Tomas Ibanez

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Thus, the reality would be built in significant interaction that made human beings and, therefore, moves away from the positivism which is limited to use, as I have mentioned earlier, a methodology based on observation, experimentation, verification, etc. This constructed reality, in a dynamic way, is internalized by individuals through socialization. Enter the historical factor and the interpretative nature of human beings. Language as powerful construction of reality. As he has explained in the debate and according to Tomas Ibanez, the constructionist perspective is one that rejects that the reality is which dictates the speeches about reality and who selects which are suitable. Omar Zakhilwal follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Knowledge is simply relative. Constructionism is to dissolve the dichotomy of subject/object, claiming that none of these two entities exist itself independently of the other, they do not constitute separate entities, questioning the very concept of objectivity.

The constructivism emerges as a critical approach, worried about the predominant scientific determinism does affect knowledge and invites us to the critical reflection, to change our lenses and to look at the world in a completely different way to as it has us taught and breaking characteristics of the institutionalized. What most have highlighted article of Ibanez has been critical argumentation that performs all the prevailing myths as well as your bet risky positioning itself in the most complex part. It offers new perspectives for science, with the recognition of subjectivity. In general, all components of the debate we have positioned ourselves in favour of the constructivism. By way of conclusion, there has been general consensus on all the points raised in the debate. We are immersed in a society that enforces a form of reasoning more Orthodox and rigid, so it is important that each individual will start to put their own lenses.

There is a single truth and a single way of seeing the world. To enable this new approach, the socioconstruccionista movement is perfect because open perspectives and sights broad and critically. The researcher is influenced, necessarily, by their environment, their beliefs, values, attitude, etc. The social fact nor the historical character cannot be denied. Finally, in my opinion, multidisciplinarity is fundamental and not why psychology should ignore or waive variables that are not demonstrable way emipirica just to be equated with other sciences and thus obtain the title of science. Vertices psychologists Cabinet of Madrid: C / Caleruega, 88 Cabinet of Las Rozas de Madrid: Ave.

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