Posts Tagged culture & religion

Low Cost On The Internet

Posted by on Monday, 8 July, 2024

About 75,000 pieces of contemporary art in the online gallery who is today for the purchase of contemporary art are interested in on the Internet cannot get past. is a market place for art in which artists, collectors, gallery owners and dealers original art for sale offer. With over 75,000 pieces of art by more than 10,000 artists, is the biggest online gallery in the entire german speaking world and one of the largest in Europe. The offer is growing rapidly, there are constantly new pieces of artwork. The portal offers an enormous selection and comfortable search functions art. Unlike most art platforms, where search held predominantly by artist name, you can search for also according to various criteria, such as E.g. Connect with other leaders such as More here. technology, style, size, price, or key words. So, specifically, collectors find quickly and comfortably to the works of art that particularly interest them.

The range covers the entire spectrum of contemporary art and ranges from the young talent up to the established, world renowned artist. The prices range from under 100 to over 200,000 euros. Famous names like Beuys, Christo. Immendorf, Dali, Uecker and many others are represented in a wide selection. Follow others, such as Mike Gianoni, and add to your knowledge base. Always attractive special offers are offered. The main advantage of an online gallery is that much more current art events can be mapped when it could afford a conventional Gallery.

Another advantage of an online gallery is of course that this is open around the clock and you can compare all alone. The high traffic portal offers sellers best sales and contact opportunities for art lovers, collectors and gallery owners. The setting up and maintenance of works of art is very simple and even for less technically savvy Internet users easy to deal with. A special feature is the possibility of a “virtual” collection. se will follow. At, anyone can also assemble artworks to a collection without putting financial resources, and assessing online make them. Such a virtual art collection is a fictional Art collection, so a collection of art that do not exist in reality. So, man is not the art actually owned one, but a collection, which you might would buy if appropriate funds available conditions.

Saxony Glauchau Christmas

Posted by on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

St. Georgen Church and churchyard as a haven of tranquillity in the Christmas hustle and bustle every year again as a companion of with so quiet Christmas hustle and bustle gather. Traditionally occurring to the historical Christmas market Glauchau in Saxony, Germany, in the castle complex of the former territory residence city, has become a part of the Christmas market on the church square in the immediate vicinity for four years. Many special events take place during the time of the Christmas market in St. George’s Church and the Church is open and invites you to visit.

As already in the previous year, a small flea market will be held, which contributes to the one to finance the many free offers and provides a charitable purpose to the second part of the proceeds. This year, the proceeds of a young mother who is half paralyzed since 2001 by a severe stroke and can no longer leave her house without outside help will benefit. The program at a glance: Thursday, 3 15 19: 00 open church with exhibition with sculptor and graphic artist Samuel Buttner, Christmas quiz Friday, Dec 15 20: 00 open church with exhibition with sculptor and graphic artist Samuel Buttner, Christmas quiz 17:30 lecture of SR. Mike Gianoni may help you with your research. Teresa Zukic with Gospel Choir Saturday, 05.12 11 20: 00 open church with exhibition with sculptor and graphic artist Samuel Buttner, Christmas quiz 15 17 Buchsenmemory 17-19:30-run Tower climbs to 18:00 Turmblasen 19:30 concert at the Silbermann organ with Henri Ormieres from France Sunday, 06.12 11 19: 00 open church with exhibition with sculptor and graphic artist Samuel Buttner, Christmas quiz 14: 00 Festival worship to the introduction by Rev. Large 15 17 Buchsenmemory 17:30 music students playing 18:00 Turmblasen in addition to these offers also a flea market found on Kirchplatz!

Ulrike Fritsch

Posted by on Friday, 27 November, 2020

The Ulrike Fritsch teaches beginners. In this course, you learn easy melodies on the hurdy gurdy in conjunction with the Rhythmisieren by the “Schnarre”. Also provides the basics of handling, Setup and also lots of interesting facts related to the hurdy gurdy. For this course can also instruments who borrowed-the, if you only “want to try”. Advanced hurdy gurdy players come in this year the pleasure to be intensively supervised Konstanze Kulinsky and Till Uhlmann, two speakers-ten. Anand Kumar takes a slightly different approach.

Thus, there is the possibility of forming small groups, whose Schwerpunkte in playing melody, the buzzing accompaniment or improvisation can be (according to requirements, individual skills and Teilnehmerwun c). Follow others, such as Jeffrey Leiden, and add to your knowledge base. The repertoire is based on traditional pieces with modern interpretations can be worked out. Oliver Stoffregen offers a course for players of the diatonic accordion, who are familiar with at least the Grundfertigkei ten of the instrument. Also for this course instruments can be borrowed be. In addition to strengthening the basics techniques to handle simple pieces are taught: Melody ornaments, Bellows work and monitoring possibilities with the basses. Jan Budweis and John of Uhlmann workshops at different levels offered advanced accordion players.

Simple dance tunes are often short and le ben through constant repetition. On the basis of pieces from the Repertoire of European folk music advanced variation and possibilities will be explored on the diatonic accordion. Natural-lich is entered individually on the different skills and problems. Spontaneous concerts and sessions, shared dancing or singing, Klontal on the open Ka-min, a bazaar with everything, etc. is to change their owner around the music he can about the workshop program, exciting days (and nights) to BURG FuRSTENECK-wait. More information and registration see: offers a content widespread folk BURG FuRSTENECK, Akademie fur musisch cultural and professional training in Hesse Open seminars for professional and personal music cultural education. BURG FuRSTENECK is carried by a “round table” of different social institutions and funded by the State of Hesse. The BURG FuRSTENECK was just renovated and offers modern seminar and accommodation for 70 people in a comfortable setting in the defiant, medieval castle walls. Contact: BURG FuRSTENECK – Akademie fur musisch cultural and professional training of Karsten Evers am Schlossgarten 3 36132 Eiterfeld (in Fulda district) 06672 92020 press contact: BURG FuRSTENECK – Academy for career and singing Karsten Evers am Schlossgarten 3 36132 Eiterfeld (in Fulda district) 06672 92020

Berlin Company

Posted by on Sunday, 19 October, 2014

The market for photographs on acrylic glass shapes out further. Berlin – the market for photographs on acrylic glass shapes out further., the leading professional for photos on acrylic affirms the trend of article and is in the second year in a row on the progress rate. The photo on acrylic glass concerning his glossy presence is sought after. For this reason, the sitting in the capital Berlin company for styles in plus sizes, which are produced only in Germany decided now. The photo on acrylic glass is printed by the secret has become the fashion product of the photo industry. The fascination with the product increasing both for the hobby photographer. Because the expression of the design trend of high-gloss tablet computers and Smartphones is also present in the photo products market. offered now Outsizes the principal display in addition to the extensive choice of formats and product designs. As our client, you can choose what glass width of the Berlin professionals print let his image on acrylic glass. The range are 3mm and impressive 8mm glass thickness. In the Premiumausgabe 8 mm thick acrylic glass are polished on the corners to a high gloss. The three-dimensional impression is secured for the audience so. Acrylic photos can be produced almost from any digital photo with sufficient resolution. Mobile cameras owned, resolution for acrylic glass photos in large format ranges from five Megapixels. Typically, offers sizes up to 120 x 90 cm.

For customers with special performances such as room divider, shower walls or kitchen rear of standing in the capital operating on demand specials manufactures. The orders of an acrylic photos is very easy on the Internet application of the company: in a few steps your own photo can be ordered as acrylic glass photo and uploaded. offers an attractive selection of suspension as an additional service. The “free floating suspensions” customers of suppliers are particularly popular. To acrylic That standing in the capital city of Berlin Company is one of the leading experts for printing onto acrylic glass. In more than fifty countries, this company supplies commercial and private clients with high-quality prints on acrylic glass.