of Europe. One finds even where we least expect, in some old records of the parliament of Scotland, which prohibits, under heavy penalties, carrying gold and silver out of the realm. The same policy was launched in France and in England
Thomas Gresham, merchant and financial English
During this period, substantial quantities of gold and silver flowed from the Spanish colonies of the New World to Europe. Bullion for writers such as Jean Bodin and Thomas Gresham, wealth and state power are measured by the amount of gold they own. Each nation has to increase its gold reserves at the expense of other nations to grow their power.

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