Archive for November, 2018

Emotional Disorders

Posted by on Wednesday, 28 November, 2018

However, it is not this that we are witnessing. Each time more we see a society devastated for the illnesses of modernity, somatizando cancers, diverse cardiopathies, fbicos obesidade, psychoses and upheavals and of anxiety, as the anorexy, the bulimia and the Compulsory Obsessive Upheaval? TOC. How it is possible that this society, although all modernity, social how much in such a way technological, thought and idealized to offer comfort and to provide happiness for the people, produces as much pain, sadness and destruction? Why the access to all these goods of consumption so desired only increase, most of the time, the existencial emptiness of the people? We would desire that the answers to all these questions were simple as they seem to be obvious, if were not the innumerable contradictions of a time of perplexidades where proper history in the sample. When standing out these deep and significant changes, each time more lived deeply by the modern society, in a logic of mundializao and globalization in all the sectors, considering them as being sociocultural phenomena of the contemporaneidade, in view of that the Sport and the Leisure, also are incorporated this group of consumption good, we identify the possibility to study them and discutiz them, specifically in the field of the Corporal Culture. For these factors we consider of excellent importance to argue the called activity Parkour, as being one of these phenomena and its direct influence in the behavior of adolescents and young practises that it. Practical the corporal ones are phenomena that if they show, with priority, to the corporal level and that they consist as cultural manifestations of playful character, such as the games, the dances, the gymnasticses, the sports, the martial arts and acrobatics, practical among others social. These manifestations are composed for corporal techniques, as already it identified and it categorized anthropologist Marcel Mauss (2003), in the ticket of century XIX for century XX. .

Performance Management

Posted by on Sunday, 25 November, 2018

The end result should be an equally sharp with both eyes. Of course, should not have discarded models diopters of correction. For users of spectacles, binoculars have some quality retractable eye, that is, that you can “get in” or bend the rubber that protects them for vision with glasses is comfortable. A feature of particular importance in view of a prism is the transmission capacity of color. This capability should be checked by comparing different models of binoculars and aim to offer a choice that castrate a bright, natural, no false color and distortion halos around the image. A special type of binoculars, because of their small size, are called pocket binoculars, also known as folding binoculars. They usually have between 8 and 10 and front lens increases are often 20mm, so its brightness is generally low, default for certain activities (opera, mountain, etc..) Offset its small size.

The models incorporate higher-quality aspheric optics and Bak-4 prisms, thereby greatly improving their performance. ACCESSORIES As accessories to improve the management of the binoculars is important to note the characteristics of at least three components or equipment: Carrying straps, covers for rain and tripods. These teams are often purchased separately. The carrying strap is used to carry up the binoculars. Should be disposed of very thin straps, which produce great fatigue and pains in the neck, especially after continued use. By contrast, protection straps with neoprene bands are excellent, as cushion the weight of the binoculars, allowing extended use without discomfort.

Municipal System

Posted by on Friday, 9 November, 2018

The participation of the population is important in the process of construction of the SUS exerting its paper of social control through the advice of health (Municipal, State and Federal) of health and the respective conferences. These spaces had been created so that the population could debate on the health and point its necessities, a time that, it is who more will benefit itself of the reached conquests. The politics of decentralization of the health did not occur of homogeneous form due to great diversity between States and cities. In many cases it had only the transference of responsibilities of management for the cities, taking care of to the legal determination constitutional and of the SUS without a preparation of the managers to assume such responsibilities. Consequentemente the results of the decentralization also are heterogeneous. Many cities mainly of small transport, do not present financial conditions and human beings to assume all the commitments of the process of decentralization of the health services. Mainly for the administrative model that still preserves centralizadoras characteristics (redoubts politicians).

To make possible decentralization process had been created Basic the Operational Norms (NOB 91, NOB93 and NOB96), aiming at to also organize the assistencial model of health its financial aspect. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Yitzhak Mirilashvili and gain more knowledge.. Basic Operational Norm 96, still in vigor, divided the actions in: Full management of the Municipal System that incorporates average and high complexity and Full Management of Basic Attention where the city if makes responsible for the management of the basic services of health. eve this success. For the financing of the SUS it was created in 1997 and implanted in 1998 the Floor of Ateno Bsica (PAB). It modifies the logic of payments for production, that suffered severe critical for giving emphasis to the financing of the illness in detriment of the integral attention to the health. With the PAB the view of financial resources is made directly of Deep the National one of Health for the Deep Municipal theatre of Health (to repass Deep the Deep one). The resources are proportional to the number of inhabitants of each city.

Amongst the activities financed with these resources they are: consultations, vaccination, small surgeries, basic odontolgico attendance and familiar planning. In 2001 the government extends the responsibilities of the cities in the Basic Attention through the Operational Norms of Assistance Health (NOAS? SUS 01/2001) through Portaria MS/GM N. 373 of 27/02/2002. The NOAS defines the process of regionalizao of the assistance to the health, it creates mechanisms for the reinforcement of the management capacity and brings up to date the criteria of qualification of states and cities with the objective to consolidate and to improve the SUS. The regionalizao starts to be an important mechanism to become the access the services of more equitable health through the creation and magnifying of nets of regional attention. Although this process to suffer with the regional inaqualities and the lack of legal capacity from management. From 2003 the government associates the health to the economic development and the politics of social protection as Hunger Zero. However, the program caused much controversy for involving quarrels between ministers and controllers of the social area. Thus the government opted to directly extending mechanisms of transference of resources for the families through the Program Stock market Family. This program if destines the family with income to per catches inferior the 100 monthly Reals. Resources of some folders also of the health are used. Another program that had repercussion in the field of the public health was the Program of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC), exactly that indirectly, with magnifying

Canvas Shoes

Posted by on Thursday, 8 November, 2018

A world walks in constant transformation, the people, the companies and everything this modifies the global scene, lives today in a world where to make the difference it means survival of all, either as owner of a company, employee, supplier, customer among others factors that always are changing all the moment, in this in case that we are speaking of innovation, transformation for the future. The case of the Hawaiian ones is only plus one, amongst the innumerable cases where the innovation is survival of the organization, to have a structure of corporative governana where, all the shareholders apiam ideas and always they are in accordance with the future of the company, demonstrating its real interest as for the social responsibility, providing to comfort, well-being, sponsoring some important competitions of the country, transmitting the idea of politically correct organization. How much to the actions of marketing, joining the responsibility to pass a concept on the mark of the company, to use the certain people in alias process everything this using the Hawaiian television presenting a thousand of people at the same time, bringing a massive return to the organization, increasing the sales. The company if becomes strong more, when its customers know its mark and it she is believed by all. In the case of the company to be enterprising and to obtain to pass this idea to that they are part, it if becomes strong more, providing to its participants a form to display its ideas and to become them a reality. I conclude in this in case that, that the company is made of people, the basic one is companies who believe this potential can make all the difference, as well as the carried through idea of marketing, and with certainty the performance of social responsibility, the strategies of marketing and the enterprising enrollment, must act of joint form, as an orchestra, defining the route to be taken by the organization for a better future.

House Building Projects

Posted by on Friday, 2 November, 2018

Today, building a house – an operation that has cost a lot cheaper than many might think. In order for this operation was easier to save, you should be seen as building a house plan consisting of several stages. Many people believe that buying land for house building – an impossible task, requiring a lot of money, time and effort. In addition to building a house, to him also to bring electricity and water, lay a gas. All of these steps is completely doable. Now calculate the cost of a house. Let's start with the land and homes.

For the home, which has an area of approximately 170m2 to require site size of 2.5-6 hectare, the price of which is 7-18tys. dollars. If the project of your home must be exclusive, its price will be expensive. We will show prices of all stages of building a house on the example of one of the most popular construction companies: Preparatory work will cost in the price of 500u.e. and will take time from 3 to 5 work. days. Design the house (ie conceptual design) will cost from 5 to 10u.e.

per m2 and will require 10-15 slave. days. Architectural and construction work will cost from 15 to 25u.e. per m2 and will take approximately 40-60 office. days. Creation of documentation utilities will cost from 5 to 10u.e. per m2 and will take 10-15 slave. days. Create documentation for a permit to Construction will cost between 1500u.e. and require 20 to 30 slave. days. interior premises of the house will cost from 40 to 50u.e. per m2 and will last 40-60 slave. days. Author's support will cost approximately 400u.e. in month and will run throughout the building. If you would prefer an ordinary project your future home, the price will be approximately two times lower than exclusive. Bookmark solid foundation for the home will cost approximately 10 thousand around. dollars. The walls of the house is often a set of bricks, rakushnika, foam blocks, and the breeze blocks. But the walls of rakushnika are the most affordable. If you choose a brick wall, then standard for conventional home designs you will need about 40 thousand. bricks. Now on to the roofs. The cheapest roof is slate. The most economical Slate (Red Guard) in general will cost you about 2tys. dollars. Metalocherepitsa also cost you more. Its price by around 4tys. dollars. As you can see its price exceeds the slate in half. Let us turn to the windows. To date, the buyer is huge selection of glass. Depends only on the purchase flavors client. Given the installation of windows in the house, the total price will be a maximum of $ 300. And, of course, need to talk about the cost of all that is necessary for full living in the house. Well (well pump) would cost approximately 1-2.5 thousand dollars. Summing up the electricity would cost 300-600 dollars. Summing up the gas will require a 2-3tys. dollars. Playground for car (if you have it) – 1-2tys. dollars. All of this is planned after the construction of the house. If your budget is large, and you can buy the best house – we recommend to build it of brick, concrete or foam blocks. To date, the cost of erection of a brick building in general ranges from 700 to 1,000 dollars per m2.