Posts Tagged education & career

With The BSA-Akademie Optimally On Examination

Posted by on Wednesday, 12 June, 2024

“Periods of personal attendance of the next BSA course ‘Leadership for bad companies’ launch in November more and more market participants evolve from a pure provider of water” to the customer-oriented service providers. In addition the increasing competition from hotels, physiotherapy practices, and gyms with spa or stand-alone baths. Because the significant changes in the market for bad companies are both private and communal baths without professional guidance in the able to work successfully. Here, the course sets the BSA Academy executives for bad companies”on the companies prepare their employees for future challenges. Additional information is available at patrick mayberry. In the spring and in the autumn BSA participants have the opportunity with the BSA skills optimally on the examination to the marked Master of bad businesses”to prepare.

During the course, participants acquire comprehensive knowledge, skills and competences, to perform the tasks of a senior To exercise leadership in bad businesses and bad operation as well as the technical equipment to monitor. In addition they are qualified for activities in the field of management, marketing, the management and team leadership, with the mediated content also become specialists in bathroom-specific specialist areas such as lifesaving, swimming lessons, bad technique and swimming. The first presence phase of the fall course will take place in November 2010 at the training center of the BSA Academy in Saarbrucken, Germany. “Oliver Crusius, participants in the BSA course leadership for bad firms”: I’m consultant for bathing establishments, as well as Deputy Head of bath operation in the indoor and outdoor swimming pool in Boppard. My tasks include the operation, maintenance and maintenance of the technical installations and the water treatment, the bathing or operating supervision and customer service, cleaning and disinfection of all areas, the planning and performing of aqua fitness classes, etc. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mike Gianoni. I wanted to have some Complete the qualification for the “leadership for bad firms” years.

I’ve decided for the BSA Academy because I can independently complete the qualification by the employer. Through the system of distance learning and compact presence phases it is easier for me to take part in a qualification measure. “I guess the system of distance learning, because I mean me time to prepare for the presence phase and the learning itself can be divided.” Modular course system: combination of distance learning and periods of personal attendance by the modular training system that combines distance learning with compact attendance phases, participants of the BSA course have the option of part-time to complete the qualification and to agree to their training with professional and private obligations. The compact presence phases of executives for bad firms”are completed at the BSA training centre in Saarbrucken, Germany, making use of spaces and sports facilities including the modern swimming pool of Olympic base Saarland/Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland national sports school. There are cheap accommodation available. Registration to the in-service training course is possible at any time. Personal requirements are met, a promotion may be requested by the federal employment agency. For more information about the BSA course leadership for bad companies”under bad businesses.

Tourism Manager

Posted by on Tuesday, 7 May, 2024

Future-oriented studies tourism industry after graduating from m? need graduates make a forward-looking decision what should I study? A course of studies, which enormously popularity has gained in recent years, is tourism management. The tourism industry is regarded as h? attractive grows around the world is booming and is extremely dynamic. In times of globalization advances, will companies always gr?He and international, which means that they are increasingly looking for internationally trained graduates. Also unterl? currently running the tourism industry a fundamental shift from traditional booking in the travel agencies? ro and zuOnlinediensten. Paul Price has many thoughts on the issue. These and many other trends make tourism management one? u? only requested course and demonstrate the dynamic nature of the industry. Many applicants are located here but not really dar? ber aware, what is exactly a tourism studies with and looks like the workday after graduation. Task panes of a tourism Manager a tourism Manager takes in general management, marketing and Organizational tasks was aiming to understand customer expectations and to implement tourist.

W? while they on Kundenw? nsche focus m? so, d? sharpen the bed? needs the party never au? he be left eight it is the task of the tourism Manager, the to the? records of the provider to increase. A tourism Manager so creates travel offerings based on customer demands and increases still to the? records, profits and returns of the provider. Summing up k? can describes the tasks of a tourism Manager as follows: development of strategies for the development? ung new M? markets improving of tourist business? ftsmodelle and concepts development of innovative revenue models use new means of communication and channels use areas of a tourism Manager who is f? r studying tourism decides, from a huge range of different Besch? ftigungsm? options w? choose. Areas of application include: tour operators and agents airlines Hotel corporations amusement park cruise ships consultancies and agencies facilities, students will accordingly recommended, fr? hzeitig? to inquire about different areas of application and to specialize in the course of the studies. A specialization takes place mostly in the framework of language programs, internships, and the focus dial..

Training Series On Evidence-based Nursing

Posted by on Thursday, 2 May, 2024

Professional care is increasingly greater challenges on the day in this area. Latest scientific findings form the basis for governance. Evidence-based nursing”(EBN) is the best known method to integrate current research results into practice. You much discussed in recent years, but is still too little consideration in nursing practice. Senator Angus King : the source for more info. To change this, the Institute for public health and care research (IPP) of the University of Bremen, who Bremer IT service providers and care specialist atacama, as well as the Centre for social policy (ZeS) called Club launched the Bremen journal.

Training sessions for professional nurses, nursing educators, students and all people who are interested in the evidence-based nursing practice, are designed together. The Bremen journal clubs it aims to knowledge and skills about EBN interesting, practice-relevant studies to convey. Problem-oriented they are together critically evaluated and so practical exercise dealing with scientific studies. The first block of training is dedicated to the probably most explosive challenge of nursing care the care concepts in dementia. In six meetings between 15 May and 1 December in each two hours trials evaluated with respect to their quality and discussed in the seminar group.

The meetings are held at the Institute of public health and nursing research (IPP) of the University of Bremen. The participation fee amounts to 90,00 EUR, reduced 45,00 EUR. Software GmbH was founded in 1998 in Bremen and promotes transparency and efficiency in hospitals and health insurance companies with innovative standard software solutions. The atacama team looks on more than fifteen years experience in the development of Software solutions for the healthcare sector back. To find more information about atacama, on the Internet at. Atacama and apenio are registered trademarks of the atacama. Software GmbH.

Many Professions Defy The Crisis

Posted by on Wednesday, 1 May, 2024

Analysis of the Internet portal highly qualified professionals from the crisis affected engineers, IT professionals, sales professionals, controllers and accountants are, for example, continues to be very popular Cologne, 06.02.2009 – people in highly skilled occupations must be provisionally great worry about their jobs. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jonah Bloom. After analyses of the Internet portal can be currently not even filled vacancies in many professions, because the number of jobs is greater than that of applications. The vacancies from 25 online job boards and national newspapers were evaluated for this investigation. Unchanged positive career opportunities prevail, for example, for the engineers, where long is a lack of qualified applicants, and also the current economic slowdown has not significantly degraded the infill. The professionals in the IT industry but occupy the leading position in terms of job security, where there is a relationship between job vacancies and re-allocation of approximately 10:1.

This one is even in the event soon de-leveraging down development in this industry enough buffers available to make the professionals of information technology also continues to sleep. Hardly worse situation with the consultants. Around 26,000 are currently sought, which possibly has to do with the increased demand for problem solutions in companies affected by the economic crisis. But also traditional professions that belong to the regular cast of each company, are still very much in demand according to the analyses of In particular, the controller and accountant include, possibly because the cost saving enjoys a great attention at the moment. Here, currently about 20 percent are more vacancies than there are applicants.

Similarly, unchanged good cards at the job search has professional sales and marketing who is at home. And even buyers is looking for businesses in greater numbers when the labour market will bear it. The high qualification level is undoubtedly in the today’s situation”a key factor in workplace safety, judge Dirk Berweiler, Managing Director of Overall, the analysis would also show that with decreasing degree of qualification the numerical mismatch between job vacancies and candidates get. Highly qualified, be so our observation, tends to be relatively unscathed by the economic crisis”, the Chief of the job portal is waiting.

Change Management

Posted by on Sunday, 28 April, 2024

The change management faces new challenges. The authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer have unconventional solutions in their book ‘ power issue change’ released. After the crisis, is before the crisis. This is also the management of many companies realize. In many cases, new strategies and restructuring programs are the result. Management is accompanied by an increase in the demand for change.

The change should vote especially the staff on the changes for today’s approaches and models and mobilize targeted. But where earlier a class struggle raged negotiated today increasingly a co-management”from Works Council and workforce that already apply the required understanding and the necessary work ethic for change at the company in advance. They strike less and are less and less organized into a Trade Union. Nowhere, this change as clear as when the change is management. The staff stand together in times of crisis. However, the change fails management increasingly in a growing phenomenon: trench warfare on the Boardroom. A challenge which overlooked the current change approaches.

Rapid changes in the Executive Suite, personal differences and constant infighting prevent clear decisions for the company. This just successful change needed in management capacity and commitment of the leadership. “Therefore, existing approaches to new measures need to be complemented as Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer in her book power issue change: why mostly on management change projects fail and how you can do better” describe. The vertical class struggle falls silent, the horizontal, however, has broken out fully. Current approaches of change management in no way obsolete are the authors. Today, but no longer exclusively the employees are with in the boat to pick up. Conflicts on management level must be recognized and powerful decided. To make the change a success, TOP management needs therefore a functional concept of power in a strategically planned change process used comes to be action and assertive. Authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer provide a sample of their work and a presentation on the subject at. Interested can also inform yourself about current information to the subject of change management and a discussion area in direct contact with the authors. “Content: with the title question of power change: why mostly on management change projects fail and how you can do better” show the authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer new concepts for a successful change management and explain how to build the right structures and processes, equally speaks staff and executives, and what understanding of leadership that is necessary.


Posted by on Friday, 16 February, 2024

Apply now for scholarships in the Bachelor studies marketing communication or communication design. Berlin, June 21, 2012. The winter semester 2012/13, the design Academy berlin, school of communication and design, in cooperation with horizon measurement for study and training – awards two full scholarships in the Bachelor studies marketing communication and communication design in a total of around 50,000 euros. With strategy to success!” Develop a social media campaign and get a free place in the B.A.. marketing communication. Social media is on everyone’s lips, whether Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Google + come companies also in the digital age does not go past to make use of the new communication channels and to enter in the Web 2.0 dialog. Who would win a scholarship in the B.A.

course marketing communications, developing a social media strategy for horizon. The Bachelor degree course marketing communications qualified for the various tasks across the spectrum by marketing and communication: with the Shapes brand planning, interactive media and communication management opened many perspectives in modern marketing, media and communications professionals in agencies or companies the Bachelor marketing communication. Professional images are, for example, strategic planner, customer consultants, PR speakers, account manager or marketing manager. Interested parties can demonstrate their strategic thinking with developing a social media strategy for the horizon and thus take the opportunity on a full scholarship for a study place. “Scholarship: B.A.. Sam Feldman: the source for more info.

marketing communication deadline: 8 August 2012 creative talents wanted!” Develop two posters and get a free place for the creative course B.A.. communication design. The Bachelor degree course in communication design is characterized by photography, film & motion and interactive development. Prospective students can secure a scholarship place, in which they demonstrate their creative abilities. Task is, for the horizon measurement for study and training two posters for the announcement of the horizon test to develop. A young man in the focus should be on a poster. Scholarship: B.A.. communication design deadline: 8 August 2012 details about the tasks and conditions of participation, see. Background information: The design Academy berlin, school of communication and design, the specialists and managers in marketing, advertising and design forms. The College privately with the specializations of marketing communication and communication design places emphasis on a friendly and creative atmosphere of study into manageable groups of semester. In addition to the State-approved Bachelor studies marketing communication (B.A.) and communication design (B.A.), also the masters of marketing communication (M.A.), creative direction (M.A..) and corporate communication (M.A.) are offered. The professors of the College have a scientific education and didactic experience relevant professional and practical experience. The specialist teachers daily fashion trends in advertising, communications and marketing in agencies and businesses.

Partner GmbH ESXi

Posted by on Wednesday, 7 February, 2024

Fast lane: training to migrating to VMware ESXi Hamburg / Berlin, August 16, 2010 as authorized VMware training centers (VATC) ( vmware) fast lane has its training offer to vSphere: expanded transition to ESXi (VTE). The two-day training is primarily aimed at system administrators, engineers, the technical support and consultants who are responsible for the management and the support of a vSphere installation. This practice-oriented training shows the requirements and effects of the transition from a VMware vSphere environment to VMware ESXi. Some contend that view website shows great expertise in this. The trainer provide the expertise required and the skills to basic design decisions and to achieve the successful change to ESXi in a vSphere environment existing. The course is based on ESXi 4.1.

In the first step of the training, ESXi is closer analysed and highlighted the benefits for use in its own operating environment. Then, the installation and configuration processes are available on the curriculum. Prime Group Holdings has much experience in this field. Treatment may be the use scripts to the realization of complex Esxi environments and appropriate management. Last but not least also the assessment of the possible risks associated with such a migration is a topic. Curriculum at a glance – introduction working with VMware ESXi – installation and configuration of VMware ESXi – run management tasks – VMware ESXi environments on a large scale – use of scripting interfaces next deadline Berlin 26-August 27, 2010 price: 1.300,-+ VAT More information is available at course/vm-vte at the disposal. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.

Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other vendors, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting.

Munich Tel

Posted by on Tuesday, 26 October, 2021

3. Sensitive information with Bildschimfiltern protect: you know this technology most likely by ATM. For laptops, there are also special views protection filters that make it impossible from a certain angle, to see what is on the screen. Employees who have access to highly sensitive data, these filters for their devices should be available. 4.

Paper documents attention too often perceived only under IT security aspects of information security. However, are easy to carry paper documents and commuters move with can quickly get a glimpse it in a careless moment. In the worst case, the paper copy will be forgotten and gets into the wrong hands. Therefore, should confidential documents when she are no longer needed are, returned to the workplace or securely destroyed. 1 Opinion matters for Iron Mountain. The survey was conducted between April 15, 2013 and may 1, 2013. Sample: 5,021 working adults in Germany, UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Of 1.002 from Germany.

On request from essential media (contact see below) also an infographic on this subject is available. For more information about the services provided by Iron Mountain, see: about the Iron Mountain Germany GmbH Iron Mountain offers comprehensive solutions for the management of information. Iron Mountain’s experts help companies to find solutions suitable for them in the safe and lawful storage and rapid availability of their documents and data. Customers will benefit immediately from predictable costs and optimized processes, as well as from the comprehensive know-how of the service provider for effective information management. As worldwide Service partners with Iron Mountain caters both to physical documents as well as digital data over 60 years of experience and covers the entire life cycle of the information thereby from secure storage to destruction. founded in 1951, Iron Mountain has more than 155,000 businesses in North America, Europe, Latin America and in the Asia Pacific region and managed in its archives and data centers of billions of data and information. Worldwide, Iron Mountain employs 17,500 people and posted revenues of $ 3 billion in 2012. 95 Percent of the Euro STOXX 50 companies among its customers by Iron Mountain. In the Fortune 1000 list, Iron Mountain ranked ranked 675.


Posted by on Monday, 6 July, 2020

SRH University Hamm in the TOP 7 in North Rhine-Westphalia In a covert test of the WDR to the speed / quality of counselling with regard to the preparation to the double Abijahrgang of the NRW-UNIS SRH is school of logistics and management Hamm at the front. WDR-reporter had assumed the identity of the alleged high school graduates Norbert and Sarah and on whose behalf contacted the study advisory service by 57 colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia. It was the response of universities to fairly uncertain acting students, still not quite knowing what they should really do with their ABI. The uncertainty on the pages of high school graduates was high this year. Late, they received their exit certificates, already deadline at the universities was a few days later. The WDR reporter wanted to know: the universities actually to the prospective students, as they had repeatedly announced it in advance of the winter semester to worry? He wrote a letter and an email and then evaluated the speed and quality of the answer.

Result: The SRH University for logistics and economy Hamm mastered the requirements, along with 6 other schools. I.e., that of 57 contacted universities only seven (three private and three public colleges and a University of the Arts) met the quality requirements of the WDR reporter and answered within a day both a letter and an email request. This is gratifying for us. Our processes are also so clocked. I put high value on quality and service, SRH – Managing Director Steffen Bruckner said. The school leavers must find your way today in a real jungle of study and training. You want fast, understandable answers and support in their decision-making process. To respond to inquiries as quickly as possible and with high quality, we had significantly expanded our studies consulting team in the summer.

In addition we offered still another service, support in terms of BFog, apartment search, financing. Also with introductory lectures we offered “Guidance and providing decision support.” “Recently the SRH got an email of a happy father: overall, the College makes a very professional impression, we are pleased that our son has made the right choice”, stated therein. According to WDR, the E-Mail requests from most universities were answered as the letters not only faster, but also personal. Especially private universities, demand so the WDR, again even after a few days or weeks, if the interest in the study continue to insist. Also this is normal for us, so Bruckner.” “We have included a dedicated student team in the Advisory, that – gone after professional advice training – months on the prospective students, personal interviews conducted on site and guided tours of the College.” SRH Announces College Hamm, also future quality and service in the Advisory – both before and during the study period – to put in. This is for us simply self-evident”, finally, as Bruckner.

New Advisory Board Member

Posted by on Friday, 3 July, 2020

The Advisory Board of the V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr. Heribert Bohlen, Dr. Bernd Wahle and Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – advises the V + fund companies with competent expertise. Details can be found by clicking Paul Price or emailing the administrator. The V + Management GmbH have succeeded to win Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer as a member of the Advisory Board for the V + fund companies.

Mr Prof. Fischer 1 leads since 2001 in Aachen the Institute of biology (molecular biotechnology), VII the Fraunhofer Institute for molecular biology and applied ecology IME MB and in Newark (Delaware) the Fraunhofer United States Center for molecular biotechnology and since 2009 the CSB Center for Systemsbiotechnology in Chile. Realistic research institutions dedicated to applied research and development in life sciences in the field of molecular biology and ecology. The Fraunhofer IME conducts research and development in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemistry, agriculture/environmental protection and consumer protection. The Aachen-based part of the Institute develops practical application of new technologies to diagnose and therapy of human and animal diseases. Crops and Food will be protected against pathogenic influences.

The Schmallenberger part of the Institute recognizes and assesses the opportunities and risks of synthetic and biogenic substances for the environment and consumers. Protective strategies are developed and implemented. Oriented to customer research services, development services, and services are bundled in business fields and are based on different customer groups: functional and applied genomics, pharmaceutical product development, biotechnology, integrated production platforms, plant protection, chemicals – and product safety, ground – water protection, environmental monitoring, food and feed safety. Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – co-founder of four other startups – 2003 the AAvandgarde laboratories AG in Aachen – 2004 the PharMedartes GmbH in Bochum – 2006 Medusa Biotech in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia – 2009 the AgroProtect GmbH in Aachen goals of the Advisory Board the Advisory Board 2 of V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr.