Product Data

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Having the same one been authorized for the proprietor. (As opposed to MessageMe). In which if questionnaire to the customers was applied, of random form, as the availability of time of the same. The questioned item had been: – Sort; – Band of age; – Band of income; – Satisfaction how much to the localization; – Weekly Frequency; – Attendance of the employees; – Preferred Product; – Product quality; – Price; – Information; – Agility in the attendance; – General satisfaction with the company; – Telephonic Attendance; – Resolution of claim; – Points to be improved. For calculation one used tables, with the data in absolute number, well with its respective graphical representation. 4. Results and quarrel In Graphs I, II, III, the profile of the consumer of the Lig Esfiha can be observed, how much to the sort, income, and escolaridade.

In which we can observe that in a universe of 150 people: 69% of the freqentadores of the snack bar are of the masculine sex, before 31% of the feminine sex. How much to income 49% the R$2.000 has superior average income, 00, while 25% possess between R$1.000, 00 and R$2.000, 00, 17% possess between R$400,00 and R$ 1,000, 00 of average income, and 9% possesss less of R$400,00 of income. How much escolaridade 65% possesss average level of escolaridade, 28% superior level, 5% basic level and 2% without escolaridade. GRAPHICAL I Sort of the consumers Feminine masculine 104 46 Source: data of research 2011. GRAPH II Income of the consumers Until R$400 13 R$400 To the R$1000 25 R$1000 To R$2000 39 Above of R$2000 73 Source: data of research 2011. GRAPH III. Escolaridade Basic 7 Medium 97 Superior 43 Without Escolaridade 3 Source: data of research 2011. The evaluation of the consumers in relation assiduity to the establishment, the quality of the meals, and the services, beyond the consumed food more.

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