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Advantages Of Having Short Hair

Posted by on Wednesday, 5 June, 2024

The idea of sacrificing our mane to change to a shorter style, can be more difficult to take decisions. When us has always accompanied our long, or not so long, Mane; us not always fancy the idea of losing, although at some moments of our life nothing fills us more than a change and there is no more radical than a change of image change. The hair is perhaps one of the things that most mark our lifestyle. We have endless options to do it with a good haircut, which is not always only possible with costumes and makeup. The idea of cutting it is very exciting, by the change that supposes but it also creates insecurity against something that we don’t know because we have never possibly taken. Psychologically, in many cases we use our mane to hide us from others, the hair gives us security, since it creates we feel that hiding the face, also we can hide our thoughts and emotions against the rest of the world. Michael Schwartz.

It makes us less vulnerable against the looks of others. Therefore, one is required good dose of security and self-confidence to make the change. Which points to please have short hair? There are many points in our favor to move us to make the change to a shorter hair. Most importantly, it will give us an image more youthful, fresh and with a relaxed air that we surely want. How quickly to fix it is also important and the versatility when it comes to styling will make us tired not always of the same image. Gianoni pursues this goal as well. To grow very quickly, it will give you the possibility to change style every so often. But the enthusiasm for change will that will bring you more satisfaction. There is no doubt that it is a change that will take you time to assimilate and can that you afternoon something get used to seeing you as well and even to style your hair differently.


Posted by on Friday, 3 May, 2024

Today 5 many young Andalusian will know if they are part of the privileged group of Fellows of Extenda. It is your first step to open up to the internationalization, because thanks to these grants they knew first hand new markets, living and enjoying their culture so that the following year again and they can support to Andalusian firms with their knowledge. I am one of those who have requested it by that with the objective of exporting is one of the steps to undertake the internationalization and promote our region by any party in the world. So from here I call the young Andalusian that dare and seize this opportunity and give a higher quality service to our business globalization and internationalization in a world where globalized somo simple numbers in a list, it is necessary to differentiate themselves from the rest, but I say not only on a personal level (being different, having own criterion, personality) must also differentiate in the professional field. As Unamuno said progress is to renew itself, and if we talk about companies, that renewal tool is called internationalization, today or TE INTERNACIONALIZAS or these were on the market.

There are many fears that new challenges typically us arise, it is something intrinsic in humans, but if we have enough personality and safety in our project, there is nothing and no one that we stop. With caution and determination our company can open a gap in the international panorama, and draw from this experience all the positive aspects that international trade can offer us. I encourage you to destaqueis, I diferencieis, life is a continuous learning process and each step we take is an experience for the future..

State Department

Posted by on Sunday, 28 April, 2024

Letter to Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton: here, if there is a dictatorship. The United States seem predestined by Providence to plague our peoples misery. Simon Bolivar. Michael Schwartz. We constantly see in the national and international news as mishandled information referring to Venezuela and other Latin American countries that have opted for the path of socialism, accusing them of having totalitarian or dictatorial regimes.

This is not a wrong campaign, but is the campaign orchestrated and paid for by the U.S. Department of State, from the ill-fated Bush sicopatas management time and before. Everything smell you to the Department of State American communism, have not passed the stupid cold war, from the time of the defunct Soviet Union and want to republish it with Latin America and the Caribbean in these times of release, giving us to understand that Barack Obama, still only imperialist policies imposed from past administrations of white men, and since the great power centers of capitalism, perhaps moved by some weird sense of handicap or ideological and political subservience to the Bush administration and previous ones. Cycles Research Institute understood the implications. In Venezuela Sra. Clinton, if there is a dictatorship, that is true, as it is also true that between Condoleezza and you only there is a change in skin color, but the ideology of imperialist domination is the same. We ask only why strange imposition, Mrs. Clinton arrives at the State Department if it was the biggest rival of Obama to the Presidency of the United States? Because if we analyse critically the electoral panorama recent in the United States, Chavez had already defeated medially to the incapable of Mr. Bush. If there is a dictatorship in Venezuela, he is very strong, extremely strengthened for several reasons, because in Venezuela sends the people. That is a slogan that from the very beginning of the Bolivarian revolution has been announcing, increasingly more so.