Posts Tagged noticias-actualidad

President Hugo Chavez

Posted by on Monday, 8 July, 2024

At eleven o’clock in the morning yesterday, Venezuelan TVs were thus: in the left side of the screen, it appeared President Hugo Chavez, upright, in a suit, surrounded by his military high command, giving the order to start the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Act of independence of Venezuela from the Government Palace. On the right side, a general, with ornate chest of medals, saying from the paseo de los Proceres, on the other side of the city, that he, on behalf of the national armed forces, was willing to obey. Educate yourself with thoughts from ECRI. What followed was a civic-military parade of several hours – of tanks, warplanes and troops armed to the teeth–with which the Government of Venezuela held the civil gesta who founded the Republic in 1811. An event which, moreover, served to convene chavism unit in these times of crisis and Chavez, recovering as it is by the cancer that he suffers from, could only see on television.. Other leaders such as Mike Gianoni offer similar insights.

Chief Marketing Officer Spain

Posted by on Friday, 17 May, 2024

The new strategy of Direct insurance insurance price is called, and positioned it as an insurance company that always offers the lowest price of all competitors. The company is involved in this new proposal and be liable for refund twice the difference if you find a comparable price cheaper that offers Direct insurance. Taking into account the current situation of the insurance industry, that increasingly is more competitive, the insurer is placed 20 percent below the average prices of the market according to the accumulated IPS from January to September 2011, even to distance themselves, in the case of the franchise all-risk insurance, 29%. Cornell capital pursues this goal as well. In declarations of Gema Reig, Chief Marketing Officer Spain & Portugal has been able to hear with this bet we want to demonstrate to our customers there offer better in the market and that they can avoid mistakes with Direct insurance. With regard to the new car insurance campaign, shown very active in television with a spot titled words though actions are also performed on radio, web and social media. To promote Direct insurance has created a site baptised with the name of which has the spot aired on the major television networks and the conditions of the promotion..

Three People

Posted by on Thursday, 25 November, 2021

The autopsy of the last victim has revealed that the death was due to the amoebic meningoencephalitis. This Amoeba has been attacking in the brains of humans since the 1970s, with 120 cases in EE UU. To broaden your perception, visit CEO John Watson. The so-called Amoeba comecerebros already has three deaths in EE UU. On Thursday health authorities have begun investigation of his third victim, a child of 9 years in the State of Virginia that had been swimming in waters infected with this weird organism. The Richmond Times-Dispatch newspaper revealed that the small Christian Alexander Strickland died on 5 August, had attended a fishing camp before falling ill. The autopsy of the child revealed that she had died by amoebic meningoencephalitis, an infection caused by the Amoeba known as Naegleria Fowleri. This strange infection has also killed a young man 16 years in Florida. The young man fell ill after having been swimming.

Another of the injured was a man in Louisiana. Had exposed to the organism because it had nested in its useful for people with allergies, nasal rinse Cup. In the case of Louisiana, health authorities found the Amoeba in the House pipes. Thus, epidemiologists studied if the infection was widespread in the water system of the city. But finally discarded it the analysis.

Naegleria fowleri since the Amoeba was identified in the Decade of the sixties, about 120 cases in the United States, have been brought almost all those affected died, reported the Center for Control and prevention of diseases (CDC). The Naegleria fowleri typically enter the body through the nose or mouth. Once inside destroys brain tissue and causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a nearly always fatal disease of the central nervous system. Source of the news: an Amoeba is charged with the deaths of three people in EE UU


Posted by on Friday, 19 February, 2016

The building is located in the capital of the country, Abuja. It is estimated that the dead could reach one higher number. Authorship suspicions point to an Islamist sect or Al-Qaeda. At least 18 people have died in the bomb attack occurred Friday in the UN building in the capital of Nigeria, Abuja, reported the Police Commissioner Mike Zuokumor to reporters at the site of the event. Zuokumor said that the figures are, for the moment, interim and yet may vary, since they are continuing the rescue efforts after the explosion. We have ten dead and there could be more, explained a medical officer that it has asked not to be identified. A security source has pointed to the possibility that the attack was work of Boko Haram, a radical Islamist sect Nigerian, or Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, has condemned the explosion and described it as an attack on world peace.

In a statement released in the Nigerian capital, Jonathan also He expressed his revulsion by the barbaric attack, without sense and cowardly. The building of the UN has been blackened by full in the lower part can be the remains of a car that slammed into it and then broke out. Soldiers, firefighters and rescue teams are in place. A car slammed into the building and exploded. This is probably the work of Boko Haram or AQIM, and it is a serious escalation in the security situation in Nigeria, has considered responsible for safety. This is the worst thing that could have happened, has opined. Michael Ocilaje, Member of the UN staff who worked in the building, says having seen several dead bodies after the blast. We saw the explosion in the building.

All the people on the ground floor is dead. Their bodies are scattered all over the place. I’ve seen five corpses, it has reported. A Reuters reporter has seen several bodies entered into an ambulance. Boko Haram, whose name translated from the hausa means Western education is a sin, has been behind most of the attacks with pump and almost daily shootings, mostly against police. In fact, this Thursday, Boko Haram detonated a bomb at a police station and attacked banks in a town in the northeast of the country, leaving at least 12 dead, including policemen and a soldier. As for AQIM, operates mainly in neighbouring Niger, where has kidnapped several foreigners. However, also be suspected that it kidnapped a Briton and an Italian in Nigeria this year. In December 2007, an attack with a car bomb at the offices of the UN in Algiers left at least 41 dead, including 17 United Nations staff members. In 2003, fifteen members of staff and seven other people were killed in an attack with pump against the headquarters of the United Nations in Baghdad. Source of the news: at least 18 dead in the explosion of a bomb at the headquarters of the UN in Nigeria