Change Management

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The change management faces new challenges. The authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer have unconventional solutions in their book ‘ power issue change’ released. After the crisis, is before the crisis. This is also the management of many companies realize. In many cases, new strategies and restructuring programs are the result. Management is accompanied by an increase in the demand for change.

The change should vote especially the staff on the changes for today’s approaches and models and mobilize targeted. But where earlier a class struggle raged negotiated today increasingly a co-management”from Works Council and workforce that already apply the required understanding and the necessary work ethic for change at the company in advance. They strike less and are less and less organized into a Trade Union. Nowhere, this change as clear as when the change is management. The staff stand together in times of crisis. However, the change fails management increasingly in a growing phenomenon: trench warfare on the Boardroom. A challenge which overlooked the current change approaches.

Rapid changes in the Executive Suite, personal differences and constant infighting prevent clear decisions for the company. This just successful change needed in management capacity and commitment of the leadership. “Therefore, existing approaches to new measures need to be complemented as Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer in her book power issue change: why mostly on management change projects fail and how you can do better” describe. The vertical class struggle falls silent, the horizontal, however, has broken out fully. Current approaches of change management in no way obsolete are the authors. Today, but no longer exclusively the employees are with in the boat to pick up. Conflicts on management level must be recognized and powerful decided. To make the change a success, TOP management needs therefore a functional concept of power in a strategically planned change process used comes to be action and assertive. Authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer provide a sample of their work and a presentation on the subject at. Interested can also inform yourself about current information to the subject of change management and a discussion area in direct contact with the authors. “Content: with the title question of power change: why mostly on management change projects fail and how you can do better” show the authors Torsten Oltmanns and Daniel Nemeyer new concepts for a successful change management and explain how to build the right structures and processes, equally speaks staff and executives, and what understanding of leadership that is necessary.

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