Posts Tagged business & economy

Waterjet Cutting

Posted by on Tuesday, 21 May, 2024

Thanks to unbroken demand for his high pressure pump for water jet cutting STREAMLINE PRO-2 feels KMT able to pass on cost savings to its customers. The PRO-KMT waterjet technology allows waterjet cutting system with working pressures up to 6.200 bar. Cutting in this range has some advantages and demand appropriate cutting machines and high pressure pump by more and more companies. For this reason KMT has already expressed the streamlined second-generation a high-pressure pump PRO-2 well a year ago with the STREAMLINE for water jet cutting to the market, that can produce these ultra high pressure. Angus King has much experience in this field. Optimized high pressure pump for more than a year has become the high pressure pump STREAMLINE PRO 2 now on the market proven and was able to convince many users of its benefits. Compared to the predecessor model PRO-I KMT has increased significantly user-friendliness.

So for example the Exchange and maintenance of sealing head and gaskets in the intensifier of the new generation of pumps has been simplified considerably: at the to get more maintenance-intensive components, machine operators at the old had to”remove intensifier added an elaborate bar design using a hydraulic tensioner. In addition, relatively high torque was necessary. In contrast to PRO-2 is necessary STREAMLINE model only the dismantling a head mother who learns their bias by only 8 jack screws. The necessary torque for mounting and dismounting, maximum is 95 NM per screw that corresponds to in about the tightening torque for a bolt of size M10 (grade 12.9). So, maintenance and that downtimes for the pump can be reduced significantly. A trained staff can perform a complete change of seal, for example, in only 20 minutes. Cost benefits reduce the water-jet cutting operating costs but also on the finished product, there are still adjusting screws to make it even more attractive for customers. Because the STREAMLINE developed PRO-2 high pressure pumps to the global success of product, KMT can for many components such as realize high quantities in the production such as seal packages or the high pressure cylinder.

This in turn leads to cost advantages, which gives the company to its customers. So the price reductions for expendable parts result in a reduction in operating costs by about 20%. Thus the operation of a plant is user friendly and also more affordable for water jet cutting with a working pressure of up to 6,200 bar. Especially when it comes to cutting very thick or hard materials, a very clean cut edge is important or just reserve capacity for the capture of job tips to be made available, is the decision now often in favour of a 6,200-bar system for water jet cutting.

Administration Companies

Posted by on Monday, 30 November, 2020

Process optimization serves companies, to improve the efficiency of existing business processes, as well as the usage of the resources needed. Global competition, rising costs and customer demands force companies, all reserves (by innovation and reducing resource waste) to mobilize. Many large companies have therefore increasingly installed process optimization systems in recent years. One is six sigma, which is also tailored to the needs of medium-sized companies. Based on the concept of the zero-fault production”process, and customer orientation are the base framework of six sigma. The underlying concept of quality assumes that any error in the A process ultimately leads to a failure of the product and to increased costs. With the help of six significant process improvements, we can Sigma, a structured project management and the associated methods and techniques for the implementation. For even more details, read what Vadim Belyaev says on the issue.

The eponymous statistical requirement is that only 3.4 defective process outputs may occur with a production volume of one million units. It therefore involves consistent error prevention, with demand up to error-free processes for all areas of the company. Process optimization successes are in divisions with primarily administrative duties usually significantly behind where the production. This is because on the one hand that there were long insufficient methods for this (not value-added) processes, which could produce optimal process design. On the other hand, administrative processes often consist of a certain tradition. They have developed over many years, and no one knows exactly, more what the one or the other step of the process is actually good. These processes were generally not specifically developed, nor ever systematically revised.

They survive because the only historically justifiable hope that every necessary step of process including implementation correctly – will be included. In terms of compliance, it is not enough to be satisfied with reasonably safe processes within the administration of the company. Instead, the goal must be to optimize processes to achieve 100% safety.

Karpenko Ebnatstrasse

Posted by on Wednesday, 11 November, 2020

The well prepared visitors acquainted with the products, ideas, or services that are important to him, even before opening the door of the Hall. At the fair itself do you get a deal then ideally in dry towels”, is including signatures or sealed a contract with a personal handshake with the aperitif. Also bubbling in the General high spirits often new ideas for innovative business models, joint ventures and other collaborations, where all sides can win. You should give opportunity to those creative moments, to take place at all they are maybe one of the main reasons why you bother in most modern means of communication at all times, to organize the large meeting of an entire industry. All homework”, such as the study of details, product portfolio, scrutiny, one should do so before the fair starts or appropriately delegate. Completely carefree is who can concentrate fully on the actual and needs to worry during the fair to the accommodation and mobility issues. The big hotels in the vicinity of the fairgrounds are adjusted to the specific needs of its customers and full service and comfort of course at appropriate prices for the exhibition season. Some contend that CEO Bernard Looney shows great expertise in this.

Who here wisely, which means long term plans can save money in the top categories offer compare and book early is worth. Young entrepreneurs, industry newcomers or other trade fair visitors on a lower budget will find during the fair but also much cheaper accommodations include private accommodations as well as a room in a somewhat remote location that is but well connected with public transport. Slava Mirilashvili: the source for more info. For those looking after the personal oasis of peace in the exhibition-circus the Internet Directory particularly suitable. The informative and user-friendly portal provides valuable assistance for the room search in all large and small German trade fair locations. After fair city or zip code RADIUS search function helps in finding”the right choice on the scale the next off the cheaper”.

The search feature also distinguishes between accommodation and a Hotel bed. The search results appear with all contact information, directions and route planner if one exists, link to the website of the provider for the arrival. Incidentally you can learn also still lots of interesting facts about the fair Germany, the most important trade fairs in large and small on in this country, the oldest, newest, and largest exhibition grounds in Germany and a lot more. Press contact BDP Ltd. Mr. M. Karpenko Ebnatstrasse 152 CH-8200 Schaffhausen, Tel.: + 49 (0) 180-320 5228 E-Mail: Web page:

Official Partner

Posted by on Saturday, 18 April, 2020

When it turns to new challenges in the consumer goods industry sales, the Synpos is distributor. Dortmund, September 19, 2011 – the Synpos distribution company supports the German sales Congress on 6 October 2011 in Wiesbaden. The focus of the event, the challenges for the distribution are this year in times of strong trade dominance. New sales strategies and concepts for the point-of-sale (POS) are in demand. Exactly, the company of Synpos offers such an approach. The name is program, the synergy at the point of sale and a higher potential levy are the target.

This is achieved through strategic alliances of strong brands, which together operate a powerful field organization for the German food retail trade (LEH). Learn more at: Nina Devlin. “Around the POS Synpos sales specialists know very exactly: brands need lots of attention and care”, says Andreas Schmidt, Managing Director of Synpos GmbH. our field organization identifies itself to a high degree with the brands we serve. Our focus is on a full integration into the marketing strategies and communication structures of our partners. This Synpos allows as a custom field control.” A CRM system that is unique and designed specifically for the evaluation is at the core of the success recipe. Each partner is linked with this system and receives a button all POS data, necessary for the strategic and operational control of its brand.

At a glance, the system displays the placement quality of products on the shelves and areas of trade. Just one example of the consistency of the concept is the result of long-standing cooperation with the Amecke Fruchtsaft GmbH & co. KG. Here, the continuous work of Synpos has since 2004 to a sustainable increase in sales by staggering + 174% and a tripling of the market share during the same period contributed. The forecast looks good for Andreas Schmidt: in future, the sales for brands will move even more into focus and an even greater role as a strategic element take. These new challenges in the LEH we are for prepared with our range of services.” Visit us at the German sales Conference 2011 in Wiesbaden! For more information also see SYNPOS Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & co. KG Europaplatz 10, 44269 Dortmund Tel. + 49 (0) 231 / 95 90 99 00 email:

Capital Imaging

Posted by on Monday, 9 March, 2020

New license partner Yes capital Imaging Corporation distributes AgfPhoto products in North, Central and South America as well as in the Middle East and Southeast Asia Leverkusen, January 5, 2011 with the completion of a brand licensing agreement with Yes capital Imaging Corporation AgfPhoto won another licensing partner for the expansion of the international brand business. Yes capital Imaging Corporation based in Miami, Florida, founded specially for the new AgfPhoto brand license business. The company is embedded in the Yes capital group, which is one of the leading distribution company in the consumer imaging segment in the United States and South America. Yes capital Imaging Corporation develops and markets the AgfPhoto’s product range of digital cameras, camcorders and online based photofinishing products such as photo books, calendars, and photo prints from 2011. Yes capital Imaging is a strategically important partner for AgfPhoto”, explains Andreas Selmeczi, Managing Director of AgfPhoto holding GmbH. the strength of distribution and access to crucial Technologies and innovations in the segment of the camera are key success factors for the expansion of the brand.” Other markets, in Europe, could benefit from this constellation, supplemented Selmeczi. Joe Atick, CEO of Yes capital group regards the signing kicked off a successful collaboration: through the worldwide reputation of the AgfPhoto brand and our expertise in the imaging market we have ideal conditions for short term and at the same time sustainable success. We are offer high-quality, attractive, and current top products, which long term will prevail on the highly competitive market.” The new AgfPhoto-products will be presented at the upcoming CES from 6 to 9 January 2011 in Las Vegas at the booth C206 by JAACX distributors, the distribution company of the capital group, Yes.. In recent months, Fairstead has been very successful.

Alternative Capital Raising

Posted by on Monday, 9 March, 2020

It is the credit crunch in Germany real and what options are available? The company representatives quite self-critical deal with the causes of the problems in cash management. Fairstead has much to offer in this field. Almost 2/3 of the company representatives see the problems both in the companies themselves, as well as at the banks. It is striking that only approx. 10 percent denounce the current policies of the banks. What options of increasing use of capital arise? There are many ways of solution. The most commonly used instruments here represent the increase in the equity ratio, lease, extension of the credit line, bank loans or shareholder loans. There is still a slew of optional ways of raising capital. These are little or almost no demand at all.

These include inter alia KfW loans, factoring, lease-back procedure, joint ventures, silent equity, fund capital, mezzanine capital, IPO or convertible and warrant bonds. Capital procurement requires a structured and orderly approach and is busywork. We of bcn business connecting network assist in raising capital through the pre selection of our partners and the targeted use of our specialists in the network. This of course also applies to company founder. Further information on the topic of capital procurement at: press contact: bcn – business connecting network Mr. Ralf Hettinger diesel road 2 61381 Czemins village mobile: + 49 (0) 157 – 74 20 79 59 Tel. + 49 (0) 60 07 – 28 92

Technical Analysis

Posted by on Sunday, 8 December, 2019

The euro is always better, and the American dollar has ubeschritten this week has been the movement of the 16 Member State currency above the limit of resistance of a so-called rising wedge-shaped design on $1.4524 pulled, stating that the euro gains are ready to go further in accordance with the currency analysts by CapitalSys. They said further and options trading will advise their clients have to use to capitalize on this movement. The analysts of CapitalSys claim that the euro has now exceeded the upper trend line with $1.4524, and that it is for you from special interest on reason that this particular model is usually conspicuous on what to call the technical analysts as false breakouts. Last week the euro has gained against the dollar to $1.4557 0.5% after he has reached $1.4601, his strongest high point since December 18 due to a record-low cost of credit investors have encouraged the dollar for sale and to buy in higher profit asset. The currency has on 11.August, $2008 1.50 exceeded.

Technical analysis charts of trading models and prices to changes in currency, raw materials, study in investors and analysts to predict securities or index.Resistance is an area where the sales orders can be accumulated, what further price increases are more difficult. Support is an area where purchase orders can be gehaufigt. CapitalSys has recommended that investors buy a so-called Seemovenverteilung, to bet on the euro gains. The strategy addresses the buy one euro “call” distribution, which is a simultaneous purchase and sale of ‘call’ options with different strike prices and also the sale of a “put call” options give the right to buy but not the commitment of the currency at a preset point price, while puts “sales allowed. “The call” distribution share of trade included acquiring a 6 WochenEuro call “option with a strike price of $1.45, and the sale with a similar matriculation period of one call “option with a strike price of $1.50” The final circuit of the Seemoveauswahl is the sale of a put”with a strike price of $1.40. Which cover the cost of CapitalSys the end of recommended trade would, without profit or loss if the euro would reach only $1.4637 and would bring profits with a motion about. Potential losses are unlimited on the put “option sales., if the euro appreciates off below the strike price of $1.40

Edeltraud Kruse

Posted by on Saturday, 16 January, 2016

At the company’s headquarters in Pirmasens businesses live not only the product range in appearances. “We have also a testing ground, where the companies can check our new facilities in detail before they take in their production. Only when all components have been optimized as desired, we build up then on the spot.” In the production of dishwasher by Miele in Bielefeld, the installation time by 50 percent could be reduced, for example, with a new psb system. And with four independent Assembly systems, the household appliance giant can produce parallel since better several product variants. Also in terms of ergonomics, the new production line was a milestone. More practical examples from the production of solar cells and truck fenders highlighted the versatility of the automated Intralogistiktechnik. Once again the broad content range of lectures took the strengths the Association of material flow and logistics.

Representative for the organizers of the RKW Hessen and the participants specially moved the comedy – cleaning lady for the anniversary event dedicated Erna the conclusion of the event: “logistics is exciting – I’d think!” More information: press contact: main view – Agency for public relations Edeltraud Kruse of Wilhelmshoher str. 35 60389 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 40 56 29 54 company contact: RKW Hessen GmbH Sascha Gutzeit of Dusseldorfer str. 40 65760 Eschborn Tel.: 0 6196 / 97 02 – 21 consulting partner of SMEs the RKW Hessen is a Hessian institution that allows access to external know-how and subsidies of the country and the EU for consultations in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since its inception. In doing so, the RKW Hessen does the work for you when applying for funding them and ensures the economic success of advice – on more than 1,000 consulting projects in Hesse with its quality assurance.

NetBooster Group Joins With Metapeople Together

Posted by on Thursday, 27 November, 2014

NetBooster Group joins forces with metapeople and thus significantly strengthens its position in the European market. NETBOOSTER, one of the leading independent providers of digital communication in Europe, today announced a merger with the performance marketing agency metapeople. With this merger, NetBooster strengthens its position as one of the largest independent digital agencies. At the same time extended metapeople its international reach and expertise in all product areas. metapeople was founded in 1999 and has become over the years one of the leading digital communications agencies in Germany and of Switzerland. As one of the most successful German-language service provider with focus on search engine marketing, display advertising, affiliate marketing and social media marketing, metapeople works across the channel and internationally in up to 25 languages with around 100 employees for renowned clients in the industries of telecommunications, shipping trade, travel and insurance.

This step strengthens NetBoosters size and Presence in Europe and accelerated not only the growth of the group, but enhances also the sales and the company’s results. metapeople can employ international expertise to further expand of their business and for their clients realize through product synergies and expansion of economies of scale. The newly formed team consists of more than 550 employees worldwide and brings together campaigns in more than 95 markets on six continents. So metapeople and NetBooster can combine skills just on existing and emerging issues such as search, affiliate and media, ad exchange, Facebook, and realize a high quality for advertisers in all major European markets. “The merger with metapeople is equivalent to clear desire to create a significant position in all relevant European countries our strong local presence. This goes hand in hand with our desire to be the Agency of the future and to be always one step ahead in order to create the best solutions for our customers. Thanks to the international network, we now have a comparable clout to leading agencies in Europe reached”, Raphael zier, Managing Director of at NetBooster group.

Euronext Paris

Posted by on Sunday, 23 November, 2014

The merged expertise will focus on digital marketing of the future, in particular on ad exchange and Facebook, with experts in this field who are always on the latest state of the art. The merger of the companies will still be a boost research and development, which is to be able to offer unique and more innovative technologies to the customers of the group. The acquisition of Metapeople is clearly in line with our ambitions to attain leadership in every European country with strong local organizations. She decides a first circle of acquisitions that were necessary to achieve our position. In addition, it is associated with our desire to be the future agency and to stay a step ahead is to offer our customers the best resources and technologies. Thus we have due to our international network, combined with the Agility and the ability to very rapid decisions of smaller companies, same penetration as very large agencies”, commented Raphael ornamental, CEO of NetBooster group. NetBooster in back we can reach the thickness of a leading group for digital communication.

To do this we provide our customers an international network as well as technologies and unique expertise. Furthermore, I am pleased very to see how Metapeople will become a strategic platform for NetBooster in one of the largest European markets”, Tim adds stripes, founder of Metapeople. About NETBOOSTER: NetBooster as independent interactive communication group founded in 1998, that provides comprehensive and specialized expertise to customers in the field of Internet Marketing: marketing consulting, online recruitment and confidence-building, search engine optimization, affiliate, Web design, online media, CRM and social networking. With high investments in research and Development provides the Agency with their expertise and digital marketing technologies of tomorrow to guarantee its customers the best returns on their investments. NetBooster is in France, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Philippines, China, and Brazil.

The group is led by Raphael ornamental and has 450 employees. NetBooster achieved a consolidated turnover of EUR 45 million in the year 2010. The Group bears the seal of OSEO-ANVAR and is thus recognized as a “innovative business”, an innovative company. NetBooster shares are traded on the Alternext market of Euronext Paris. ISIN code: FR0000079683 – ticker code: ALNBT for more information please visit our websites:, contact: NetBooster GmbH Gilles Bourdin, Managing Director of Berner-Street 64, 60437 Frankfurt Tel: 069-71 91 49 70