Trance Against Perfectionism
Perfectionism drives some crazy. With a new trance, it is easily possible to effectively defeat the perfectionism. Many people suffer from perfectionism perfectionism. It’s has to be perfect. “You must effort.” ‘With a dual you never will in your life something.’ “at your services you must always belong to the best three.” “There simply no error may happen.” Do you know these sentences? How often have we heard them in childhood? Ultimately, they have shaped us and made us perfectionists. Perfectionism is only a belief set, an inner, unconscious belief. Possibly he has become even a value, on which we measure everything else.
And who brings no perfect performance, just not enough tiring. Marcus Hein has found a way “SDF reduction CD 2 – perfect” with his CD, to defeat this perfectionism in his destructive Variant. First running of the listeners of the CD in a deep state of relaxation. This is the way to the unconscious beliefs of perfectionism free. Then the anti-Burnout-coach the old beliefs in question and offers new. “The subconscious now has a choice to accept the new beliefs. It selects those that appear meaningful to him. This respects the subconscious that to prosper the people afterwards.
Thus his carrier. it protects”says Marcus Hein. The handset comes to more security and more fault tolerance. He learns to deal with failures and own errors not easily throw iihn off track. On the contrary, he learns to laugh about it. Like he turns the needs continue and he learns to decide that a 90 per cent performance is sufficient in some cases. “This is still a great achievement. And most bosses would be satisfied, if the employees at 90% stop. The rest usually brings not much cost but infinite resources. “Marcus Hein adds. The CD is available through the website and 18.90 euros incl. Shipping costs. Some customers report already very positive experiences. Marcus Hein, Krefeld, 30 November 2012