Posts Tagged philosophy

“To Be Or Not To Be ?

Posted by on Tuesday, 23 January, 2024

Shakespeare embodied for the world, with its prodigious feather, the dilemma that has followed our history forever. Whether we realize it or not, for us it is different than for Hamlet, the character of the great playwright, "To be or not to be?, That is the question." And beyond the contextual meaning it may have that expression, we conclude that every day, in the different scenarios that we have to move, that is indeed the question: to be or not to be. Being not a reflection on this statement can help us expand our mental framework, then proceed to respond (individually) to increasingly crucial questions whose answers will become something like a personal constitution to follow and respect; questions can range from the choice of our work, studies, family formation, firm or company, to the deepest as: any sense of our lives? It is not surprising that high rates of youth suicides that have plagued our societies in the world for several years, joined the family instability that hits the heart of our societies, whether they are "first world" or "third world" and the growing (though paradoxically creeping) wave of immorality or morality on call as I think their supporters, not surprisingly, again, that the basis of all this mix of events, is a hilarious need to keep us ignorant to the question of being or not being, preferring that way by default , Not Being As we grow, each of us is responsible for deciding whether to join the mass arrebanado the illusion of security (and beyond), because being is just that: to give constructive leave a legacy , encouraging the potential that we possess as human beings, so we become shadows of men and women, sadly destined to perish without further. Angus King is the source for more interesting facts. Do not be mean not to live, not live is equal to go through life thinking the world owes us something, instead of thinking about what we can give us. It Being wonderful But we can make another decision. We can choose to be, without having to wait, because we possess is the most common trap in which we tend to fall, they always want a good girlfriend (or wife if married), we always want good children, friends, neighbors, employees, etc.. It’s believed that Jim Rogers sees a great future in this idea. And the real problem is not that we want that, but we are not willing to be the best boyfriends or husbands, better fathers, friends, neighbors, bosses or employees. Being an adventure is to live our life with authenticity, character, always creating something new for our loved ones, innovating to create new solutions to new challenges we will face, serving under the rule of the bedrock principles that govern the development, happiness and peace. Being means seek our own path to excellence, with the awareness that the road itself is important, perhaps more than a destination to be reached, then, to be honest with ourselves, we learn not by what we achieve, but what we travel and experience, with a cheerful attitude, but this does not mean we can not shed tears when the tension grows around us, and when we achieve something, we recognize that was the way which helped us achieve our goal, because with all the challenges presented to us, learned, yes, we learned perseverance, courage, faith invaluable virtues that can only hold those who do not hesitate to be who they are, do not hesitate to see life as your chance to love, work and make a difference, even in a single person. You may wish to learn more. If so, Sam Feldman is the place to go. And now?, To envision the day ahead, what will we do? .

Success in Sales

Posted by on Saturday, 11 November, 2023

The key to our success in sales and management of residential and commercial buildings, has been give peace of mind and confidence to owners since we investigated in a deep way the future prospect, (honourableness and solvency), and thus to be 100% secure, conduct our business for 50 years. Helenico Theatre, handed over the medals for outstanding values merit Mexican intellectuals that every year takes place. The 21 of September of 1993, Lupita Arizcorreta receives a medal for his outstanding work as an entrepreneur, from the hands of Dinna Shouner, President of the Association of women intellectuals and business. It would work it of Televisa Srita. Amalita Gomez Cepeda, who currently serves as President of coordination, congratulated Lupita Arizcorreta and terraces, who received the Medal of merit of the third age, the female youth association, by your Curriculum vitae so interesting that, in the Academy and in the world of real estate, it has deserved the first and foremost, and succeeded in its 35-year exchanges and international distinctions in their businesses of real estate, as professional advisor and administrator, journalist and editor.

He has founded several companies of real estate and all with success. Click Restaurant Michael Schwartz to learn more. In 1960 he founded the first stock exchange real estate. It has highlighted as a brilliant journalist and editor for 14 years, from their own magazines in English and Spanish, and international specialized in real estate, than by brokerage issues and property management stopped making this valuable publication.. .

Zodiac Signs

Posted by on Tuesday, 12 October, 2021

Changing the bodies of animals that are born and die, having lived his life, the soul is finally embodied in the human body. Born people. In the human body to soul, changing born and die a physical body, to pass a series of lessons. The main lessons of karmic problems (ideas) – twelve. This idea of Aries Tedtsa, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. It’s 12 lessons of karma, karma 12 major tasks for training Soul. Official site: Covid Vaccine San Francisco. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac – the 12 major karmic tasks for training of the human soul on earth.

As we know from the hypothesis of karmic rebirth, the soul changes the millions of bodies during his life on earth. The physical body is constantly born, live and die. The soul at this time constantly learning to withdraw from the physical body (our familiar physical world) and stop the almost endless chain of births and deaths of bodies, in which she lives. Born in human body ‘under the sign of the zodiac’ (with the sun in a particular zodiac), the soul must learn all the positive ideas of this sign (negative ideas Mark will be in the soul, your own). That is, the soul must take in your experience infinite life and the idea of karmic task of zodiac signs, his positive attributes and qualities.

The soul of man, born under the predominant influence of a sign, is born under his influence, many times. During one human life is impossible to learn the properties and qualities of even one sign of Zodiac. If during the life of the physical body The soul of man does not assimilate the idea of karmic zodiac signs, which affects the physical body (House of Soul), it is embodied in a physical body under the influence of the zodiac signs again and again. Incarnation will continue for as long as all the positive properties, and the idea of karmic zodiac sign will not be assimilated Soul and will not enter into its properties and karmic experience. Being born under the same sign of the zodiac, the soul can live hundreds of times, changing the physical body. Man can return to the top of Zodiac Signs (by date of birth, the Sun at the beginning of the sign) from the middle or end of the mark if the soul is not fulfilled the karmic idea of this zodiac sign and not learned its truth. If the soul is, by changing the body, born under the same characters (with the Sun in the same zodiac) learn all properties of this mark and will fulfill his karmic mission, the soul is transferred to the next Zodiac sign. Ie it is born in a physical body under the next sign of the Zodiac.

Philosophy Occidental

Posted by on Sunday, 2 December, 2018

The empirismo was defined for the first time explicit by the English philosopher John Locke in century XVII, Locke argued that the mind would be originally one ‘ ‘ picture branco’ ‘ (it tabulates flat), on which the knowledge is recorded, whose the base is the sensation. The empirismo best that the rationalism called the man to the challenge to construct center of the proper universe, with effect, while the rationalism believes in wider, situated more solid supports and horizontes in the superior truths of the reason to the man and demarcators of the direction of its existence, the empirismo leaves to the man the task to invent this universe from the multiplicity until certain chaotic point of the world of the events. 6,1 CHARACTERISTIC the empirismo affirms that the knowledge is gotten by means of the experience of the directions, of the sensations. FINAL CONSIDERAES were concluded that the empirista doctrine was of utmost importance for our learning, knowledge and development in the classroom and the personal life.

The knowledge and experience is on to the human being, therefore it is through our experiences of our day the day that we acquire more and more knowledge, thus contributing for our intellectual development as in such a way personal. .

The Problem

Posted by on Monday, 9 January, 2012

And whether it was an insult? Maybe you simply wanted to buck up, find out the relationship, and thus raise all minor conflicts throughout the week, but what would happen if two favorite people will remember all the hassle, because they are near me, then, resentment can be listed over the years. My opinion remains the same, people need to talk about their problems with each other, integrity is what will help you relations, speak directly about the disadvantages of not allowing them to proliferate, with support and help to fix them. It brought together by you, will trust in your relationship and help to open up and not from complexes to each other. Here's my advice. Find a common problem (for example: he devotes much time on friends, and you're not invited to the "smoker"). Seems like to be? After all, he forgets about you, maybe he wants so forget about your existence? A Here and there, I say! Here's a way out of the problem: You have to understand why this happens, take a moment to talk about it with loved ones, try to understand it and think why these people he is friends that connects them. Write whatever you not satisfied in relation to you. And sort through the guy.

Ask several times to walk with them, go somewhere, build relationships, climb into their "man's collective." And then you finally realize that it is they say so Club of common interests, jokes on subjects that you are not familiar, they are in fact men, so they are combined in order to speculate what would prove to themselves and what they are strong, courageous, ideological and incendiary, to whom they still boast. After all, we have never dealt with in the question: where better to hide the socks, how can a whole day to play and football, and how you can laze away the years. You will not be very interesting to them, soon you will realize that should not forget about your girlfriends, take the time to go shopping, call a girlfriend for tea, do yourself a make-up and great hair, wear elegant dresses and make a couple of shots to be happy, believe me, the world is filled with paint. Show yourself and your photos, in all its glory, my favorite, with a bunch of your favorite flowers you provided. Take everything from life, filling his love bright colors and surprises