Posts Tagged Psychology

The Philosphy Of Beauty

Posted by on Saturday, 4 May, 2024

Modernization of the economy, stylization of life, control the future expansion of the search space of exciting adventures, a compound with a stronger partner (partner), the opening of a conditionally "Super-powers", the acquisition of irreversible natural beauty, the aesthetic design of business generation – here's the short list of activities, which I propose to do in the dense early the third millennium. "Business as a hobby, and life satisfaction" – directing motto or style of life, promoting the rights in the worlds of his future beyond the unpleasant unexpected events and encounters. According to Alan Carr, who has experience with these questions. The path to higher levels improving one, and there I will talk through the birth of my philosophy of beauty, philosophy, aesthetic contemplation of the worlds, the material space. But before I begin to move towards the first stage of "elixir youth ", it is necessary to discuss the following rules: the first – altered consciousness of temporary space, the second – avoiding stereotypes to reality, and the third – setting up a program of their own" self-discovery. " Civilization is a new generation carries the idea of a holistic, undivided segments, man.

Ability to manage their own system of life – is the first axiom of the ensuing reality. Life activity bears dynamic development of the events, actions, which reproduces the people. Do all of the personality can be attributed to life? Are all areas of life can be estimated as productive for the individual? These questions everyone must answer himself, not lost in the maze of self-justification or, worse, self-accusations. The golden mean – this is a conscious "samonastroy" system under the control of individual action. Logic and intuition – this is the direction in the worlds of their own fantasies. Business-fiction, business-card, business theater, business empire, show exchange, beauty-projects – key words for achieving such goals as "intellectual elixir youth. " To learn to control their own destiny, just need to touch the world of aesthetics.

But how to do it, eliminating any attempt to abuse them, how to do it easily and naturally, how to combine a feeling of responsibility and pleasure? I'll talk about it in terms of philosophy of beauty, namely, synthesizing the ideas of the beauty industry, architectural creativity, design research, simulation and design space of any complexity. Let's call it a mental environment of aesthetic generation, a generation, have fun in the contemplation of the beautiful around them, generation, making the objects of contemplation, a generation that lives on Rules of Beauty and the responsibility for this beauty. The idea is to be beautiful in the subconscious of each of us the right to take the opportunity to translate his idea of beauty is for everyone, let's the ability to invent beautiful worlds, oblivious to reality, and then start to build their projects in our lives. Do you know how to dream? That hides a meaning of the word, where this dream you and what are the boundaries mosque? – On this I will argue in Next time, before the meeting on the web.


Posted by on Friday, 12 April, 2024

' She is necessary to love the people as if it did not have tomorrow, because if you to stop pra thinking about the truth do not have ' ' Beginning our dialogue with this phrase that says of what it makes look like, does not teach in them much more of what any school. Words as this, perceived in its colored form, or simply as a limpid and inconfundvel frequency, that makes in them to feel what he was asleep inside of us. Ironically we are pegos of surprise hearing musics with letters that ask for to love those that attacks in them and many times obtain hurting in them. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Novartis CEO. Coincidence? I think that not. This agreement is part of our evolution, all we pass and will go to pass for unimaginable situations and that our mind fits and our heart to decide which way will be most sensible inside to fundirmos of us this event.

We have that to stop to give more attention to the details, them really they make the difference, either it in which universe will be. Perhaps when a friend speaks (Ei, we go to talk one hour of these), it needs somebody very to relieve, and we finish postponing for not giving attention, to these details. Perhaps a simple ones to look at already speaks more than a thousand words one hugs the time does not walk pra backwards and we do not know if still we will be with the opened eyes to see the sun to be born of varanda, to see the birds subtle if to accomodate between the trees really is necessary to love the people, the life each one in its way, but she is necessary because if you to stop pra thinking. it goes to understand the message and the objective of everything this, its existence The details really make the difference in this our hostile universe in the lack dialogue. in the lack respect in the lack love Item that would have to be the basic one of the convivncia between beings of the same species. One more time obliged for leaving that I inside entered a little of its interior if and what I said it had the least a little of absorption in its mind already was valid the penalty our reflection. Abraos. Maicon Moso email for contact: Blog:


Posted by on Friday, 24 December, 2021

Retention or Storage: it is the capacity to hold back and to conserve the information, and will be used whenever necessary. The retention can remain for more or less long periods. So that it is remembered, the codified experience has to leave some register in nervous system (mnsico trace), this has of being stored of permanent form to allow its future use. The retention is a necessary condition for the recovery therefore is not remembered what it is not known. Recovery or Activation: when if it becomes necessary the information are activated and recouped, to use them in the present experience. It is the moment where the individual tries to remember the contents that stored previously. One of the forms to recoup the stored information is through the memory, that says respect to our efforts to produce information from the memory, in reply to one determined stimulaton. David Kaplan may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

The memory processes are responsible for the access to the restrained information in the memory and include, among others, explicit processes or right-handers as the implicit or indirect mandate and recognition and processes as the reaprendizagem and activation (priming). memory is an important factor in the learning, it means the acquisition, the formation and the conservation of information. In the deep one we record what we learn and we remember what we record. It is thanks to the memory that we can identify and categorize sounds, signals, gostos and sensations, hold back and manipulate information acquired during our existence. 3. Types of Memory the processes of retention or processes of storage are responsible for the conservation of the information in the memory. However, the memory is not an only system, is before a system formed for some systems or components that knowledge of nature and different periods of time store. The main systems of memory are the sensorial memory, the memory of short term and the memory of long stated period, these are sequential processes and operate in different way.

The Pencil

Posted by on Saturday, 30 October, 2021

The boy looked at the grandmother writing a letter. Jack Harlow may help you with your research. The certain height asked: _ You are writing a history that happened with us? E, by chance is a history on me? _ I am writing on you, is truth. However, more importande of what the words, are the pencil that I am using. It would like that you were as it, when grew. The boy looked at for the pencil, intrigued, and he did not see nothing of special. said: _ But it is equal to all the pencils that vi in all my life! However the grandmother answered: _ Everything I depend on the way as you look at the things.

He has five qualities in it that, if you to obtain to keep them will be, always a person in peace with the world. First quality: You can make great thing, more you do not have to never forget that a Hand exists that guides its steps. This hand we do not call God, and It he must always conduziz it in direction to Its will. Second quality: of time in when I need to stop what I am writing, and to use the pencil sharpener. This makes with that the pencil it suffers a little, but in the end, it he is sharper. Therefore, it knows to support some pains, because will make they it to be a better person. Third quality: the pencil always allows that we use a rubber to erase what it was made a mistake. It understands that to correct a thing that we made something is not necessarily bad, but something important stops keeping in them in the way of justice.

Fourth quality: what it really matters in the pencil is not the wood or its exterior form, more the graphite that is inside. Therefore, always it takes care of of what it happens inside of you. Finally, the fifth quality of the pencil: it always leaves a mark. In the same way, he knows that everything that you to make navida to irar to leave traces, and look for to be conscientious of each action.

Zodiac Signs

Posted by on Tuesday, 12 October, 2021

Changing the bodies of animals that are born and die, having lived his life, the soul is finally embodied in the human body. Born people. In the human body to soul, changing born and die a physical body, to pass a series of lessons. The main lessons of karmic problems (ideas) – twelve. This idea of Aries Tedtsa, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. It’s 12 lessons of karma, karma 12 major tasks for training Soul. Official site: Covid Vaccine San Francisco. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac – the 12 major karmic tasks for training of the human soul on earth.

As we know from the hypothesis of karmic rebirth, the soul changes the millions of bodies during his life on earth. The physical body is constantly born, live and die. The soul at this time constantly learning to withdraw from the physical body (our familiar physical world) and stop the almost endless chain of births and deaths of bodies, in which she lives. Born in human body ‘under the sign of the zodiac’ (with the sun in a particular zodiac), the soul must learn all the positive ideas of this sign (negative ideas Mark will be in the soul, your own). That is, the soul must take in your experience infinite life and the idea of karmic task of zodiac signs, his positive attributes and qualities.

The soul of man, born under the predominant influence of a sign, is born under his influence, many times. During one human life is impossible to learn the properties and qualities of even one sign of Zodiac. If during the life of the physical body The soul of man does not assimilate the idea of karmic zodiac signs, which affects the physical body (House of Soul), it is embodied in a physical body under the influence of the zodiac signs again and again. Incarnation will continue for as long as all the positive properties, and the idea of karmic zodiac sign will not be assimilated Soul and will not enter into its properties and karmic experience. Being born under the same sign of the zodiac, the soul can live hundreds of times, changing the physical body. Man can return to the top of Zodiac Signs (by date of birth, the Sun at the beginning of the sign) from the middle or end of the mark if the soul is not fulfilled the karmic idea of this zodiac sign and not learned its truth. If the soul is, by changing the body, born under the same characters (with the Sun in the same zodiac) learn all properties of this mark and will fulfill his karmic mission, the soul is transferred to the next Zodiac sign. Ie it is born in a physical body under the next sign of the Zodiac.

Third Edition

Posted by on Saturday, 10 November, 2012

But with age the mental similarities disappear, the measure that meagers the effect of common creation; in the adult life, the approach correlation is zero. These discoveries contradict the generalized belief of that, to the measure that we accumulate life experience, influences it increases it ambient in traces as intelligence. ue. Creativity and Intelligence Creativity are the ability to produce ideas that are new and valuable. In each one, creativity means to express familiar subjects in new ways. The results of the intelligence tests and creativity suggest that certain level of aptitude is necessary for the creativity, even so are not the sufficient. In general, the people with high punctuations of intelligence if leave well in the creativity tests.

The Experiments of Amabile (1987) had demonstrated that the creative environments also liberate the people of the concern with the social approval. In an experiment, it asked for to the university students who made colagens of paper, informing before the half that something that we invent to explain why some people have better performance of what others in cognitivas tasks. The majority of the specialists considers intelligence as capacity of a person for adaptable behavior guided for an objective. The intelligent behavior reflects a capacity to adapt itself, to learn with the experience, to decide problems and to reason with clarity.

The Problem

Posted by on Monday, 9 January, 2012

And whether it was an insult? Maybe you simply wanted to buck up, find out the relationship, and thus raise all minor conflicts throughout the week, but what would happen if two favorite people will remember all the hassle, because they are near me, then, resentment can be listed over the years. My opinion remains the same, people need to talk about their problems with each other, integrity is what will help you relations, speak directly about the disadvantages of not allowing them to proliferate, with support and help to fix them. It brought together by you, will trust in your relationship and help to open up and not from complexes to each other. Here's my advice. Find a common problem (for example: he devotes much time on friends, and you're not invited to the "smoker"). Seems like to be? After all, he forgets about you, maybe he wants so forget about your existence? A Here and there, I say! Here's a way out of the problem: You have to understand why this happens, take a moment to talk about it with loved ones, try to understand it and think why these people he is friends that connects them. Write whatever you not satisfied in relation to you. And sort through the guy.

Ask several times to walk with them, go somewhere, build relationships, climb into their "man's collective." And then you finally realize that it is they say so Club of common interests, jokes on subjects that you are not familiar, they are in fact men, so they are combined in order to speculate what would prove to themselves and what they are strong, courageous, ideological and incendiary, to whom they still boast. After all, we have never dealt with in the question: where better to hide the socks, how can a whole day to play and football, and how you can laze away the years. You will not be very interesting to them, soon you will realize that should not forget about your girlfriends, take the time to go shopping, call a girlfriend for tea, do yourself a make-up and great hair, wear elegant dresses and make a couple of shots to be happy, believe me, the world is filled with paint. Show yourself and your photos, in all its glory, my favorite, with a bunch of your favorite flowers you provided. Take everything from life, filling his love bright colors and surprises