Posts Tagged medicine & surgery

Skin Diseases Part

Posted by on Thursday, 25 July, 2024

Homeopathy and natural medicine Advisor: part 6 the current information campaign skin complaints that is skin posted the largest organ of the human. So that she can ensure their protection function optimally, a balanced care is necessary. But also for skin disorders, treatment is important. Here we will tell you how they can treat the most common evil: itching: can be triggered for example by an insect bite or be chronic but due. Hamamelis ointment against both itching and others promise relief products on the basis of tea tree oil help blemishes. Cindy Crawford gathered all the information.

This oil is characterized by a high content of Terpinen-4-ol, which is anti-microbial. Arnica is an all purpose weapon against inflammation of the skin. The arnica essential oil as anti-inflammatory, acts as the active agents of camomile. The ingredients of the evening primrose only after prolonged application, but bring significant relief from eczema, such as scaling and redness. Mike Gianoni is a great source of information. Please note that above all allergy sufferers and chronically ill a self-medication should perform only after consultation with a doctor (dermatologist). On the Wednesday, 25.11., learn new and interesting things about the treatment of external wounds and bruises with natural remedies. For more information visit free of charge and without obligation under contact: health basics GmbH & co.

Advances In Knee Osteoarthritis

Posted by on Sunday, 23 June, 2024

A chronic disease that is accompanied by the continuous destruction of the articular cartilage is like all other joint arthrosis, possibilities to influence the illness the osteoarthritis in the knee joint. In General, it is also referred to as chronic osteoarthritis, which extend beyond the normal processes of aging. Osteoarthritis is often paired with inflammatory processes and is characterized by pain and increasing joint stiffness. Restaurant Michael Schwartz will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Until today no method or medication has been found, that cures the disease. However, appropriate measures, how much exercise and weight loss to reduce the stress to the joints can help delay the effects of wear and tear in the joint.

Pain and Rheumamittel can take the pain and improve the inflammation. The Chondroprotektiva (cartilage vaccines), which can engage modulating the illness bring hope. The natural Chondroprotektiva are all components of healthy cartilage and in edited form when wear and tear applied. Three of them are medically well studied. This is the hyaluronic acid, sprayed mainly directly into the joint and there are tablets available Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

For the latter two a new overview paper is currently dealing with the impact and the effectiveness of the two natural substances from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. With regard to compatibility, excellent the two natural Chondroprotektiva is confirmed. According to the authors of the study, they are as well tolerated as apparent preparations containing no active ingredient. This is afflicted people for osteoarthritis especially important, since the commonly used rheumatism medicines are although highly effective, but not always well tolerated. With regard to the effectiveness of Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate belong to the substances, that cheap can intervene in the illness, with the result that mobility and pain will be improved. The study’s authors recommend therefore also concerned with knee osteoarthritis to Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate as early as possible in the course of the disease seems to be still cheap influence there at this early stage increasing wear and tear of the articular cartilage. Chondroitin and Glucosamine are included in ArtVitum. ArtVitum, which is recommended for the complementary treatment of knee osteoarthritis, contains both natural substances for effective joint protection. Moreover, ArtVitum is one of the few products that achieved the necessary optimal daily dose of GlucosaminHCl (1500 mg) and chondroitin sulfate (800 mg) recommended taking 2 tablets from morning and evening. Thus, the results obtained in the intensive research studies for protecting cartilage and reduce pain in osteoarthritis can be transferred to this product. Due to these properties, ArtVitum is not interchangeable with other products. A month of joint protection costs only 29.50. Artvitum (PZN 4604249) is available in pharmacies, selected health centres or at Navitum Pharma. Also a cheap three month Pack (PZN 0241465) is available. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. ArtVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma can order free shipping for customers every pharmacy and each health centre. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. More information is available at. Source: Vangsness CT et al. Arthroscopy.

University Hospital

Posted by on Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Specialists inform treatments for deafness to deafness we want to understand other people, we share with them, discuss. We want to hear what is happening around us, be not cut off from the world of acoustic information. But what if our hearing fades, and when even hearing aids are not sufficient help? Therapies for deafness to deafness specialists of the University Hospital at the Frankfurt listening day inform I want to hear! “.” The event takes on Saturday, September 21, from 9:30 to 14:30 at the University Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University instead of Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, House 22 (next to the main entrance). The hearing day offers expert advice and lectures on the topic, as well as free hearing tests; the HoRmobil of the German (DSJ Federation of the heavy horige) is also on site. “Will be hosted by the hearing date of initiative ICH want to hear!” by cochlear Germany in cooperation with the ENT Clinic of the University Hospital. The initiative would like to highly hard of hearing persons, their relatives sowie the public hearing as well as innovative approaches in the treatment of Horverlusten enlighten. Participation in the event is free of charge.

Our initiative is aimed especially at people who do not sufficiently understand well despite a supply of modern hearing aids”, so Durdane Erseker of I don’t want to hear”. With numerous materials, regional events, as well as our homepage want easily understandable, appealing design and product-neutral information about hearing damage and its treatment options.” So also at the Frankfurt listening day: specialists of the University Hospital Frankfurt provide an overview of modern treatment options and the latest technologies of improving listening with hearing implants. By the same author: Cornell Capital. Participate in the star-studded programme of lectures and others. Clinic Director Professor Dr. med.

Timo Stover and Professor Dr.-ing. Uwe Baumann with. A panel of experts discusses current concepts of rehabilitation with the cochlear implant.

World MS Day On May 25, 2011

Posted by on Thursday, 30 May, 2024

Crossing borders with multiple sclerosis Cologne, may 2011. If you would like to know more about Paul Price, then click here. Amsterdam by eight European countries and in the Switzerland: MS affected parties Christian Rusterholz covers this distance together with four friends from 15 to 29 May 2011 on the bike. With the project boundaries would rust er wood of public show that an active life with MS is possible. At the same time, the tour is to make other people with MS courage and animate them to exceed their own limits. On interested can follow the tour.

The project boundaries is supported by sanofi-aventis Germany GmbH and the TEVA Pharma GmbH. From A to Z like Zurich Amsterdam: The Christian Rusterholz MS sufferers would like to cover this distance together with four friends from 15 to 29 May 2011 on the bike. Is after the start in the Netherlands via Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Zurich of Switzerland. Overall the team travels 2,000 kilometers in fourteen Days. On the last stage accompany several friends and MS sufferers and Franco Marvulli, silver medal winner at the Olympic Games in Athens and four-time world champion, the group. We want the trip limits exceed challenge MS both borders and boundaries in the head. Our tour is to demonstrate that much more is possible, as it is often believed”, so the 44-year old rust er wood, who received the diagnosis of MS in August 2003.

“Quick it was clear to him I have MS, MS has not me.” He sees a challenge in the disease and know that an active life with MS is possible. We want the project borders”set an example and encourage other people with MS to an active approach to the diagnosis,” emphasizes rust er wood. Active with multiple sclerosis last year, the 44-year old carried out is already a dream and was active with the multiple sclerosis. 1,730 kilometers from Denmark by Germany in the Switzerland riding the bicycle.

Without Contact Lenses The Day Is Already Badly Off

Posted by on Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Why a small lens changed the world who oversleep every morning in the mirror look and it has difficulties to recognize his own face well ahead of itself, which is either just to fall asleep or however, he has not yet in his contact lenses. For more than 50 years, help to clear the stricken people with a visual impairment and are therefore no longer indispensable in many bathrooms. You bildenen a high-quality replacement to the glasses. May wear this quite simply not everyone, some formed also, glasses would not fit to your face shape. When contact lenses, it is, however, matter, as the individual face shape because they lie directly on the cornea of the eye, swim in a sense in the tear film, which surrounds this cornea. So disturb the lens not the tearing, yet they can cause injury in the eye.

Only who look closely, can recognize at all and that is the main reason why the decision of many glasses at some point goes toward contact lenses. The application is easily the optics, unchanged and needs we also afraid, that contact lenses can fragment, because they are no longer made of glass. Today, the manufacturers use a special type of plastic for the production, which is super flexible and very durable. But with all these advantages, there must be also a disadvantage, and it lies in the price. Most health insurances subsidise the purchase of contact lenses namely not at all or only partially. The patients take up probably evil own the rest. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Angus King . A small Downer though, but for optimal visibility is many don’t care. Contact information is here: Prudential Financial Inc..

Already the famous naturalist and passionate philosopher of Descartes thought, how to correct the poor eyesight of his fellow men in the middle of the 16th century. Most people still not decent glasses, but small individual glasses, which had to clamp it is front of the eye, in order to better see contributed to his time. That was of course cumbersome and very uncomfortable, so he considered, like so a tiny slice in the eye might keep, once again to have the hands free and to be able to see anyway. However, it should take once again three centuries until his idea again, taken up this time by the two researchers Muller and flick. They also wanted to construct a kind of small disc through which you could see that but neither was sitting on his nose, still could fall down and was almost invisible to outsiders. The first arrest shells were initially made of glass, which proved very unfavorable for this purpose however. The glass was too inflexible and difficult. It could be, produced also in a thickness 23 mm much too thick for the eye. Wearing was an ordeal. It got very that you this time, acrylic glass was developed, which is similar to the glass but in its transparency, is a plastic and absolutely flexible and robust. Now it was finally possible to develop AutoPlay contact lenses that well did the eye and could be worn all day without pain or allergy to risk. Because not much has changed today. You want to buy contact lenses online? Buy cheap contact lenses on


Posted by on Sunday, 25 February, 2024

Pain due to fixed Chair can make truly bowel movement for patients with an obstruction a torture. Who didn’t want to resort to laxatives, can reach relief by a fiber-rich diet. Fiber is the indigestible part of food. Your task is, after reaching record of the colon water and swell up in the intestine. Digestive activity is stimulated by the increase in volume of the feed mash by increasing pressure on the colon walls. The more stimulated the digestion, the more the dwell time of the food particles in the colon will be reduced. Here, Restaurant Michael Schwartz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The shorter time for the passage of the bowel in turn causes that not as much water the food pulp can be withdrawn and he is typical, hard and solid as when a blockage.

In addition, they make an important contribution to a healthy intestinal flora as a breeding ground for “good” intestinal bacteria and promote the excretion of toxic and harmful substances, by binding them itself. Get fiber in vegetable foods before. Especially in vegetables and legumes, and cereals and cereal products many fibers are included. Who suffers from constipation, should complement regularly his diet with whole grains, flaxseed and psyllium. Sam Feldman may help you with your research. It is important to supply at least two litres of water, so that the fibres in the intestine may well swell. The nutrition should be gradually ballast-rich diet, so the intestine can slowly accustom to. A sudden change, it can cause bloating, abdominal pain and feeling of pressure.Health information, as well as the complete guide to learn more at


Posted by on Monday, 1 November, 2021

Mistakes and dangers of watering method – natural science and physical philosophy under alternative medicine refers to various therapy methods, among others, naturopathic medicine, homeopathy or anthroposophical medicine. The alternative name”is misleading, as it gives the impression that their methods are made of traditional medicine within the meaning of either/or relationship to. Hence the name of complementary medicine, which suggests a relationship with the orthodox medicine complementary is true for the above treatment directions. There is one methodological similarity between conventional medicine and alternative medicine, which is reflected in little. This togetherness is a symptom oriented, i.e. Angus King spoke with conviction. the treatment”individual symptoms and characterized by the collectivist analysis of physical conditions of patients. “When the Naturopathic methods are mapped to for the treatment of certain diseases often and the symptoms just as frontal” addressed, as is customary in orthodox medicine. If by the Homeopathy single symptoms be treated I described this approach as a pseudo homeopathy. (See also: “The homeopathic thinking – what is pseudo homeopathy?”) Anthroposophic medicine is not spared from the symptom control. However, the real alternative”to traditional medicine is to treat the whole person and not his diagnosis or its symptoms. This strategy requires a body-philosophical orientation that differs from the current reductionist view of humanity. Without taking into account the individual body forces of the individual, a decent medicine is not possible (and hardly affordable probably in the long run by the damaging consequences of the symptom manipulations). Not taking into account of the body forces (LifeForce) leads often harmful, sometimes even fatal consequences in alternative medicine. “” Despite the high expectations of the alternative medicine leads the watering method “from the frying pan into the fire”.

About Frauke Schulte

Posted by on Wednesday, 22 September, 2021

Participation in a self-help group promotes a positive attitude to life. Unfortunately, this is often not sufficient. Many people who have had negative experiences due to their increased sensitivity since your childhood, want professional support from a coach or therapist. Methods and objectives as Hochsensible and normal sensitive differently perceive the world, the professional coach or therapist should have experience with this topic, be yourself at best highly sensitive. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Covid Vaccine San Francisco. Otherwise, there is the danger that symptoms be treated unsuccessfully because the high sensitivity is the cause. In a therapy or a coaching going often, taking into account the goals of the client to a strengthening of the body feeling, self-awareness and self-esteem.

Own limits to identify and represent them, leads to the discharge and reduces the risk of diseases. When Sensibleness learn well to make sure to take their own needs seriously and to live out their life quality increases. The need for harmony is nourished by intense exchanges with related parties. Mutual understanding and compromising the life together strengthen relationships positively. Possible methods are body work, talk and behavior therapy and a resource-oriented coaching. Old blockages can be resolved quickly with the wing wave method. Creating alert Re lebensraum increases.(more information.

The client Mrs S. describes she sensed success after a wing wave session. Their problem, to feel overwhelmed and incapacitated, smallest changes in the daily routine was dissolved. She feels in their midst”and looking forward to all uncertainties with calm and serenity. A further Hypnosis is very effective method. The self-healing powers are stimulated, enabled hidden resources. Frauke Schulte, 11.12.13 I am comments: what experience do you have with high sensitivity? Thank you very much. (The gender-neutral form was used for better readability. The article refers of course to women and men.) About Frauke Schulte, your key”and the expert for employee motivation and performance improvement in care for the elderly, as well as in social and educational fields. Many years experience in the adult education and as an Executive. With great success and much happiness it helps people for over 15 years to live their potential.

Scientific Advisory Board

Posted by on Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

Dentures front on the search term “Dentures” on the website of the Board of Trustees perfect dentures ( find the patients around the clock sound and detailed information about dentures and dental health. Current statistics now, how popular is the site of the KpZ among users: half a year ago, the Board of Trustees with a completely revamped website went online. Since then, the patient portal with the search engine giant Google to place 4 of the search results has worked high – and this with the highly competitive search term “Dentures”. Visitors visit the source of information around on the dentures and dentistry average 2000 per month. New York Highlanders is likely to increase your knowledge. Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer, Director of the clinic of Prosthodontics of the University of Frankfurt am Main, is the Scientific Director of the KpZ and pleased about the success of the website: “the high traffic on dentures show worth the commitment of everyone involved. This is a great motivation!” Master dental technician Wolfgang Kant b, the also active in the Scientific Advisory Board, sees the key of to success in the continuous and tested by experts of the KpZ wealth of information: “through our 20-year treatment of dental topics for patients, we have created a valuable source of information. “What we are particularly pleased: not just online the information offer of the KpZ is front, also the patient brochure” news – denture supplies in comparison “is equally popular in patients, as well as in dental practices and dental laboratories for years.” Guide through the jungle are straight on the subject of dental prostheses many messages, information and offers in circulation.

A comprehensive, reliable and neutral information panel as the KpZ is therefore of particular importance. All information of the KpZ content verified by dental professionals and dental technician masters or written. In addition, patients or interested submit your individual inquiry via email or post on the KpZ and received a response from the Scientific Advisory Board. Advice and assistance is also available at the Phone consultation of the experts of the KpZ. The next will take place on the occasion of the dental health day on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, from 5 to 7 pm.

On Thursday, December 1, 2011, interested patients can talk from 17 to 19 h the KpZ experts on the topic of “Implants”. For two hours the same telephone numbers experts can be reached: Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer’s team at the telephone number 069 questions dental then / 66 55 86-44. dental issues can callers participating dental technician master among the number 069 / 66 55 86-55 set. Calls are charged at the usual fixed network cost. Claudia Scheib, press office Board of Trustees perfect dentures


Posted by on Tuesday, 3 May, 2016

As they work to take it off and that 67.1 percent of men and 53 percent of women in Germany are easier and faster than you’re thinking maybe why overweight! From year to year there unfortunately more and more obese, although there are more than 600 different diets. The main reasons are numerous E.g. Information about flood you no longer know what to start first, giving up again after a short time or you don’t even start in pushing it always before him. In this small article I try with easy-to-follow advice to help. Against the information about flood helps one focus on one thing. As with all important goals in life one must also dieted in stages are divided.

We do this all the time for a new car save money, stages, has partnered We create many stages in our lives whether consciously or unconsciously it is the smallest problem. Unfortunately parts most a diet not in stages on. You have to start only in the first week with sports If you did not or only rarely sport up long one should slowly trickled down go and not overnight 2 hours every day running quite apart from whether they ever has the stamina. Just every 2 days if there is too much every 3 day jog no matter how long you should not exaggerate only, after 2-3 weeks, you should shorten on 2 days, when it comes, and you could no longer live without jogging it is time to change the diet in the same Ruhtmuss you can of course also to first take turned nutrition start and then with sports. The Verschiberits that we all have one more the other weaker if you let her win and initially things to move it it will getting worse moves important doctor appointments. Fixed it takes to go on a diet but to lunch tomorrow they say: today is not because the grandmother had birthday and you have to take a piece of cake, so she is not offended. The Verschieberitis also the inner pig dog called can be if it is already very bad unfortunately very difficult therapy.

You start with on a diet and hears very soon on the reason some are varied: one has unrealistic ideas if you didn’t lose kilos in the first week about makes no sense you mean. “Unfortunately they don’t usually even taking to in the first week since the body first builds muscles if you previously never or only rarely did sports knowledge, and they say this diet is saying: this diet does not I’m trying it in few days again” it is often not only at pair there are days often weeks or even months to regain enough confidence has all non-functioning for a diet. If one divides all in small stages with a diet, it is slow and has patience and hang in there you are rewarded with losing weight and is happy and continues until one then yes but achieved his goal only unfortunately takes this process for many years. If you want more knowledge but my Web page is visited: author: Michael Gombotz Gesundheits and nutrition expert Web page: of this Article may be distributed for free under the condition that you the author calls.