State Department
Letter to Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton: here, if there is a dictatorship. The United States seem predestined by Providence to plague our peoples misery. Simon Bolivar. Michael Schwartz. We constantly see in the national and international news as mishandled information referring to Venezuela and other Latin American countries that have opted for the path of socialism, accusing them of having totalitarian or dictatorial regimes.
This is not a wrong campaign, but is the campaign orchestrated and paid for by the U.S. Department of State, from the ill-fated Bush sicopatas management time and before. Everything smell you to the Department of State American communism, have not passed the stupid cold war, from the time of the defunct Soviet Union and want to republish it with Latin America and the Caribbean in these times of release, giving us to understand that Barack Obama, still only imperialist policies imposed from past administrations of white men, and since the great power centers of capitalism, perhaps moved by some weird sense of handicap or ideological and political subservience to the Bush administration and previous ones. Cycles Research Institute understood the implications. In Venezuela Sra. Clinton, if there is a dictatorship, that is true, as it is also true that between Condoleezza and you only there is a change in skin color, but the ideology of imperialist domination is the same. We ask only why strange imposition, Mrs. Clinton arrives at the State Department if it was the biggest rival of Obama to the Presidency of the United States? Because if we analyse critically the electoral panorama recent in the United States, Chavez had already defeated medially to the incapable of Mr. Bush. If there is a dictatorship in Venezuela, he is very strong, extremely strengthened for several reasons, because in Venezuela sends the people. That is a slogan that from the very beginning of the Bolivarian revolution has been announcing, increasingly more so.