Extended range of asthma treatments. Asthma or asthma Bronchiale is derived from the Greek and originally referred to the shortness of breath. Asthma is a stimulus response of the pulmonary alveoli and bronchi, which is narrow in response to a trigger, and ignite. This leads to a shortness of breath, which can be life-threatening in very severe cases. A distinction is the stimulus response in allergic and non-allergic asthma.
While asthma is caused by a particular irritant. Pollen, dust or animal hair are often such irritants. In contrast to this is the non-allergic asthma reaction that can be caused by infections or medications, or just by breathing in cold air. Especially in children, asthma is one of the most common chronic illness is. According to statements of the German of Allergy and asthma Association, approximately every tenth child suffers from a respiratory illness. In adulthood, this number decreases. Only about 4 to 6 percent are affected by asthma as adults.
While women get sick far more frequently than Men on the chronic respiratory disease. In total, approximately 300 million people suffer from asthma. HealthExpress has now expanded the range of asthma treatments on the basis of these figures. In addition to the previously available asthma spray Ventolin, six more treatments are offered now. While a Reliefer Ventolin is you are asthma sprays new in the range as a controller can be used. Clenil, Flixotide, Pulmicort, QVAR, Seretide and SYMBICORT are now in the range of HealthExpress absorbed. Patients with asthma can now reorder easily your asthma spray. Was already readily used or recommended by a doctor for taking the desired asthmatic as asthmatics on HealthExpress can perform a free online consultation. This is checked by a registered doctor, which can then make a corresponding prescription provided suitable for patients taking the asthma spray. This fast service also enables it with express delivery within 24 hours Working asthmatics, easy and quick to get the appropriate treatment of asthma.