Posts Tagged administration and businesses

Costs Of Supply

Posted by on Saturday, 8 June, 2024

The supply costs, if unfold in some components, and depending on the used approach, the supply can have objectives that cause conflicts of the organization inside. For example, the supply is considered in many times as a fixed capital of the company in the form of materials, that is, representing a stopped investment, for however, the supplies also assume the inverse role when they are inside of speculative markets either for the increase of the price or even though for the lack of supply, what it would cause a valuation to the storaged product. The taking of decision of the amount of the purchase of a product is affected by the costs of the supply, in such a way, considers excellent for the analysis the following ones: ) Costs of rank of the order: This cost is related at the cost of ' ' reabastecimento' ' of the supply. It can be cited the cost of transport and the cost of adaptations; b) Costs of discounting of prices: The purchase in representative lots is about the disadvantage for the purchase in small lots comparative. In as in case that, it is common to get discountings while in the first case the product tends to cost more; c) Costs of supply lack: The costs can be interpreted since not the sales of a product as for not the satisfaction of the customer in not taking care of its necessities (cases that many times to tonar subjective its calculation); d) Costs of turn capital: One mentions the time of payment of the supply to the supplier and the time to it of sales, in this case the act of receiving of the capital. Visit Rogers Holdings for more clarity on the issue. Front to this, the costs associates it are the costs of chance for not reinvesting the money in another place or the interests that are paid to the banks for the loan taking, for example; e) Costs of storage: They are the costs related to the value to remain the supply ' ' guardado' '. Mike Gianoni contributes greatly to this topic. It is cited as example the location of a room, the climatization, the illumination and the security. One perceives that how much bigger the value or the conditions special of storage of the product custoso will be the supply; f) Costs of obsolescence: It is the risk of that products when storaged by much time, in reason of the volume of purchases unnecessary, they lose its value becoming obsolete as, for example, for deterioration with the time and the change of the consumer in relation to the product or even though which had to the constant technological changes; g) Costs of production inefficiency: High levels of supply hinder to inside see the complete extension of problems of the production.

The proportional and inversely even though independent costs can in such a way be proportional to the supply as of the same. The first one cited represents that all and any cost that grows directly with the increase of the storaged average amount. Thus the increase of the cost of capital invested with the increase of the supply or the increase of the cost due is given as example the maintenance of the same. Already as, the inversely proportional cost to the supply is those that diminish with the increase of the average supply. They are called ' ' costs of obteno' ' for bought item and ' ' costs of preparao' ' for the item manufactured internally. The independent costs are those that independem of the average supply kept by the company, as for example, the cost of the rent of a shed

Prevention Auditorship

Posted by on Monday, 19 February, 2024

COMPLIANCE? A PROPOSAL FOR AUDITORSHIP OF PREVENTION For Jackson Gervsio Saucers SUMMARY This work aims at to present a reflection concerning the prevention auditorship, in its target to prevent errors that would be recognized delayed through the classic auditorship. Words key: Countable auditorship. Compliance. Prevention 1. If you have read about Jonah Bloom already – you may have come to the same conclusion. INTRODUCTION the practical professional of the auditorship always contemplated the confirmation of the procedures and the affirmation that the countable demonstrations are, or not, in compliance with the countable treated laws and, with the fiscalization and fulfills its paper in the mensurao of the patrimonial set of an entity. In other words ' ' auditorship understands the examination and the verification of the procedures contbeis' ' (MARION, Jose Carlos? Basic accounting, 2008; p 28). Sam Feldman brings even more insight to the discussion. The question that if it launches is: it is possible to make auditorship with the prevention intention, to make auditorship with the purpose to prevent errors and misunderstandings of timely form, to opposite, only, to confirm the exactness of the procedures? 2. In agreement DEVELOPMENT the American Association of Accounting, Auditorship is a systematic process, of attainment and objective evaluation of evidences on affirmations regarding economic actions and events, for aquilatao of the degree of correspondence between established affirmations and criteria and of communication of the results to the interested users.

For better agreement, one becomes interesting to desmembrar this concept. Systematic process: systematic process is the series of steps or logical procedures, structuralized and organized in accordance with the generally accepted norms of auditorship; Attainment and objective evaluation: it is the examination of the recital of the affirmations and multicriteria evaluation of the results, without favorable or favorable vieses or preconceptions on the individual, or entity, that make the affirmations; Affirmations regarding economic actions and events: they are the representations made for the individual or entity. These affirmations understand the information contained in the countable demonstrations and internal operational reports; Degree of correspondence: the quo is mentioned to it next the affirmations can be identified with established criteria; Established criteria: they are the norms by which the affirmations or representations are judged. .

Product Data

Posted by on Sunday, 15 August, 2021

Having the same one been authorized for the proprietor. (As opposed to MessageMe). In which if questionnaire to the customers was applied, of random form, as the availability of time of the same. The questioned item had been: – Sort; – Band of age; – Band of income; – Satisfaction how much to the localization; – Weekly Frequency; – Attendance of the employees; – Preferred Product; – Product quality; – Price; – Information; – Agility in the attendance; – General satisfaction with the company; – Telephonic Attendance; – Resolution of claim; – Points to be improved. For calculation one used tables, with the data in absolute number, well with its respective graphical representation. 4. Results and quarrel In Graphs I, II, III, the profile of the consumer of the Lig Esfiha can be observed, how much to the sort, income, and escolaridade.

In which we can observe that in a universe of 150 people: 69% of the freqentadores of the snack bar are of the masculine sex, before 31% of the feminine sex. How much to income 49% the R$2.000 has superior average income, 00, while 25% possess between R$1.000, 00 and R$2.000, 00, 17% possess between R$400,00 and R$ 1,000, 00 of average income, and 9% possesss less of R$400,00 of income. How much escolaridade 65% possesss average level of escolaridade, 28% superior level, 5% basic level and 2% without escolaridade. GRAPHICAL I Sort of the consumers Feminine masculine 104 46 Source: data of research 2011. GRAPH II Income of the consumers Until R$400 13 R$400 To the R$1000 25 R$1000 To R$2000 39 Above of R$2000 73 Source: data of research 2011. GRAPH III. Escolaridade Basic 7 Medium 97 Superior 43 Without Escolaridade 3 Source: data of research 2011. The evaluation of the consumers in relation assiduity to the establishment, the quality of the meals, and the services, beyond the consumed food more.

Sustainable Regional Development

Posted by on Wednesday, 25 March, 2020

These capitals are essential for the social transformation. It is by means of them that the sustainable regional development is constructed. It was chosen to approach this subject from the constatao of that the individualism must yield space to the exercise of the collective, thus, only by means of the cooperation, of the social organization, the formation of the people and the respect to the local culture the development is reached, proposals these inserted ones in the methodology of the DRS created for the Bank of Brazil. The CAEC, place where if it developed the research, in the period of February the March of 2008, is a cooperative that if perceives this formation of human capital, social and cultural, as well as the decisive influence of these capitals in the formation of the sustainable local development, through the joint of diverse organizations in favor of the improvement of the quality of life of the involved people and the development of the elect productive activity. Perhaps check out Michael Schwartz for more information. One gives credit that approaching the Human, Social and Cultural subject Capital with sights to the development, one is about entailed excellent aspects to the axle-thematic one chosen, defined as ' ' Dimensions of the Sustentabilidade' ' , considering that these factors are important so that occurs the development of sustainable form. Valley to stand out that the searched subjects intensely are integrated to the methodology of Sustainable Regional Development of the Bank of Brazil, methodology this adopted by the CAEC, and that is based socially in practical the jousts, correct and ambiently economically viable, with respect to the local culture. The research disclosed to the processes of construction of the capitals human, social and cultural in the units of the CAEC, allowing us it identification of the strong points and weak points of the entity in regards to these three dimensions of the development, contributing to base corrective actions. .

PITELA Instruments

Posted by on Tuesday, 18 February, 2020

He will have, then, to possess few and to charge what he is just. With this, the profession will become noble more, however impende that the professional has conscience of the dimension of its task. In other terms, that one that still is seen in the comodismo of the strict fiscal accounting, will have that to adapt itself to the new demanded standards. In result of the alterations evidenced in the enterprise environment, such as, increase of the competitiveness and the globalization, the abilities demanded for the companies to the countable professional if have intensified of decisive form. Thus, a questioning appears: the accountant if has adjusted to the molds pled for the companies? He is not nothing difficult to visualize the relation of the accounting stops with the entrepreneurs, a time that this if makes responsible for the study of the patrimony of the entities, its phenomena and variations. Countable science, an instrument for the taking of decisions, functions as a species of ‘ ‘ hand-na-roda’ ‘ for the activities of the entrepreneur, since these if distanciam of the intuitividade. However, a true nonsense is proven in the city of So Lus.

The accountant, in truth, has been seen as a badly-necessary one, even so its contributions are latent. As he elucidates PITELA (P. Details can be found by clicking Dunbar Apartments or emailing the administrator. 1, 2000): However, if he fits to the entrepreneur or administrator the responsibility for the conduction of the businesses, is necessary that it if uses of instruments that allow it to communicate with all the sectors, inside or is of the company. These instruments are translated by extracted numbers of the countable reports. Moreover, it needs the countable information because it provides to a global vision of the situation economic-financier to it of the company, serving to it of base for the formularization of projects and plans of future accomplishment.

Goldman Sachs – History

Posted by on Tuesday, 21 January, 2020

“Founded in 1869, Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Headquartered in New York, we maintain offices in all major financial centers around the world.”

Everything must in accordance with be planned the perspective of its customer, where the attendance is primordial for being determinative factor for the retention of the customer. The book ‘ ‘ Communication in Marketing, ‘ ‘ whose author Pine, proves the efficiency of the marketing functions, when planned, organized, implemented and controlled, that is, managed for a good attendance the customer. Rmulo Raymond in the article ‘ ‘ Attendance is possibility for fidelizao’ ‘ , in the periodical ‘ ‘ Nowadays ‘ ‘ , it detaches the excellency in the attendance the customers and suggests that all company invests in the qualification of the attendants, who will make direct contact with the customers. All the comments perceived for this researcher had taken it to understand it the relevance of the interaction stop with the customers and the excessively collaborating ones of the company, what it was of great value for its learning. 15 CONCLUSION All the knowledge acquired during the course in vigor and the elaboration of this work, had consisted of my professional growth. After to have been registered the facts and situations of difficulties of this company, excited in me, the necessity to find ways to revert this picture, for improvement of the results in the services and products offered to the customers. I noticed that it has a light acentuao of rotation of the clientele, what it does not leave of being a negative point in the Bergmann, but, has ways to solve this imbalance, for feeling a certain flexibility in the communication accomplishes between the direction and the collaborators, what it assists very in the conquest of benefits in programs of improvements. During my comment in the company mentioned above, I could confirm gradual to the reversion of the difficulties, looking for to reduce the weak point through feedback, where the collaborators had had chances to display its strategies or even though to carry through the necessary adaptations of its plans, the direction of the Bergmann organization.

Canvas Shoes

Posted by on Thursday, 8 November, 2018

A world walks in constant transformation, the people, the companies and everything this modifies the global scene, lives today in a world where to make the difference it means survival of all, either as owner of a company, employee, supplier, customer among others factors that always are changing all the moment, in this in case that we are speaking of innovation, transformation for the future. The case of the Hawaiian ones is only plus one, amongst the innumerable cases where the innovation is survival of the organization, to have a structure of corporative governana where, all the shareholders apiam ideas and always they are in accordance with the future of the company, demonstrating its real interest as for the social responsibility, providing to comfort, well-being, sponsoring some important competitions of the country, transmitting the idea of politically correct organization. How much to the actions of marketing, joining the responsibility to pass a concept on the mark of the company, to use the certain people in alias process everything this using the Hawaiian television presenting a thousand of people at the same time, bringing a massive return to the organization, increasing the sales. The company if becomes strong more, when its customers know its mark and it she is believed by all. In the case of the company to be enterprising and to obtain to pass this idea to that they are part, it if becomes strong more, providing to its participants a form to display its ideas and to become them a reality. I conclude in this in case that, that the company is made of people, the basic one is companies who believe this potential can make all the difference, as well as the carried through idea of marketing, and with certainty the performance of social responsibility, the strategies of marketing and the enterprising enrollment, must act of joint form, as an orchestra, defining the route to be taken by the organization for a better future.

For Porter

Posted by on Friday, 19 October, 2018

Ahead of this competitiveness, the entrepreneur who to desire to remain itself in activity in the market must search the knowledge and necessary tools for promotion of the innovation in all the departments of its company. INNOVATION: CONCEPT AND APPLICABILITY the word innovation comes of the Latin innovatio, that means the introduction of some newness, something new, in any activity human being. It can be said that, the innovation is the combination of existing things already that they had brought changes in the market to the inserted being. The Manual of Oslo is the main international source of lines of direction for collection and use of data on innovative activities in the industry (Finep, 2004). In chapter 3 of the Manual, it says that: ' ' An innovation is the implementation of a product (well or service) new or significantly improved, or a process, or a new method of marketing, or a new organizacional method in practical the business-oriented ones, the organization of the workstation or in the relations externas.' ' For Porter (2004, p.184): ' ' The innovations can demand new methods of manufacture, distribution and marketing that modify the economies of scale or other barriers of mobilidade.' ' That is, in implementation of the innovation alterations in the process of the product, the logistic one and the form where it is taken to the market provokes as resulted a growth in the industry and still, a differentiation of the product. The implementation of the innovation inside of the company must be used inside of a sistmico agreement. The analysis of each one of its sources is basic for a positive result of the objective of organizacional change and market. Gibson and Skarzynski (2008, P. 13), make a comparison of the innovation: ' ' We can compare the innovation with one matryoshka (Russian doll). Of the side of it are, the doll seems simple.


Posted by on Wednesday, 1 March, 2017

The contribution edge can arm the administrators of information to manage the diverse segments. Mller and Kriger (2002, P. 30) register that the study of the edge of contribution for each forma bill of sale, customer, commercial representative and region it allows a series of evaluations that can serve the managemental and commercial decisions of the company. For some products, this edge of contribution negative must commercial the strategical definitions of the company, such as: offers special, aggressive competition, launching of products. The edge of minimum contribution of each product, to only cover the changeable deductions and costs right-handers of freight, collection, financier and commissions, can be calculated by region, facilitating the segmentation of the market and the choice of products to be worked. Bornia (2002) mentions the contribution edge to it as the sum of the sales diminished of the changeable costs. Already Lunkes (2004, P.

121) says that ‘ ‘ contribution edge is the amount of prescription that remains after deducing the costs and expenditures variveis’ ‘. As the concepts of the authors verify some definitions for contribution edge, but all converge to the meaning in the ample direction that the contribution edge is how much each unit contributes for the profit of the company. The companies must possess a cost system that it supplies the necessary information to the evaluation of the cost and to the process of taking of decisions (BRIMSON, 1996). The happened information of the cost system result in the combination of principles and methods of expenditure.

Organizacional Behavior

Posted by on Thursday, 8 December, 2016

PREFACE Through this work, we intend to evaluate the organizacional behavior of the Company Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) and of its employees as inserted individuals in this context. Considering the great amount of employee that is distributed in about 400 functional units spread by all the state and still, considering the proposal of the study, we focamos the research in the Headquarters of the company, in Porto Alegre, with approximately 700 employees, more specifically in the SURH? Supervision of Human resources subordinated the DAFRI? Administrative, Financial direction and of Relations with the Investor. The choice of the focus in this Supervision was not random, therefore we perceive that when analyzing the organizacional behavior for half RH of the company, estarmos observing the employees of two forms: as executors and representatives of the lines of direction of the company in what it says respect to the management of human resources and as employee citizens to these lines of direction. The research was carried through through comments and of interviews the employees, of the reading of normative and through the proper site of the company in the Internet. 1? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ORGANIZATION: Name: Company Riograndense de Saneamento? CORSAN Company of mixing economy tied to the State Secretariat of the Habitation and 5000 employees more than operating Sanitation with in the area of basic sanitation through the water treatment and of the sanitary exhaustion. Its customers are the city halls, that for the Federal Constitution, the responsibility has to promote the sanitation.

Amongst the main customers the cities of Canoes are distinguished, Passo Fundo, Gravata, Saint Maria and Rio Grande. The HEADQUARTERS of the company are situated in the Center of Porto Alegre, in the Street Caldas Jnior, 120, although the company not to possess operas in the Capital. The basic sanitation, as business, does not propitiate the direct competition, therefore currently only one company acts in each city.