For Porter

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Ahead of this competitiveness, the entrepreneur who to desire to remain itself in activity in the market must search the knowledge and necessary tools for promotion of the innovation in all the departments of its company. INNOVATION: CONCEPT AND APPLICABILITY the word innovation comes of the Latin innovatio, that means the introduction of some newness, something new, in any activity human being. It can be said that, the innovation is the combination of existing things already that they had brought changes in the market to the inserted being. The Manual of Oslo is the main international source of lines of direction for collection and use of data on innovative activities in the industry (Finep, 2004). In chapter 3 of the Manual, it says that: ' ' An innovation is the implementation of a product (well or service) new or significantly improved, or a process, or a new method of marketing, or a new organizacional method in practical the business-oriented ones, the organization of the workstation or in the relations externas.' ' For Porter (2004, p.184): ' ' The innovations can demand new methods of manufacture, distribution and marketing that modify the economies of scale or other barriers of mobilidade.' ' That is, in implementation of the innovation alterations in the process of the product, the logistic one and the form where it is taken to the market provokes as resulted a growth in the industry and still, a differentiation of the product. The implementation of the innovation inside of the company must be used inside of a sistmico agreement. The analysis of each one of its sources is basic for a positive result of the objective of organizacional change and market. Gibson and Skarzynski (2008, P. 13), make a comparison of the innovation: ' ' We can compare the innovation with one matryoshka (Russian doll). Of the side of it are, the doll seems simple.

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