Posts Tagged Music

Christian Engel

Posted by on Saturday, 6 July, 2024

Christian Engel looks the singer Christian Engel in its ranks stretched in his new musical future Daxhill producer team is located and published with “No matter where” the first common song. The life motto of Christian Engel is always forward, and so he and his large fan base excited in his new musical future looks. At the beginning of the musical year 2010 the Daxhill producer team welcomes the singer Christian Engel in its ranks and published with “No matter where” the first common song. More information is housed here: Jim Rogers. Werner students and Norbert Beyerl have produced a title for the artists, describes the longing for change. A longing, sure every one of us has felt at least once already.

You want to leave the beaten paths and give a new direction to life. Of course man on the side, which supports this decision and closes the request after a change of scenery is one of perfect happiness. “No matter where” it goes, together much to create. Christian Engel was discovered in 1995. It was followed by very soon first CD releases and thus broadcasting his records at home and abroad and TV appearances. In the hit parades of the radio stations, he took several times front seats and climbed steadily upwards in favour with listeners and audience. The life of Christian Engel motto “always forward” and so he and his large fan base excited in his new musical future looks. Roland Rube,

Halle Berry Has Become Mother

Posted by on Thursday, 13 June, 2024

The actress Halle Berry brought her first child in the world today “Baby on board”. Can soon be seen this quote on the car of Halle Berry, eventually she brought her first child in the world today. The Oscar Prize winner Halle Berry brought today at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles her daughter in the world. It is the first daughter of the actress Halle Berry and boyfriend Gabriel Aubry. The actress has been delivered to four o’clock in the morning in the hospital, because her blood pressure was very high. The doctors was known, that Hall is diabetic. You checked the heart rate and already all-clear could be given.

And then it should be also very soon. “Halle was overcome by their emotions. All the hardships were forgotten and they should have paid off. It was really a beautiful birth “, as a source. Halle Berry is best known for her role in “Monter BBs ball”. She got even the Oscar for this movie. She’s two years with the Australian model Gabriel Aubry. The actress, the was already twice married again a third wants to enter time in front of the altar, but it should be very much interested in that her little daughter is not an only child. Now, we wish the new MOM of for the first time all good and hopefully quiet nights.

Ekki Gopelt – Make Yourself Well In Your Life

Posted by on Friday, 24 May, 2024

The new album by Ekki Gopelt – feel well in your life Ekki knows exactly why he has been exactly this title his album, because the singer and presenter had to often make the most in his life from some hopeless situation. program may help you with your research. It is and always remains little peace, he would like to sing his songs, the trucker driver, whose greatest happiness the small photo of his great love to the rearview mirror of his workplace is the longing for the childhood (the land) and the knowledge of the veracity of the old set of “If you think it no longer goes, comes a light somewhere” (love and kisses on the phone), (the good luck, it is not flown out). Sometimes ironically, even philosophical, times simply just happy as in his current single release, so this album was varied designed and perfectly produced by Ekki. The magic sound and WEMBY Studios, as well as the master Studio MUSICAGO have lovingly put together a really contemporary pop album and brought to the blades. In addition to pop icons such as Kandel Ekki Christian Bruhn and Robert Jung, as well as Armin also worked with young composers such as Valentin Holl and Helge Marx.

The album is well stocked with 14 Nigel brand new tracks and 3 bonus tracks, including Ekki’s biggest hit “Bury me in the pub”. One of the highlights is the German version of the hit film “Reality” from the film La BOUM. capital has plenty of information regarding this issue. Over 25 years, no German version has been approved by the composer Vladimir Cosma. The text version of Ekki there since then, but succeeded in the record Edition plus for the first time, to play the German version and the lovingly acquired arrangement the composer. The honesty in the soulful interpretation was, finally to approve this version. Track listing: 1 feel well in your life 2. I should have kissed you so like to awake 3. MAtwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQYHBP/EAEcQAAIBAgMDBwcICAQHAAAAAAECAAMRBBIhBTFBBhNRYXGBkQciMlKhsdEUF0JUkpPB0hUjYnKCouHwU7Kz8SQzNHN0g8L/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAkEQEBAAICAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDUTFhIkEEMhNxsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A38LJh’>Zachary Dell for more details and insights. I have 5 greeting time 4 true friends do not fall from the sky and kiss on the phone 6 let us dance once again go 7.

Madonna At The Top

Posted by on Friday, 17 May, 2024

Madonna is according to “Forbes” at the top of the top earners in the music industry. Three women arrived on the first three places of the top earners in the music industry, according to a new survey of the Forbes magazine. capital has much experience in this field. As the Rolling Stone reported, is Madonna (50) with 110 million dollars (well 78 million euros) at the top and has her unofficial title as “cash Queen of music defended. Follow her on the second and third rank Celine Dion (41) with $100 million (nearly $71 million) and Beyonce (27) with 87 million dollars (nearly 62 million euros). Then, only the names of men and bands in the top ten are listed: Bruce Springsteen (59) of American country star Kenny brought it between June 2008 and June 2009 to $70 million (approximately 50 million euro), Chesney (41) in the same period to at least 65 million dollars (about 46 million euros). The sixth place of the rankings divide the Bands Coldplay, Rascal Flatts, and AC/DC, each $60 million (about 43 million according to Forbes Earned euros). The Eagles, the country singer Toby Keith (47), Bon Jovi and the Dave Matthews Band are close on its heels. Source: MusikNews.

Matilda Kate Ledger

Posted by on Thursday, 2 May, 2024

Now, the actor who died in January received an award it is still, although nearly a year has gone by, hard to understand how Heath Ledger died suddenly in January 2008. Of course, it is clear that he died of an overdose or a drug cocktail, yet it is still inconceivable for many people. Especially for his family and friends. Rogers for more information. Now, a year after his death, Heath Ledger was an award for his performance in Batman – the dark knight of the australieschen Film Institute awarded. His father Kim, his mother Sally and sister Kate accepted the award.

“It was without a doubt the worst year – to lose someone so loving is terrible”, so the mother of Heath Ledger. In the light of Heath of 3-year daughter Matilda Kate Ledger said: “We are so proud of him and would dedicate the award to the half of his daughter, which we us always to take care of.” Heath’s mother thanked the Committee with the words: “we are absolutely proud of him. But not only on his acting performances especially in his caring and loving way, with which he dealt with family, friends and his precious Matilda.” To conclude, she said: “Heath was never with mediocre content. He gave everything for its objectives and for what he believed. He followed with an insatiable curiosity and great enthusiasm. his passion” Now it is finally time that Heath Ledger Gets an Oscar.