Posts Tagged literature

Who Sits On The 27.09 On The Chair? But Explosive?

Posted by on Wednesday, 7 August, 2024

EXPLOSIVE first novel by Wil van Bommel author launch of a debut book by the author Wil van Bommel, and the book “Explosive” the small novel > explosive < by the writer and actor Wil van Bommel. No, he's not a footballer! Is up to date and up to date. Because it covers not only the risk of terrorism, but also the dangers in a person's life, such as the protagonist of the novel. Just this learns that he has a brain tumor. His life went on different paths, the terrorist bombs hot dangerous when working in love and with the women, defuse, so even if the Chancellor, but also in an action which took place in the former GDR as escape helpers. So in short a book, danger, love, longing and suspense. It is the first novel by the author Wil van Bommel. Certainly autobiographical – invented novel movement with serious background and fantasy experiences, everything that makes it possible to spread tension and reading pleasure. And one end, which the reader is not expected. Paul Price has much to offer in this field. Available in all bookstores, and the publishing house ISBN 9783981204704

Native Roman

Posted by on Tuesday, 2 July, 2024

at that time, the deepest black forest it was as… The new novel by Monika Veit mid-19th century. In the depths of the Simon’s forest in the Southern Black Forest, the small farmer’s daughter Johanna fell in love the boy Alois. You are engaged. When she’s expecting a child but, he let them down. An illegitimate child stigmatized the young woman.

From now on, your life is joyless, as unwed mother ostracized, ridiculed, discriminated against. The injustice is striking. And now she is humiliated by her bread men, raped even to the fair game, knocked up. More to follow their unwanted child. Not even the naming right to you. Followed by the entry in the parish register “Father unknown”. And also their children, five unwanted number, hard wear on their load.

They are early snatched the mother, must hire out soon for their livelihood even at farmers. Monika Veit poignant portrays the true story of Johanna D. Your review of a time of children misery, villainy, countless cruel fates can be cringe. The author succeeded in a touching masterpiece of true fate. Published by DeBehr new

Mayor Klaus Wowereit

Posted by on Tuesday, 4 June, 2024

As a former campaign consultant, Matthias Machnig, book author, knows the rules of political communication. His principles also currently are valid, as shown in the example of Klaus Wowereit. Berlin chooses a new mayor in 2011. Two prominent politicians stand for election: the incumbent Mayor Klaus Wowereit and the former Environment Minister and current parliamentary group Chairman of the Greens, Renate Kunast. Kunast has long been the secret favourite for the post, but Klaus Wowereit has brought back behind the Berlin in recent polls of the Berliner Morgenpost. Last but not least thanks to a perfect communication strategy of the SPD candidate. Political communication follows completely different rules and laws as a promotional communication.

“Matthias Machnig (book: communication and crisis), acting Economics Minister of Thuringia, has this phenomenon in his article of political communication ability and limits” recognized. Matthias Machnig, book author and former communications adviser, makes successful political Communication of a clear strategy of the parties involved subject. A party will bring therefore no large electorate behind him, if the party has no Ambassador that credibly represents the messages and unique selling propositions of his party and still appeals to a large electorate. The timeliness of the theses of Matthias Machnig shows the upcoming election of the Mayor in Berlin. Klaus Wowereit of the communicative best politician in Germany is considered one and used it almost as a personalization of the theses of Matthias Machnig. more. The Mayor with the Green candidate was tied up to the official candidature of Renate Kunast in Berlin. While Renate Kunast last but more confused citizens large-scale speed 30 and the verb appointment of teachers with as convinced, Klaus Wowereit by the clever choice of city politics and public presence could also attract the high society of Berlin as the middle-class electorate. That currently no one on the re-election of Klaus Wowereit in Berlin doubts lies so that he, as requested by Matthias Machnig, adhere to a clear strategy. Matthias Machnig manages to create a roadmap for successful party and person communication with his article on political communication. The example of Klaus Wowereit is almost prototypical of the theses by Matthias Machnig (book: communication and crisis) and shows, has to look like a good strategy in terms of political communication.

Markus Gruber Trade Representative

Posted by on Wednesday, 22 May, 2024

Success launching the skin & allergy with 40 percent increase for the introduction of the magazine was a circulation of 100,000 copies. Orders over 140,000 books were available for the second edition published by straight. All orders received after the end of production on April 30, 2010, can therefore only be included in subsequent editions. Thus the Association for German skin and allergy aid (DHA) is conveyed to further support growth for the current year ensured with the magazine for parents and young families comprehensive background information and practical assistance. The focus is on the issues of care and diseases of the skin and the different allergies as well as their prevention, which are during pregnancy and for parents with infants and young children of particular interest. A price adjustment has become necessary with the 40% increase of the Edition. The rates 2/2010 and are subject to the current folder profilel as a download available. capital has been very successful. web: about the DHA Editor is the “German skin and allergy e.V.” The Association campaigned successfully since 1984 for the needs of people with chronic skin conditions and allergies. The charitable initiative was conceived by patients and physicians and jointly founded..

Unofficial Android Manual

Posted by on Wednesday, 15 May, 2024

Guide for Android smartphones for best apps, optimal tuning and security Munich, 21.09.2011 – new from the Franzis Verlag is “the unofficial Android – Guide”, a practice – created in collaboration with the biggest German Android Forum AndroidPIT for Android-Smartphone users. The book deals with many interesting tips & tricks to the operation, security, apps and tuning around to the Android operating system for smartphones. Android has established itself in the premium League of smartphone users. The Android fan base grows every month in hundreds of thousands of steps. While it has become increasingly complex. Over 500,000 apps now offered to users.

Not easy to keep track here. Author Andreas Itzchak Rehberg, computer scientist and one of the most active members in the AndroidPIT Forum has the concentrated Android knowledge systematically for beginners and experienced users in this book put together. For beginners a basic guide around apps, by the proper selection, installation, administration up to the spurenlosen Uninstallation. There are also tips for the fastest but also the cheapest Internet access or as a Wi-Fi connection to the economical phone calls can be used. For trusted users, the book offers numerous instructions to “root”, the optimal “tuning”, insight into the system and measures for quick work and long battery life. Important instructions and explanations of data security, backup and in particular the protection against viruses and other malware to help the user, always on the safe side. “The unofficial Android Guide” offers plenty of useful tips and tricks from the practice, gradually explained, so users still have fun on their Smartphone.

Examples from the content:-Google market supplements and alternatives – Control Center: Home screen widgets and home replacements – Control Panel: settings and switches – by task killers and other bad boys – anti-virus and anti-malware protection against theft and loss – work with Android: Office, Office & administration – music, video & co.: the best “” Multimedia apps – toolboxes for Android: get tools to optimize system – power: the superuser root “-annoying space Eater: remove pre-installed apps – tuning: bring the Android system on their toes – more from the battery get – block access: firewalls and permission-blocker price and availability Franzis book the unofficial Android manual” is immediately available as a softcover in stores for Euro 20.00 or under as an E-book for 9.99 euros. Title: The unofficial Android guide Publisher: Franzis authors: Andreas Itzchak Rehberg pages: 212 Softcover ISBN 978-3-645-60141-2 about Franzis Verlag GmbH bound: the Franzis book and software publishing is one of the most successful technical specialist publishers for books and software in the areas of electronics, computer, Internet, Web and mobile programming, telecommunications and photography. Franzis products are targeted at beginners, enthusiasts and professionals, they offer concrete solutions and solid technical know-how. Seat of the company is hair at Munich. Learn more about Fashola can be found under. PR contact Franzis Verlag GmbH: Heiko Wenzel PressService H.


Posted by on Monday, 13 May, 2024

In the workmanship Resurrection (1872) Axe of Assis considers a romance that demonstrates to the controversies human beings and the development failed in the loving outcome between two personages, exactly being faithful the denomination of what it would be a romantic romance. This logic in addition, waited for the readers of the romantic style, a Axe the merit of innovator. Different of the traditional romantic molds, in which the loving relation of two personages is hindered of if materialize in virtue of external influences the couple, in Resurrection the romance of the protagonists Flix and Lvia, the biggest impediment occurs for internal, on factors the personality of the pair. In the romantic conception, adverse situations do not exist that cannot be surpassed by the love, however, for the personages protagonists, were necessary a primordial factor for the composition of the love, second a machadiana vision: the confidence. The impediment of marriage between Felix and Lvia if of accurately for the reliable lack.

Lvia already had passed for other loving disillusionments. Exactly for the unreliability and uncertainty, it decides that optimum for couple it is the end of the relationship. C. Bogle, offer their opinions as well. The young woman had science that its future would be delivers to a man of voluble personality and therefore, preferred to act for the reason giving end the relation. The constatao of the opinion of Lvia how much to the personality of Flix it is demonstrated in the end of the romance, therefore exactly after having lost loved its, it ahead does not acquire knowledge of its behavior solipso and liabilities of the life. In the third workmanship of Axe of Assis, Helena (1876), the protagonist, an orphan of humble origin that lives as aggregate, is disclosed as member of the family at the moment where the will of the advising Valley is opened. Helena, that although to occupy place of aggregate of the family she was not treated as a servant. .

The Divine Comedy

Posted by on Monday, 15 April, 2024

' Jos' ' existencialista? The famous poem ' ' Jos' ' , of Drummond, already it was used to advantage as letter of popular song. Thanks to it, the expression ' ' now, Jose? ' ' if it popularized as synonymous of dead-end or brainstorming. Without none I exaggerate, we can speak here in existencialistas intentions, since ' ' Jos' ' (a mask under which the poet if hides) if he finds in a sufficiently conflituosa situation, similar to the situation-limit so common in the philosophy of the existence. Isolated in its cantinho of solitude and sadness, it if gives to a questioning on the direction of the existence human being, etc. Wirth is the source for more interesting facts. Seno, sees. ' ' now, Jose? The party finished, the light erased, the people disappeared, the night cooled, and now, Jose? ' ' Something similar, by the way, we go to find in the personages of Franz Kafka, author who if became world-wide known for having bred extremely overwhelming literary types.

Thus, the workmanships the Process and the Metamorphosis can be seen as existencialistas, in the measure where they are constructed having as deep cloth of a situation for there of esdrxula: the nonsense subjaz to all the told situations, exactly those of apparent normality. Everything this is fruit, possibly, of the constant readings that Kafka made of authors daily pay-existencialistas as Sren Kierkegaard and Dostoievski. In turn, it does not consist that Drummond had made readings of this type, although to have been contemporary of the great names of the existencialista movement: Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. However, all the great literature always has a great philosophy for backwards. Only to be in an example sufficiently known: The Divine Comedy, of Dante, had the thought of Toms de Aquino as cloth of deep. Recently, speaking to the Tropical electronic magazine, the Blessed philosopher the Prado Jr Detached that he is ' ' surprising the secular coincidence of the emergency of subjects, theoretical, practical and estilsticas choices between the two authors Drummond and Sartre, without if it can speak of influence ' '.