Third Edition

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But with age the mental similarities disappear, the measure that meagers the effect of common creation; in the adult life, the approach correlation is zero. These discoveries contradict the generalized belief of that, to the measure that we accumulate life experience, influences it increases it ambient in traces as intelligence. ue. Creativity and Intelligence Creativity are the ability to produce ideas that are new and valuable. In each one, creativity means to express familiar subjects in new ways. The results of the intelligence tests and creativity suggest that certain level of aptitude is necessary for the creativity, even so are not the sufficient. In general, the people with high punctuations of intelligence if leave well in the creativity tests.

The Experiments of Amabile (1987) had demonstrated that the creative environments also liberate the people of the concern with the social approval. In an experiment, it asked for to the university students who made colagens of paper, informing before the half that something that we invent to explain why some people have better performance of what others in cognitivas tasks. The majority of the specialists considers intelligence as capacity of a person for adaptable behavior guided for an objective. The intelligent behavior reflects a capacity to adapt itself, to learn with the experience, to decide problems and to reason with clarity.

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