Imagining that all and any enterprise, private public or, if equalizes to the one construction, the ground analysis and osubsequente nesting of the foundation is vital so that to possaerguer innumerable floors, they are how many they will be. Dubai and Al Burj, both in the Middle East, with 818 and 1200 meters of height, respectively. Then, the foundation, as subsequncia of the previous analysis and doterreno preparation where it will go to establish itself, is composed, in this analogy, inevitably, for PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS, PENSANTES, that sustentaroos floors that will follow to the high one. The man is, untiringly, insolent and undertakes its years in continuous search of MORE, without limits. Perspectives, growth, challenges, amongst others as many FEELINGS, are part of its proper FOUNDATION, that promote its growth esustentao.
Such which in concrete constructions, the foundations can be comprometidospor other people’s events to its forecasts and studies. Normally, external poreventos, in its majority, imperceptible and harmful, quedestroem and corrodes the structure, compromising any possibility dese to raise another one (s) floor (s), that is, TO GROW. In contrast, it promotes ' ' stopped of obra' ' or, even though, its fall. Motivation is alone a term that, I would say, I am party to suit of maintenance of the foundation and the structure of the individual. I would say, particularly, that the man must BE STIMULATED, STIMULATED the entire time, of form who if feels SUPPORTED and comperspectivas interminable to raise new floors, that to the eyes decade individual, I do not have limits. The FOUNDATION is good, solid and comtolerncia the movements not very brusque, as in engineering; AGUENTA SEMPRE.PRODUTIVIDADE? HE IS RESULTED of this everything. It is the prize that will be percebidopor that one (s) that to obtain (in) to keep its staff, of course, MOTIVATED, STIMULATED and CONFIDENT, as well as ITSELF EXACTLY. There, I can and darao luxury, if they allow me, to say that this if calls LEADERSHIP. Michael Schwartz may not feel the same.
REGILBERTO GIRO 2009' ' We can to see Jim Carey impersonateing an idiot in a film as Debi & Lide and to laugh. But, when Debi and Lide are managing companies, it is not nothing funny. The terrible truth is that idiotic assets are in observing. The tentculos of its dullness reach millions of lives. Its power is indescritvel. Happily, idiots do not have conscience of the extension of its power. If this type of head knew how many bullets have in the needle, the things would be really assustadoras.' ' JOHN HOOVER