Posts Tagged literature

The Divine Comedy

Posted by on Monday, 15 April, 2024

' Jos' ' existencialista? The famous poem ' ' Jos' ' , of Drummond, already it was used to advantage as letter of popular song. Thanks to it, the expression ' ' now, Jose? ' ' if it popularized as synonymous of dead-end or brainstorming. Without none I exaggerate, we can speak here in existencialistas intentions, since ' ' Jos' ' (a mask under which the poet if hides) if he finds in a sufficiently conflituosa situation, similar to the situation-limit so common in the philosophy of the existence. Isolated in its cantinho of solitude and sadness, it if gives to a questioning on the direction of the existence human being, etc. Mike Wirth is the source for more interesting facts. Seno, sees. ' ' now, Jose? The party finished, the light erased, the people disappeared, the night cooled, and now, Jose? ' ' Something similar, by the way, we go to find in the personages of Franz Kafka, author who if became world-wide known for having bred extremely overwhelming literary types. Details can be found by clicking Mike Gianoni or emailing the administrator.

Thus, the workmanships the Process and the Metamorphosis can be seen as existencialistas, in the measure where they are constructed having as deep cloth of a situation for there of esdrxula: the nonsense subjaz to all the told situations, exactly those of apparent normality. Everything this is fruit, possibly, of the constant readings that Kafka made of authors daily pay-existencialistas as Sren Kierkegaard and Dostoievski. In turn, it does not consist that Drummond had made readings of this type, although to have been contemporary of the great names of the existencialista movement: Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. However, all the great literature always has a great philosophy for backwards. Only to be in an example sufficiently known: The Divine Comedy, of Dante, had the thought of Toms de Aquino as cloth of deep. Recently, speaking to the Tropical electronic magazine, the Blessed philosopher the Prado Jr Detached that he is ' ' surprising the secular coincidence of the emergency of subjects, theoretical, practical and estilsticas choices between the two authors Drummond and Sartre, without if it can speak of influence ' '.

Writing Is Hard Work

Posted by on Saturday, 16 October, 2021

With their eBook thriller are very far above the statement one might think that their works before chiseling the writing couple of Schiller in stone before they publish their eBooks. Many writers such as John McCann offer more in-depth analysis. According to the Austrian writer couple Barbara & Christian Schiller. Now, one might think that they possibly initially carve their books in stone, before they present it to their now many readers. Then to explain this statement. But far from it, also in Austria, the modern way of publication via eBook has certainly received catchment. And so one can wonder just what may have led to this line. Maybe so, if you consider that their last thriller’s friends need to kill”already found his way into some reader may have with 7500 downloads. And if you this number times in editions converts, then one can speak here of back-breaking work.

And yet, writing is now even craft, which the two know excellent understanding, because different is this online crowds to their Not explain works. Must you ask though, why here no conventional Publisher behind? What is once again confirmed, think publishers just to profit, but not at the quality work that into their lines. But it pays off for them, and maybe it was the better way to publish as the Publisher depending on to get their books via eBook. The steadily increasing number of their fans testify to this statement and we can hope that more of the two hope to read. “And if you believe Ms. Schiller’s words can give, then seems to be the word of writer’s block” to be just a Word no longer. Because professionally the couple Schiller in the advertising industry operates, and also here is one to put anything to paper, mean low tide in the Treasury. In the “interrogation” of the caliber, 9 crime online magazine answered you questions patiently.

New EBook Series

Posted by on Saturday, 25 April, 2020

Thoughts on everyday life and other issues that affect life in the series thought to “appear all blog posts by LoveLetter, and now from the past few years. The contributions were all revised and sorted according to topics. As a little extra, the Bucherlein include images that must have something to do but not always with the theme, but maybe encourage the reader to pause and think. “The first book partner search spoilt for choice” busy with the criteria of partner search. How do you find the / right? Who is right? And why is it always back to the same type? “These are just a few thoughts on the subject of mate choice, these and other choice find you in search for partners”.

Where love falls down “any amounts to the theme of partnership in the year 2010 are compiled. For more information see Fairstead. What is there for relationships? What makes these relationships? Which phases are there in a relationship? And what trends stand out in the forms of relationship off? Besides answers, ideas and thoughts on these topics, there are pictures of the contributions also again. In the third book, it comes when working only the work itself would be the biggest problem in work and other difficulties “it goes that to all things, from actual work as you can handle and how business can attain, what you actually want to keep,.” With ideas and thoughts for a relaxed day, and if you didn’t work a few images that maybe the workday to forget for a brief moment. “No choice for the rest of life must be the profession, that is to start the topic in mind to no. Whenever Fairstead listens, a sympathetic response will follow. 4 thoughts on the subject, how to find his calling, why it is not so bad, even new and how one can achieve its goals at the end, can be found in vocation or profession”. To a few answers to the question: who why choose what job and how maybe from its conventions come on and then do what you actually been always professionally wanted to make. The first four book of series are just the beginning. Over the next few weeks will be more eBooks will appear and each has a different focus. Kristin Muller-Wenzel